Remote Access you PC to your phone to play PSO


I recently discovered that you can remote access you PC desktop from you phone using apps like Team Viewer. It could get tricky but... could you (has anyone) done this to play PSO on their phone? The 1st tricky part would be button/key configurations, the 2nd tricky part might be lag.
The technology is ALMOST there! Maybe it is there now.
You could do it, but the game would be practically unplayable. It's streaming, so there's delay in input and image display.

I wouldn't bother. I use TV on my Phone to access my PC at work, but it's not good for anything that needs split-second inputs such as video games.
I forget where I read about this, but someone had done it. It was fine for real simple solo play but not reliable enough for difficult content or group play due to the reasons Matt mentioned.