Razakel's Ye Ol' Supermarket

Heaven Striker Coat 5 PD
Amplifier of Rafoie 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

I'll pay with 5PDs + 300,000 Meseta.
Red Sword [Seize] [30/15/0/0|0]
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/40/0/0|0]
Vivienne [Heart] [0/0/0/0|0]
Last Swan [Lords] [0/0/0/0|0]
all reserva
i ll take these
Hey, where can I find the Mike's Shopkeeper Tool? Tried Googling it to no avail.
Pay me enough along with %compensation to deliver it to you personally with a smile and jetlag on an USB stick.

Or get it for free at
I’d like to buy:

Luminous Field

300,000 meseta + 1PD if you still got em!
(I see multiple of both, just pick me whichever of each you think is best)
TP Material x55 1PD for 3 mats / 100.000 Meseta for 1 mat
Book of Hitogata 5 PD

Can I pay with 5,500,000 Meseta and 5 PDs?