Razakel's Ye Ol' Supermarket


Friendly neighbourhood HUcaseal
Hail to ye! Welcome to my all-coin supermarket. I hear you want to smack your enemies all throughout Ragol. To do that, you need weapons, and I happen to be able to sell them at relatively accessible prices! In turn, you will also help my ammo resources, slaying those same Ragolians even harder! Win-win!

This list will be updated accordingly after trades are met.
You can depend on this list to be accurate in terms of availability most of the time.
For specific information on what I want and how to contact me, check the graph below.​


Without further ado


Note: For high meseta trades or anything regarding drop trades, I like to gather the totals first before dropping items as its easier for me to tally it up. This makes sure that the trade is fair on both ends, and makes DC's or desynchs less problematic.

"Secret Stache"

Photon Filter x1 26 PD or 7.800.000 Meseta
Vjaya [Charge] [15/15/0/0|40] 4 PD or 1.200.000 Meseta
Laser +8 [Hell] [35/0/40/0|55] 5 PD or 1.500.000 Meseta
Laser +1 [Arrest] [0/45/0/0|60] 4 PD or 1.200.000 Meseta
TypeME/Mechgun [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] 12 PD or 3.600.000 Meseta
Halloween Cookie x5 4 PD or 1.200.000 Meseta
Yahoo!'s engine x2 5 PD or 1.500.000 Meseta




Gladius +10 [Hell] [0/0/0/0|55] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Gladius +9 [Arrest] [0/40/0/45|50] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Gladius +9 [Hell] [0/0/0/0|55] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Gladius +2 [Hell] [0/0/40/0|55] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Red Saber [Fill] [20/0/0/30|15] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

Calibur +10 [Seize] [40/0/0/40|55] 3 PD or 900.000 Meseta
Red Sword [Seize] [0/15/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Red Sword [Seize] [15/15/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Zanba [Berserk] [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

Daylight Scar [Berserk] [30/0/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

Vjaya [Charge] [0/0/20/0|30] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Vjaya [Charge] [20/0/25/0|30] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Vjaya [Charge] [0/0/15/0|30] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Vjaya [Charge] [15/15/0/0|40] 4 PD or 1.200.000 Meseta
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [30/0/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [0/0/20/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [30/15/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Madam's Umbrella [Berserk] [0/25/0/0|25] 2 PD or 600.000 Meseta
Berdysh [30/25/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Yunchang [Berserk] [0/0/0/40|0] x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Yunchang [Berserk] [0/0/25/30|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Yunchang [Berserk] [0/30/0/0|15] 3 PD or 900.000 Meseta
Yunchang [Berserk] [20/0/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Yunchang [Berserk] [0/0/0/25|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Yunchang [Berserk] [25/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Snake Spire [Dark] [0/15/35/0|30] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Snake Spire [Dark] [0/25/0/0|30] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

Red Slicer [Flame] [0/0/0/0|25] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/30/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [25/0/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/0/0/0|0] x3 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Slicer of Fanatic [Demons] [0/15/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

Double Sabers:
Monkey King Bar [Devils] [0/0/0/15|15] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Monkey King Bar [Devils] [40/0/0/35|15] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Girasole [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Demolition Comet [Devils] [20/0/15/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Demolition Comet [Devils] [25/0/20/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Demolition Comet [Devils] [0/0/15/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Vivienne [Heart] [0/0/0/0|0] x4 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
TypeDS/Wand [Arrest] [0/0/0/0|30] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta



Harisen Battle Fan [Seize] [0/0/0/0|20] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Sange [Fill] [15/30/0/30|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Sange [Fill] [15/0/25/55|0] 2 PD or 600.000 Meseta
Guren [Burning] [0/0/0/0|0] x7 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Guren [Burning] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Guren [Burning] [25/0/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Guren [Burning] [35/0/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

Twin Swords:
Asuka [Burning] [0/0/0/0|30] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Asuka [Burning] [15/0/0/15|30] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

TypeKN/Claw [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|50] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta



Raygun +3 [Spirit] [0/0/0/0|50] x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Raygun +7 [Hell] [0/0/0/35|50] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Raygun [Spirit] [0/50/0/0|50] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Raygun +4 [Arrest] [35/0/0/0|50] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Ophelie Seize [Chaos] [0/0/0/15|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Ophelie Seize [Chaos] [0/0/0/0|0] x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Heaven Striker [Berserk] [15/0/20/0|0] 2 PD or 600.000 Meseta
TypeGU/Hand [Spirit] [0/0/0/0|40] x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
TypeGU/Hand [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] x3 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
TypeGU/Hand [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
TypeGU/Mechgun [Charge] [0/0/0/0|35] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
TypeGU/Mechgun [Spirit] [0/0/0/0|35] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

Laser +8 [Hell] [35/0/40/0|55] 5 PD or 1.500.000 Meseta
Laser +9 [Arrest] [40/0/0/0|50] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Laser +1 [Arrest] [0/45/0/0|60] 4 PD or 1.200.000 Meseta
Frozen Shooter [20/0/30/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Frozen Shooter [25/0/0/10|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Frozen Shooter [20/50/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Frozen Shooter [35/20/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Frozen Shooter [30/25/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Frozen Shooter [25/0/15/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Frozen Shooter [15/0/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

TypeME/Mechgun [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] 12 PD or 3.600.000 Meseta

Arms +3 [Spirit] [0/0/0/40|55] 3 PD or 900.000 Meseta
Rambling May [Chaos] [15/0/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Rambling May [Chaos] [20/0/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
L&K38 Combat [Burning] [0/15/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
L&K38 Combat [Burning] [0/15/30/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
L&K38 Combat [Burning] [0/0/35/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
TypeSH/Shot [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|40] 3 PD or 900.000 Meseta






Valkyrie [20/0/30/0|30] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Caduceus [Foie] [0/0/25/0|40] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

Fire Scepter: Agni [Flame] [0/15/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Storm Wand: Indra [Storm] [0/0/35/25|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

Kunai [Arrest] [20/0/0/15|0] 1 PD or 200.000 Meseta
Guardianna [Spirit] [15/0/25/15|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Guardianna [Spirit] [0/20/0/0|0] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta



Spirit Garment [2/7 | 5/5] [0S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Spirit Garment [0/7 | 3/5] [0S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Stink Frame [81/85 | 51/85] [0S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Sense Plate [4/8 | 4/8] [2S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Sense Plate [5/8 | 1/8] [0S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Sense Plate [1/8 | 5/8] [4S] 1 PD or 250.000 Meseta
Sense Plate [8/8 | 4/8] [3S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Electro Frame [19/50 | 12/20] [0S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Smoking Plate [49/50 | 7/20] [0S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Smoking Plate [27/50 | 5/20] [0S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Smoking Plate [50/50 | 11/20] [0S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Smoking Plate [41/50 | 10/20] [0S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Smoking Plate [18/50 | 15/20] [1S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Star Cuirass [10/20 | 0/0] [3S] 1 PD or 200.000 Meseta
Black Odoshi Domaru [8/10 | 4/10] [3S] 1 PD or 200.000 Meseta
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [3/10 | 1/10] [0S] 2 PD or 600.000 Meseta
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [3/10 | 7/10] [0S] 2 PD or 600.000 Meseta
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou [4/10 | 10/10] [0S] 2 PD or 600.000 Meseta
Wedding Dress [0/0 | 0/0] [0S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Thirteen [1/8 | 2/8] [0S] x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Thirteen [0/8 | 7/8] [1S] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Samurai Armor [0/0 | 0/0] [0S] 1 PD or 200.000 Meseta

Assist Barrier [3/5 | 0/5] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Assist Barrier [4/5 | 4/5] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Blue Barrier [3/5 | 4/5] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Blue Barrier [0/5 | 2/5] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Yellow Barrier [0/5 | 1/5] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Gratia [16/20 | 1/15] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Gratia [15/20 | 3/15] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Gratia [5/20 | 11/15] 1 PD or 150.000 Meseta
Gratia [8/20 | 14/15] 1 PD or 200.000 Meseta
Yata Mirror [5/20 | 13/25] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Yata Mirror [16/20 | 21/25] 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta



God/Mind x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
PB/Create x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Cure/Slow x3 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Cure/Shock 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
V501 3 PD or 900.000 Meseta
Heavenly/Power x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta


Tools, Techs and Mags

Bringer's Right Arm x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
S-red's Arms x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Parts of Baranz x3 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Magic Rock "Moola" x5 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Star Amplifier x3 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Parts of Egg Blaster x2 1 PD or 100.000 Meseta
Amplifier of Deband 1 PD or 100.000 Meseta
Amplifier of Rabarta x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Amplifier of Red 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Amplifier of Blue x2 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta
Yellow Paint 2 PD or 600.000 Meseta
Halloween Cookie x5 4 PD or 1.200.000 Meseta
Yahoo!'s engine x2 5 PD or 1.500.000 Meseta

Grants Lv27 1 PD or 300.000 Meseta

Mag [5.00/0.00/0.00/0.00] [ | | ] [Violet] 3 PD or 900.000 Meseta
Mag [5.00/0.00/0.00/0.00] [ | | ] [Bronze] 3 PD or 900.000 Meseta
Mag [5.00/0.00/0.00/0.00] [ | | ] [Gold] 3 PD or 900.000 Meseta
Last edited:
Guard Wave [47/50 | 17/20] [3S] 400.000 Meseta
Wedding Dress [0/0 | 0/0] [2S] 400.000 Meseta
Heavenly/Battle (x2) 2 PD

I'll take these. Please PM when available. Thank you!
Would like to buy
Zanba [0/0/15/35|0] 400.000 meseta
Yunchang [0/15/35/20|0] 400.000 meseta
Guren [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Shouren [5/5/20/0|0] 1 PD
S-Red Arms 1 PD
TypeGU/Mechgun 1 PD

I'm willing to buy:
Monkey King Bar [Devils] [0/60/15/0|0] 1 PD
Smartlink 2 PD
Heavenly/Battle 1 PD