Rare Monster Frequency Question/Psycho Wand Hunt


satos0798 - Discord -6:00 CST
Slightly technical question for you awesome number crunchers/people knowledgeable of game mechanics.

I'm making a character to start a hunt for a Psycho Wand.
I'm stalled because I can't determine if I will encounter Mil Lilies quicker than it would take me to hunt Delbiters.
Ultimate Delbiter 1/12603
Ultimate Mil Lily (E1) 1/205
I know Mil Lilies won't spawn 1:61, but I can find larger clusters of Ob Lilies than I can Delbiters.

I just don't know what the approximate spawn rate for rare monsters is.
If it's 1:100, that makes my life easier. If it's 1:5000, then it'd definitely be faster to go with the Delbiters.

Any idea of the spawn rate?
1/512 normally, +50% during rare enemy week
Now that the girth quests are gone, and you can solo mode max attack, Purple FO is probably easier than oran bluefull for solo

But the rate is actually so high compared to bluefull's 1/12603 so idk, I'd have to check available quests delbiter count by room and i'm tiiired ; .;
best hunt is probably oran PW4 reset on ranger with all things considered.

ideally on ramarl/ramar so you can kill each gibbs with one demons mechgun combo, and you can kill the lily with bringers rifle

takes less than 1 minute (very conservatively) to kill 3 gibbles in the first floor
Awesome info guys. Thank you very much!
Oran might be the way to go.

I suppose those Demons Mechs need to be S-Rank?

(Side note: I must be totally clueless with everything non-FO. My RAcaseal couldn't even damage the Ill Gill.
What's the trick to those? I'd occassionally do 2 or 3 damage to it. Am I just lacking in ATP?
Oh gosh. I see it's def is 1360/1149. I guess I am just weak.)

My test runs with my current FO could get to the 12 Lilies in TTF in about 4 minutes.
(If there's another quest with more Lilies in less than 10 prerequisite kills to spawn them, I'll re-test my time.)
And I can kill the 3 Gibbles in PW4 in about 2 min 30 sec.

So that's 1 kill/20 sec for Lilies, and 1 kill/50 sec with Gibbles.
~12,603 Gibbles will be significantly quicker than ~104,960 Lilies.

I definitely like the rest of the drops for Purple and Blue better than Orange.
But I think Orange will end up being the quickest for this one item.
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Yeah S-rank Mechguns with Demons special added for 50PD

For RAcaseal without S-rank Zalure Gun, you can keep it frozen and use the mechs to get it to low hp then damage trap or HS
FWIW, for lily hunts: if you want only lilies quickly, head north to the first room in Today’s Rate and you can nab 9 of them in less than a minute and remake. MA4C is also decently quick for lilies; run up through that big lily room and remake.
Thanks! I've already made my new FO Oran. But I've got a RAcast that's Purplenum that I could use for Lilies still.

I'll try those out and see if that speeds up my hunt considerably.
Thought I'd throw in my two cents.
I can do with MA4B ep1 about 60ish lilies in 6mins (including time to start the quest).
idk how that figures in compared to 3 gibbles < 1min
Thought I'd throw in my two cents.
I can do with MA4B ep1 about 60ish lilies in 6mins (including time to start the quest).
idk how that figures in compared to 3 gibbles < 1min

This is how I was casually hunting it. During rare enemy boost week you will get quite a few - 1 every 6 runs or so on average I think.

Although 6 minutes is pretty quick! I think I was more like 10. I got crazy lucky and found it on Mil Lily #9 - hope the same goes for you!