Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

Both teammates disconnected at Kondrieu. Came pretty close to beating it. Took another whack at it solo with plenty of scapes and got this.... (Just using caduceus, 4 slot red coat with all dragon hps, force wall, and 15/0/0/185 mag)
Mother Garb+ starting with 1 slotpso131437807595006609.jpg
I've had worse luck than my already usual below average luck lately. It was nice to find something decent finally:

Any spread needle without machine and a decent hit equals always a good day. Nice find Ade.
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Any spread needle without machine and a decent hit equals always a good day. Nice find Ade.

Well, enemy % on a SN don't really matter. The enemy % only affects the ATP of the weapon, and SN's ATP is quite low. Around 200, I think. My 45h SN has 30 Machine, but it would still be better to use than this one. Luckily, I have a friend whose been stuck with a 15h SN for some time, so this will be a nice upgrade for them if they want to buy it on the cheap.

Edit: SN has 110 ATP at +0. I honestly don't know if enemy %s affects grind ATP.

(Otherwise a bunch of swords would be crap)

Makes sense. Thanks!

So max grind SN has 190 ATP, so even if it had 100% in an area, it would only be 380 ATP, so the enemy %s are pretty irrelevant compared to many other weps. It would be the sort of item you would sphere if you had absolutely nothing better to do.
Wow, Machine hate. >:

Machine is good... for Vol Opt screens... which is about the only situation you would want to use a Spread Needle for damage, anyway. :'3

(Otherwise a bunch of swords would be crap)

Have a source for this?

The damage equation I've been using doesn't.. I'll admit it's not 100% accurate but it's been pretty damn close to values I've seen ingame for something found on a rotting fansite.
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Area % definitely adds to grinds. You can test this by using a 100% Vivienne vs. a 100% Double Cannon, the Vivienne will win out everytime, even though the damage should be roughly equal.

No Grinds on %:

Vivienne: 1250-1280
Double Cannon: 1240-1300

Grinds on %:

Vivienne: 1350-1380
Double Cannon: 1240-1300

You can test this in Sandbox.

TypeMs are also another good test for this, as their damage increases a lot with spheres.