Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

The event thread even says you can find badges anywhere in the game. :P
Found PGF yesterday! :)

I still can hardly believe it. I've only faced Olga Flow twice (and got my ass kicked considerably the first time), and somehow PGF dropped the first time I've actually beaten Olga.
Found PGF yesterday! :)

I still can hardly believe it. I've only faced Olga Flow twice (and got my ass kicked considerably the first time), and somehow PGF dropped the first time I've actually beaten Olga.

Damn, lucky!! I saw the banner. Cgs man!
Thanks! :) I had no clue what I was even doing haha. That 3rd stage where he turns orange is tricky.
nope, been running the event missions only....for HBR and killcount too
Yikes, I probably get about two bronze badges to drop on average per quest on Ultimate, and maybe a silver every three quests or so, and that's with 0% HBR bonus. I wonder why you're not getting more badges... I've even found a few playing Normal difficulty...

Still haven't found a gold badge though! Not sure what the drop rate is on those, but they have evaded me.
I found my first Red Ring drop at the end of MA1C just now. Soon as I seen the red box on the minimap and the banner start to scroll, with 20 seconds counting down to pick it up, I rushed over to grab it, only to discover I couldn't! My inventory was full! I frantically dropped the first thing that was in the bottom of my inventory (a Photon Drop), and picked it up. Stats are 151 DEF/249 EVP.

Kudos to @NDW for making the game with an ID that gets RR, @Archivebit who saved my PD, and @Eistee for support and trading me a Red Ring that's better than the one I found. :3