Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

God/Body (Viridia Ult Pouilly Slime)
Easter Egg from an Egg Rappy in Viridia Ult Temple, ended up being a Panther's Claw
Cure/Poison (Viridia Ult Temple Ob Lily)

Also stiffed by 3 Mil Lilies (2 in caves, 1 in temple, all 1/2 drops) :wacko: Thanks to the EXP boost I went from 90 to 112 in the last couple of days. Loving being back on PSO again, missed it like crazy!

Edit: A couple of drops from the last few days:
Ancient Saber (Viridia Ult Temple Merlan)
V501 (from an Event Egg trade-in)
Red Sword (0/0/15/0/15) (Viridia Ult Caves Nano Dragon)


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Thanks to everyone on the server. Special shoutout to the people on my team. (Join Team Red) Also to all of the lobby nerds who advised me after not playing in a fuckton of years. You guys are a great bunch of people. P.s I'm still terrible, lv200 means nothing.
After spending the whole day hunting Dorphon Eclair with no success, (killed like 1000 dorphons) i decided to take a break and host a few LSB runs on yellowbose ID.

On the second run i dropped a 30 hit Lame.

this really made my day!lame untekked.pnglame 30 hits.png
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