Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

I return here in after only a short time... I got a 30H Lavis Cannon from a present on the 24th, but I didn't feel that worth posting, because it was a present item. Now however... I ran one Pinkal CF1, got this baby from a slime!NATLAVIS.png
V801 pfffft gg2ez
MA4B Interior
1 Photon Crystal
2 Nothing
3 Nothing
4 Nothing
5 Nothing
6 Nothing
7 Nothing
8 Nothing
9 Nothing
10 Present (Heart of Plantain Huge Fan)
11 Nothing
12 Photon Crystal
13 Photon Drop, Photon Drop
14 Nothing
15 Maguwa [0/15/0/0/15]
16 Nothing
17 Photon Drop, Present (Photon Crystal x2), Present (Berserk TypeKN/Claw 0/0/0/0/50)
18 Nothing
19 Photon Crystal
20 Present (Charge Type GU/Hand 0/0/0/0/40), Black odoshi Domaru (10/10, 3s)
21 Nothing
22 Nothing
23 Photon Drop
24 Present (Charge TypeME/Mechgun 0/0/0/0/40)
25 Glide Divine (15/0/0/0)
26 Photon Crystal
27 Photon Drop
28 Kunai (0/0/0/0), Photon Drop
29 Glide Divine (0/0/0/15)
30 Present (Photon Drop x3)
31 Maguwa (0/30/15/15), Maguwa (15/0/0/0)
32 Heavenly/HP, Present (Berserk TypeGU/Mechgun 0/0/0/0/35)
33 Photon Drop, Present (Addslot)
34 Heavenly/HP
35 Nothing
36 Kunai (0/5/5/0)
ok guess I'll try this on purple

1 Present (Halloween Cookie)
2 Divine Protection
3 Nothing
4 Photon Drop
5 Present (Berserk TypeGU/Mechgun 0/0/0/0/35)
6 Present (Spirit TypeME/Mechgun 0/0/0/0/40)
7 Photon Drop, Heavenly/Battle
8 Photon Crystal
9 Nothing
10 Photon Drop, Divine Protection
11 Glide Divine (0/0/0/0/15)
12 Nothing
13 Photon Drop, M&A60 Vise (0/0/0/10)
14 Nothing
15 Present (Halloween Cookie), Heavenly/Luck, Divine Protection
16 Photon Crystal
17 M&A60 Vise (0/0/0/0/5)
18 Present (TP Material)
19 Photon Crystal
20 Photon Drop
21 Nothing
22 Nothing
23 Nothing
24 Nothing (Pazuzu 1)
25 M&A60 Vise (0/0/0/50)
26 Nothing
27 Nothing
28 Present (Halloween Cookie), Present (Photon Drop)
29 Nothing
30 Nothing
31 Present (TP Material)
32 Nothing
33 Photon Drop
34 Nothing
35 Glide Divine (0/0/15/0)
36 Photon Drop, Present (Photon Drop x2)
37 Nothing
38 Nothing
39 Glide Divine (10/0/0/15/30), Photon Crystal
40 Divine Protection
41 Heavenly/Luck, Photon Drop, Heavenly/Battle
42 M&A60 Vise (0/5/25/0), Red Odoshi Domaru (2/4, 1S), Photon Crystal
43 Photon Crystal
44 Nothing
45 Photon Crystal, Heavenly/Luck
46 M&A60 Vise (0/5/5/0)
47 Heavenly/Luck
48 Photon Drop, M&A60 Vise (0/0/0/20), M&A60 Vise (0/5/0/0)
49 M&A60 Vise (0/20/0/25), M&A60 Vise (0/5/0/0)
50 Photon Drop
51 Nothing
52 Nothing
53 Nothing
54 Nothing
55 Photon Crystal
56 Photon Drop
57 Heavenly/Battle
58 Glide Divine (0/0/0/0/20)
59 Nothing
60 Nothing

and thus I found enough PDs to buy one
V801 pfffft gg2ez
MA4B Interior
1 Photon Crystal
2 Nothing
3 Nothing
4 Nothing
5 Nothing
6 Nothing
7 Nothing
8 Nothing
9 Nothing
10 Present (Heart of Plantain Huge Fan)
11 Nothing
12 Photon Crystal
13 Photon Drop, Photon Drop
14 Nothing
15 Maguwa [0/15/0/0/15]
16 Nothing
17 Photon Drop, Present (Photon Crystal x2), Present (Berserk TypeKN/Claw 0/0/0/0/50)
18 Nothing
19 Photon Crystal
20 Present (Charge Type GU/Hand 0/0/0/0/40), Black odoshi Domaru (10/10, 3s)
21 Nothing
22 Nothing
23 Photon Drop
24 Present (Charge TypeME/Mechgun 0/0/0/0/40)
25 Glide Divine (15/0/0/0)
26 Photon Crystal
27 Photon Drop
28 Kunai (0/0/0/0), Photon Drop
29 Glide Divine (0/0/0/15)
30 Present (Photon Drop x3)
31 Maguwa (0/30/15/15), Maguwa (15/0/0/0)
32 Heavenly/HP, Present (Berserk TypeGU/Mechgun 0/0/0/0/35)
33 Photon Drop, Present (Addslot)
34 Heavenly/HP
35 Nothing
36 Kunai (0/5/5/0)
ok guess I'll try this on purple

1 Present (Halloween Cookie)
2 Divine Protection
3 Nothing
4 Photon Drop
5 Present (Berserk TypeGU/Mechgun 0/0/0/0/35)
6 Present (Spirit TypeME/Mechgun 0/0/0/0/40)
7 Photon Drop, Heavenly/Battle
8 Photon Crystal
9 Nothing
10 Photon Drop, Divine Protection
11 Glide Divine (0/0/0/0/15)
12 Nothing
13 Photon Drop, M&A60 Vise (0/0/0/10)
14 Nothing
15 Present (Halloween Cookie), Heavenly/Luck, Divine Protection
16 Photon Crystal
17 M&A60 Vise (0/0/0/0/5)
18 Present (TP Material)
19 Photon Crystal
20 Photon Drop
21 Nothing
22 Nothing
23 Nothing
24 Nothing (Pazuzu 1)
25 M&A60 Vise (0/0/0/50)
26 Nothing
27 Nothing
28 Present (Halloween Cookie), Present (Photon Drop)
29 Nothing
30 Nothing
31 Present (TP Material)
32 Nothing
33 Photon Drop
34 Nothing
35 Glide Divine (0/0/15/0)
36 Photon Drop, Present (Photon Drop x2)
37 Nothing
38 Nothing
39 Glide Divine (10/0/0/15/30), Photon Crystal
40 Divine Protection
41 Heavenly/Luck, Photon Drop, Heavenly/Battle
42 M&A60 Vise (0/5/25/0), Red Odoshi Domaru (2/4, 1S), Photon Crystal
43 Photon Crystal
44 Nothing
45 Photon Crystal, Heavenly/Luck
46 M&A60 Vise (0/5/5/0)
47 Heavenly/Luck
48 Photon Drop, M&A60 Vise (0/0/0/20), M&A60 Vise (0/5/0/0)
49 M&A60 Vise (0/20/0/25), M&A60 Vise (0/5/0/0)
50 Photon Drop
51 Nothing
52 Nothing
53 Nothing
54 Nothing
55 Photon Crystal
56 Photon Drop
57 Heavenly/Battle
58 Glide Divine (0/0/0/0/20)
59 Nothing
60 Nothing

and thus I found enough PDs to buy one
Just can't help but notice that of the 4 Glides you found, 3 are with hit! Haha
I've been doing 100 EP4 Lost Berserk Baton (complete run) on VH with Yellowboze to find everything on the drop table. After not getting the last piece of the puzzle, Ignition Cloak, I proceeded to Maximum Attack 4th Stage to kill the first 12 rappies...

~1 200 runs later I finally got it! :D In total I killed 38 Del Rappies not including the ones I found in the first Lost Berserk Baton runs.
I'm not one to count runs, but I finally found my V801 after hours and hours or rerunning MA 4B.
During one of the runs, a generous FOnewm in my party found a limiter and traded it to me for a few photon drops. It's a bittersweet feeling, though. Now I got the two Force units I've always wanted, but I don't know what to look for next.
Edit: This is the first time in a very long time I moved my gear progression forward by actually FINDING something I wanted- instead of having to bid. Probably over a year.

Same EN2 run:


Gonna have to sell the 40h due to overlap % but at least I found one of the two I need.
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