Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

This is the first time in my history playing this game where my characters are geared enough to function at a modest level. I guess from here its gonna be a lot of learning content and slowly getting better versions of what I already have ^__^
Not exactly phat über-1337 loot or anything, but since I'm a keyboardist IRL this one was a pretty big deal for me. Been chasing this one for a while and finally got a party together for it. I was a little disappointed that it didn't make keyboard noises when you swing it :confused: but it is what it is. Still glad i got it!

I just hit the 167M exp point in under 350hours played on my skyly A10 FO. I was a lot faster to gather the 83M in the second half, probably because I did no forest shenanigans and had settled into my EN4 reset-groove. I figured I'd share with you my latest sub-goal while grinding. Can you tell what I was going for?
I did not make it in time for the 2x200 milestone, maybe I'll get to complete the list by the 3x mark?
Anyway, enjoy random loot!
(The 0h Tempest club actually is the item with single most % I've ever seen! Pre-spheres, anyway.)
I'm fairly sure I sold/gave away/trashed a weapon with the missing %hit at a time where this list was not yet a goal of mine, but since I don't currently own one I feel like it doesn't count!