Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

well along with getting to 200. today in a MAE tower group i randomly joined i found this. im not gonna lie i had to look twice i was like what i was shocked never thought id find one but here it is. its clean to which is sweet in my opinion.

well along with getting to 200. today in a MAE tower group i randomly joined i found this. im not gonna lie i had to look twice i was like what i was shocked never thought id find one but here it is. its clean to which is sweet in my opinion.
The secret to finding or farming an SJS is don't be me. Congrats man, enjoy that beauty!
if im not wrong it dropped from the first Hildetorr i saw on this char solo, didnt expect to drop it (not just not from this Hildetorr:p the whole summer event xd)...thinking about Rainbow Baton right now, not sure about it yet;) and finally a banner again -.-^^pso131799491010195659.jpg