Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

I witnessed the following drop last night in my games within an hour:

Platinum Summer Badge

Pls give to me next time. ;-;
Another Platinum Badge? I'm kind of suspecting they're a bit too easy. Not even a week has passed o;
Though I think we do have a lot more players playing compared to Christmas.
Also, half the server isn't afk lobbying anymore but practically playing nonstop lol
It's because some people have 100%+ DAR in 4 player groups now, so whenever 4 players kill 1000 monsters it's basically like 4000 monsters died, drops-wise.
Yep. This is why I hope the kill gates are forgiving later on in the event. It's not other people's fault that I play with self-imposed restrictions, lone-wolfing quests slowly with weapons most would consider trash, and thus only have found three bronze badges so far. I will never get any of this cool stuff I see popping up in screenshots everyday, and that's perfectly okay with me. But I do hope the kill gates have people like me in mind, rather than being based on the wrecking ball hardcore groups. :)

(Clarification for those who don't know me: I play with Live Off the Land characters only, no S-Ranks allowed either).