Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

Respect that you did this HBR since everyone else was doing fiasco runs

Both the MAE quests and Fiasco are great for overall enemy count, but MAE covers all areas and Fiasco misses a few. I also liked having consistent boss fights.

Don't get me wrong, I probably did 80 Fiasco runs too, but this HBR seemed too uber to pass up.

Ironically, I found my Pwand during Fiasco xD

But several other ubers dropped for others in MAE runs in which I was contributing significantly to the HBR, so I'm glad I helped (ie. Jafet's Heaven Punisher and Cam's beautiful Yunchang).
I think this counts as a 'weird flex, but okay':

Got this from my ongoing hunt of a Swordsman Lore from Delsizzle. Nearly 3000 Delsizzles, no Lore. Only 1300 odd Bulks (I let the Bulclaw split).

RNGeezus can blow my ass.
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Just needed some hit, any hit, and this would have been perfect.

This is about my 10th Red Slime Lavis, still no hit. May make this a Double Cannon and throw a sphere on it anyway, we'll see. That is, when good ol' Red Sizzle stops being a jackass and gives me a hit Lavis.