Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

Less luck here admittedly. Had a del rappy spawn, kill it. Waiting to smack it as it gets up, then a dorphon spawns right on top of me as soon as I go to hit it....so a photon crystal ran away from me on normal mode lol. That aside my luckiest was probably an addslot from my first box in the mines on normal.
When I actually get excited for low grade stuff like this that's how you know I'm very engrossed in the vanilla experience.


Holy Fuck! :eek:

Is this the first one ever found on this server? :eek:
So it seems. It's just too bad in a way that it was a Girta drop. And that, I guess, Matt did the biggest derp possible: the replica was originally assigned to it, so it's the replica that dropped. So I had no banner, and a NO IMAGE tekk pick since you were never supposed to be able to get the replica as a drop, so there is apparently no art for it.

But I would not trade that whole experience. Great memories. The roll still counts.

Thank you. > Ephinea