Rainbow Baton [0/0/0/0/80]

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Super useful for those times when you run out of confuse traps.

objectively wrong price checks arent what i asked for. if you wont provide an accurate one, or at least an honest guess, dont waste anyones time on my thread please.
80h with no other %s is just a confuse stick. How useful that is, I guess depends on how you play...

There are plenty of other items you'd seriously consider sphering before this, so much so, you're better off waiting for a drop with good %s. And since lilb has one already, I'd be willing to guess that the number of high rollers wanting to shower you in PDs is close to 0.

A 0'd RB is a mistake, honestly.

Sorry we didn't stroke your ego.
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The idea of people ranking this as less than a simple s-rank arrest j-cutter without its special is crazy.

Rainbow baton on its own >>>>>>>>>> arrest j-cutter people even before %s just cause the thing happens to pack more range. Confuse may have 6 less activation than arrest with v501/2 but it A. lasts longer, B. works on more foes on average, and C. on average slows groups of foes better than arrest does most of the time.

My rainbow baton with just 75% has let me rip apart quests with dorphan breeding grounds in them with overall ease while solo people, as a Fomar. You might be familiar with dorphan breeding grounds in the quests where you get tp'd into a nice room that spawns a lot of fat ass rhinos trying to run you over. Lost master blaster itself has 2 such wonder filled rooms of joy where if you don't have confuse traps with a lot of characters you are gonna have a bad time if you try it solo.

Damage wise a rainbow baton isn't so bad either even with no %s. Hell the %s on this let you fling hhh on pretty much anything with ease. Alone it lets you get around basic 50% hit charge diska damage on several foes depending on their defense and your character. The extra range lets you pick off certain foes easier as well.
well. im not bidding on it, and no one else will, so gl getting a buyer, i can understand pricing
Rainbow baton is one of those underestimated weapons really. Personally I don't see why you wouldn't expect 60 or a bit more for it. I mean it fully beats a s-rank arrest j-cutter and if you want one of those someone will have to fling more than 50 pds for that.

The stone itself is also 25-30 pds and sort of a pain to hunt sometimes. 1/10,000+ odds to drop on 1 ID from a foe that drops a 1/1000 item that is hunted more.

I mean come one.
-Its shiny super rare packing uber hit ranges
-Its main competition is 50+ pds anyway
-Would you really value a photon booster, blue black stone, and heart stone more than this?
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uhm we literally meme about your comment saying j cutter is worse lol, btw confuse breaks freeze in case you forget

i literally have one just so i can grief with it, no actual value
You are aware I'm talking about Arrest J-cutter right? Not J-cutter as a whole. Please tell me how arrest j-cutter is better than rainbow baton. And I'm not gonna throw the confuse part around when I've got someone dropping a freeze trap at a group.
Arrest stops movement of scary monters like Dorphon and Girtablululu, i.e. spooky things that can't be frozen. If you can position well and arrest groups of scary monters together, it makes the game/quest much easier than them being confused and monging about.

And for the 80 hit, I think I'd still pay at least 40pds for it, reasons being annoying hunt for Magical Stone Iritista, but not very high because prefer % (or just outright different weapon).
While I'd rather arrest a single dorphon a I'd rather confuse a group of them and their allies if we are in a small area for the simple fact that they'll kill each other a lot faster than I will most of the time as they flail about.

Course that might just be my own preference.

This shit is priceless. Buyers literally falling over themselves.



SJS tier.
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>price checks his own 70h diska at 35
>price checks someone elses 80h RB at 5

i'm really not often one to call people out on their bullshit, but... really? the only ego you know how to stroke is your own.

Honestly though,

Since nobody else seems to share your enthusiasm for these things, I seriously don't see anyone else desiring this more than one from RL. Comparisons with MSI values are pointless as you can't exactly get it back to use elsewhere.

It's a museum piece.

If you want it gone you're seriously looking at 10pd or less. There aren't many bored, old monied grandpa nandos around who have 40pds to spend on memes so if you find one that wants it. Sell fast.
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it is worth what whatever people will pay for it

also because this is a RBB already it'll be at least 15 probably, but I couldn't see more than 30-40 (if even that... since 0'd), it's just not a popular item although some people want it. to say this is cheap because "memes" would be like saying HP would be cheap, but it isn't. to some this is an iconic item.

always remember that there are people other than you and your friends playing this game.
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