Quick question - Quick answer


Wow! Thank you very much for the detailed explanation and the character guide! I didn't know that a guide exists for PSO BB.

Reading through your list it seems like that I already have most the basic equipment. But I think that I should get a v502, the Ranger Wall and a Hell Raygun next!

Is there a list of hidden/secret items list for PSO BB somewhere? I'd consider the Ranger Wall as one of these items. Never heard anything about the Ranger Wall before!

Thank you so much for your stunning answer!
While I do not know of any specific list of items that are "hidden/secret", there are a few notable places where you can get items that otherwise don't drop in game; those places are Claire's Deal 5, Gallon's Shop, Black Paper's Deal 2, To The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue- and Challenge Mode. Challenge Mode being special and not strictly a quest like the others, it is a series of quests/areas that is done as a group only and if the challenge is met pays out some must have items known informally as S Ranks.
Once you have the photon drops, these S Ranks are where I would look towards to step up your gear to the next level since you can add specials to them that have no reductions, making them good at targeting multiple times with Hell or Demon's.

As for Ranger Wall, as stated on the Wiki it can be found in the Gallon's Shop quest. All it takes is a little time, a little meseta and a lot of button-mashing; just load up the quest; go to the second door on the left (assuming youre walking from quest counter, its right before the item shop on the same side), talk to the lady and warp, play the top left console's game "button-mashing" until you get 300 and then talk to the guy in the same room and the option to get a Wall for the character class you are on.
It is worth noting the option for the Wall will not appear with under 300 points accumulated and you can only get 1 Wall per character and it is class specific, so do these step only on your RAnger as Ranger Wall is generally considered the only useful one of the three.
Working on my ranger equipment and on the wiki it said that the Type SH/Shot has a higher damage potential compared to a charge arms due the higher grind with percent being added. Would someone explain this concept to me please ?
Working on my ranger equipment and on the wiki it said that the Type SH/Shot has a higher damage potential compared to a charge arms due the higher grind with percent being added. Would someone explain this concept to me please ?

Arms ATP: 60-140 ATP +10 Grind = 80-160 ATP
SH/SHOT: 10 ATP + 60 Grind = 130 ATP

Then when you sphere you add the minimum ATP value to the ATP.
Assuming it's 100% the minimum adds 80 for arms making 160-240 and SH/Shot adds 130 making 260 total ATP.

That said arms can come with way more Hit and I wouldn't sphere either before other more useful things.
Arms ATP: 60-140 ATP +10 Grind = 80-160 ATP
SH/SHOT: 10 ATP + 60 Grind = 130 ATP

Then when you sphere you add the minimum ATP value to the ATP.
Assuming it's 100% the minimum adds 80 for arms making 160-240 and SH/Shot adds 130 making 260 total ATP.

That said arms can come with way more Hit and I wouldn't sphere either before other more useful things.
Aww okay thank you. And you’re right there. Most likely a waste of pds when there are more important things to obtain
When you make Guld Milla, what weapon do you equip to get the weapon with hit?

The weapon equipped at the time of use will have their attributes transferred to the resulting Guld Milla.

You want to equip whichever weapon has the hit you want to be transferred to the Guld Milla, then use the weapon whose stats you don't want transferred.
Are hunters able to use a Needle in Classic Mode?

I remember that hunters could use a needle in the Dreamcast version.
Maybe this isn't a quick question, so if its not, I can start a new thread for it.

How does dps work with the 3 hit combo? I've never really cared about it because all my experience in pso was just spamming techs. Is there an optimal order of heavy / light attacks? Is it different on an enemy to enemy or weapon to weapon basis? I'm using some addons from Soly and I have been seeming what I assume is the "optimal" order of attacks for each enemy when enabling "Show Accuracy Assist". I could be way off here so let me know If I am. Just curious on the mechanics and stats.

If there is a wiki page to look at this all it would be awesome

thanks :)

I might have answered my own question looking at the code for the Monster Reader addon. It seems like its coded up to say each attack in the combo you get an equally increasing chance to hit. So I guess I should be using my special attacks last if I want the greatest chance to hit (as a really basic guideline). If this isn't correct let me know!
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I don't have a PGF on me right now, but this would be a good fit for it right?


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I don't have a PGF on me right now, but this would be a good fit for it right?

No. Restless Lion Calibur would be better. The +5 hit from 50h (RL) is not enough for it to benefit you over having the 50 in 2 other attributes for damage.

55/60h only are useful when they have other stats similar or equivalent to/more than an RL calibur. And then 65h is iffy on the line, also. People mostly go for 70h or more as ''sphere-able'' as an upgrade to RL caliburs.
No. Restless Lion Calibur would be better. The +5 hit from 50h (RL) is not enough for it to benefit you over having the 50 in 2 other attributes for damage.

55/60h only are useful when they have other stats similar or equivalent to/more than an RL calibur. And then 65h is iffy on the line, also. People mostly go for 70h or more as ''sphere-able'' as an upgrade to RL caliburs.
Oh wow I didn't know there was a RL Calibur to begin with. Here I was thinking I got something noice :) Thanks for the information though!
Oh wow I didn't know there was a RL Calibur to begin with. Here I was thinking I got something noice :) Thanks for the information though!

Yeh, check out the quest ''Restless Lion'' on the wiki, it should have all the info you want. There are 2 Sword NPC's you can get a calibur from so a full run is 2 chances at your desired %'s.