Quick question - Quick answer

Anti-viruses always pick up the .dll (or .exe itself), it's just a false positive because reasons I forget. Don't worry about it, we'll have your credit card details before long.

@honeydrew It's a one time thing because rare enemies are generated per game. I also doubt it because Tethealla handles rare enemies differently to SCHTServ, which is where the Desert > 9-8 thing came from.
Is there a way I could make my own .cfg for the character transfer?
Most likely not. Otherwise you could just create your own local server, get yourself a level 200 and transfer it here for free level 100's :cool:
BUT the only one who can answer for sure is Soda
ATA = origATA
switch atkType
    case normal:
        ATA = ATA * 1.0
    case hard:
        ATA = ATA * 0.7
    case special:
        ATA = ATA * 0.5
    case untekked special:
        ATA = ATA * 0.05
switch comboStep
    case first:
        ATA = ATA * 1.0
    case second:
        ATA = ATA * 1.3
    case third:
        ATA = ATA * 1.69

EVP = origEVP
if frozen:
    EVP = EVP - origEVP * 0.3
if shocked:
    EVP = EVP - origEVP * 0.15
if paralyzied:
    EVP = EVP - origEVP * 0.15

chance = ATA - EVP * 0.2

if not ranger or without smartlink:
    chance = chance - distance * 0.33 # distance between you and your target

chance = change * 0.01

if chance > rand(0, 1):
20% activation rate? like after the ata check it only works 20% of the time? thats godawful.
That is correct. The cap is 20%/40% on Ultimate and other difficulties respectively, but V501/V502's boost comes after the cap so you can actually boost it up to 30%/60%, though it's still pretty low.
does that inlclude sranks? i know pso world is often wrong but it says that srank blizzard has 80% success cap. also what do you mean by 20/40 and 30/60
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does that inlclude sranks? i know pso world is often wrong but it says that srank blizzard has 80% success cap. also what do you mean by 20/40 and 30/60
It includes all weapon with Blizzard-series specials, S-ranks too. 80% of Blizzard is used to calculate the activation chance, but at the end of the calculation, if the calculated value is higher than 20%/40% then it's set to that, and then boosted by V501/V502.

In my last post I meant, 20% is the cap on Ultimate and 40% is the cap on Normal/Hard/Very Hard. Which is then boosted by V501/V502 (which boosts by 1.5x the activation chance) so with those it's 30% on Ultimate and 60% on Normal/Hard/Very Hard.
ATA = origATA
switch atkType
    case normal:
        ATA = ATA * 1.0
    case hard:
        ATA = ATA * 0.7
    case special:
        ATA = ATA * 0.5
    case untekked special:
        ATA = ATA * 0.05
switch comboStep
    case first:
        ATA = ATA * 1.0
    case second:
        ATA = ATA * 1.3
    case third:
        ATA = ATA * 1.69

EVP = origEVP
if frozen:
    EVP = EVP - origEVP * 0.3
if shocked:
    EVP = EVP - origEVP * 0.15
if paralyzied:
    EVP = EVP - origEVP * 0.15

chance = ATA - EVP * 0.2

if not ranger or without smartlink:
    chance = chance - distance * 0.33 # distance between you and your target

chance = change * 0.01

if chance > rand(0, 1):
Thank you.

What's the max. extra hit% you can get on a tekked weapon? Say it's ??? at 10%.
What's the max. extra hit% you can get on a tekked weapon? Say it's ??? at 10%.
You can tekk up or down 10% max for all the percentage types. So if an untekked value is at 10, it can be tekked to 0, 5, 10, 15, 20.
By the way, all the percentages are linked in how much they change. So if you get the +10, its for all the stats that have a percentage (0 stays at 0). You don't have to gamble and try to get lucky on +10 hit and +10 native, etc.
Most likely not. Otherwise you could just create your own local server, get yourself a level 200 and transfer it here for free level 100's :cool:

As far as I read/understand it, this should be possible.

Via Reddit:
sodaboy581 said:
Any server works, you just need to export it's table into a binary file and make a configuration file for it. Look at eden.cfg and ultima.cfg for examples.
Playing around with different builds. Currently have Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou, but thinking of switching to a Brightness Circle + v101. would have to sacrifice a unit slot for the v101 but the increased DFP on the BC might be worth it. Thoughts?