Quick question - Quick answer

Yeh, its around that much. Just do 1465*(100 - EFR)%, so:
0 EFR: 1465 damage
25 EFR: ~1050 damage
50 EFR: ~ 730 damage
best place to farm lv20 techs? specifically support techs. i have seen the ep1 and ep2 lists but i'm not sure if ep4 has nice things to offer at all.
Techs over lvl 20 are around everywhere in Ultimate but I specifically hunt them in the box room of EP2 PW3. If you see me online yell and I will share some.
Why bother trying to max her MIND? She doesn't need it for anything. Kind of same thing with DFP.

For 200 HUnewearl I just did a 5/95/100/0 mag with just a V101 and maxed just ATP/ATA/LCK, with extra materials into DFP.
Because I'm stupid and like as much stats as possible aside EVP. :) Really I know I shouldn't care, im just speculating because I have to reset my mats and make her a new mag neway.
There's not really anything you can do to max all the statistics, and I highly recommend dropping the C/Ability at least and just working with an Adept (assuming you are using Spirit, otherwise drop that too because it's not really useful).
You want HP more than resist because attacks like Falz slap are set damage. His grants should be doing less damage where you shouldn't really have to worry as much as the slap. Resists would lower that though if you wanted.

HP unit>resist

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks! 0/
I was actually kinda glad when it got removed from FO use. The DMC was obscene.

Honestly I just want to use the L&K38 and not feel like I'm using a joke weapon when I'm toting around a fucking minigun.

Plus I'd love to run around on my RAcast and pretend I'm Heavyarms while still being useful

As for DMC, it's my dream that someday, someone figures out how to fix that.
LK38 was stupid when unlocked, completely broken.
Honestly I hate those hadouken slinging bastiges more right now lol. Always interrupting my attacks ugh!
LK38 was stupid when unlocked, completely broken.
Yeah but IIRC it was nerfed very shortly afterward to be significantly less dumb as hell. Been a long, long time though, so I don't remember, and it's not like I could go check, what with the data wipe.
It was nerfed indeed, but not that quickly after it was unlocked.

God I remenber the Gold Torr even where all the specials swapped. And LK was Hell, that was just OP.
Even with 0ATP and 0ATA, a combo-unlocked LK38 is still a very broken weapon. 5 Shots which are all NH (and therefore don't need much ATA and hit a lot) based on the character's ATP is extremely powerful and simply makes all mechguns a waste of time, considering the strength of mechguns is not their ATP but the fact you get 3 volleys of your ATP all at once.