Okay, weird question. Disclaimer: I'm more curious than I am knowledgeable about coding.
Disclaimer 2: Not saying these should be done, just wondering if they can.
How possible are the following things to code, on a scale of, "Been done before" to "could be done if someone cared to" to "technically possible given limitations within the original code but a lot of work" to "can't do it without coding everything from scratch"
1) Since BB is based off of the XBOX version, making an XBOX version of Blue Burst with all the new content. Just because.
2) Making new classes (not necessarily new char models). For example, A Ranewearl with stats that fall in the middle of Hunies and Ramarls that still uses the Huney character models and animations. But uses Ranger equip charts, of course. Also Humarls. >.>
3) By extension, making a Focast that uses all the normal traps, plus para and shock traps, light and dark damage traps.
4) Adding more floors/maps (not creating new layouts). Say you wanted to duplicate the 100 floor monstrosity that's in the PSO for DS. Could you make a marathon hundred floor CCA Tower?
5) Breaking the four person per room limit.
6) Getting me to actually post a quick question that is deserving of a quick answer for once.