The active boost is in relation to boosts received when creating a party (without Purist Mode on). The four different boosts are DAR (Drop Anything Rate), RER (Rare Enemy Rate), RDR (Rare Drop Rate), and EXP (Experience).
"/luck" or "/forecast" are related to additional boosts received to RDR (Rare Drop Rate) based on Class, Race, and Sex. The more flags matched, the more RDR you get.
Normal Mode:
1 flag: +1% RDR
2 flags: +3% RDR
3 flags: +5% RDR
One Person Mode:
1 flag: +1% RDR
2 flags: +2% RDR
3 flags: +3% RDR
Hunters Boost Road gives the opportunity to boost DAR and RDR in quests that are featured for that particular month.