Quick question - Quick answer

darkrangeresp said:
Just to clear the air on this topic, jellen and zalure don't cause damage cancel. Freeze, paralyze and confuse don't either. The game uses seperate flags for status effects and a change in an enemy's hp.
You're actually wrong on this. I should know, since I wrote a server.

When Jellen/Zalure are cast, the client casting sends the monster damaged packet 0x0A, with the monster's HP inside of it. (Just like all the other attacks done on a monster.)

Thus, if Jellen/Zalure come after someone's attack with a higher damage amount to the monster and the Jellen/Zalure damage value is less, the damage, thus, will be canceled.

Here's some proof, BTW, casting Jellen on 4 Boomas:

(0000) 20 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 47 06 00 00 0B 00 04 04 .`.....G.......
(0010) 90 10 00 00 93 10 00 00 92 10 00 00 91 10 00 00 É...ô...Æ...æ...

(0000) 10 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 48 02 00 00 0B 00 04 00 ..`.....H.......

(0000) 14 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 0A 03 90 10 90 00 0F 00 ..`.......É.É...
(0010) 00 00 B0 20 00 00 00 00 ..░ ....

(0000) 14 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 0A 03 93 10 93 00 00 00 ..`.......ô.ô...
(0010) 00 00 90 20 00 00 00 00 ..É ....

(0000) 14 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 0A 03 92 10 92 00 08 00 ..`.......Æ.Æ...
(0010) 00 00 90 20 00 00 00 00 ..É ....

(0000) 14 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 0A 03 91 10 91 00 00 00 ..`.......æ.æ...
(0010) 00 00 90 20 00 00 00 00 ..É ....

You'll see I had previously hit one of the Boomaa twice with a normal attack for 8 and then 7, for a total of 15 (0F) damage.

Another Booma I hit for 8 damage.

Two Boomas I didn't touch before casting Jellen.

The Booma's HP is at position 0x0E in the 0x600A packet.
darkrangeresp said:
lots of incorrect words

jellen spam humar on the other server with boosted range was my go to troll for min-max TA tryhards
it's always dmc'd esp on servers with shitty hosting

you can easily test it in any room with 2 people
For proof on status causing DMC (incase you are not convinced):


At the very start of this video, look at how the first Dolmolm dies in NNH NNH, yet the second one needs NNH NHH NN to die because of the Freeze Trap going off mid combo.
Sodaboy said:
Here's some proof, BTW, casting Jellen on 4 Boomas:

(0000) 20 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 47 06 00 00 0B 00 04 04 .`.....G.......
(0010) 90 10 00 00 93 10 00 00 92 10 00 00 91 10 00 00 É...ô...Æ...æ...

(0000) 10 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 48 02 00 00 0B 00 04 00 ..`.....H.......

(0000) 14 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 0A 03 90 10 90 00 0F 00 ..`.......É.É...
(0010) 00 00 B0 20 00 00 00 00 ..░ ....

(0000) 14 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 0A 03 93 10 93 00 00 00 ..`.......ô.ô...
(0010) 00 00 90 20 00 00 00 00 ..É ....

(0000) 14 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 0A 03 92 10 92 00 08 00 ..`.......Æ.Æ...
(0010) 00 00 90 20 00 00 00 00 ..É ....

(0000) 14 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 0A 03 91 10 91 00 00 00 ..`.......æ.æ...
(0010) 00 00 90 20 00 00 00 00 ..É ....

You'll see I had previously hit one of the Boomaa twice with a normal attack for 8 and then 7, for a total of 15 (0F) damage.

Another Booma I hit for 8 damage.

Two Boomas I didn't touch before casting Jellen.

The Booma's HP is at position 0x0E in the 0x600A packet.

Haven't had much luck with Cave 1 Ult or the douche dragon but working to that EP4 ult since it also sounds ridiculously low effort. THANKS AGAIN.
Next question!
what level can i be comfortable in trying bpd for fs/sn on my racast?
If it's been asked already SORRY I haven't parsed through this thread.

That NPC that accepts various Meseta amounts and *always* gives you Monomate...

...does he actually give you something other than Monomate? What are the rewards there?
Does Coren actually exist here yet? If he does he definitely doesn't have his rewards implemented...

There's a huge list of items that Coren is supposed to give actually, depending on the amount of meseta you receive and the day you give him the meseta. The list is here in Japanese. As you can see it contains good rewards such as the V-series units, various good shields, weapons and armours, but they are kind of rare to get and the majority need 100,000 meseta payments to roll for, of course.

I believe Tofuman is working on implementing him into Tethealla at some point.
Question about the stat ranges (namely DFP) for Standstill Shield:

PSOW lists is as 163-178 DFP, and 175-225 EVP. I know on Schthack the DFP range was also 50 like EVP, meaning 163-213 DFP was possible. I had a 210 on that server.

Which ranges are in effect here: the ones listed on PSOW or as referenced from Schthack?

Thanks in advance for any and all feedback!
I have DFP: 163 (+50) and EVP: 175 (+15) for my item maker, but is not data specific from Ephinea, it's from Ultima which is based on Tethealla's... so it might be the case here.
Soly said:
I have DFP: 163 (+50) and EVP: 175 (+15) for my item maker, but is not data specific from Ephinea, it's from Ultima which is based on Tethealla's... so it might be the case here.
Come to think of it, it seems more plausible PSOW has the DFP/EVP ranges reversed, thus likely confirming the DFP range as capping out at 213. I'll check my SS later, I got one with 172 DFP, can't remember the EVP. Won't be hard finding one with 179 or greater DFP as confirmation (Viridia Temple Mil Lillies FTW).

Thanks for the input!
Can we have the trigger the event mission with a gov quest?

(edit: i didnt see the halloween event topic, my bad!)
Ok, so I never actually played on SEGA's BB servers, I'm here from schtserv so still trying to figure things out. Quests... are the good monster spam quests multi-mode only? It seems like there are pretty much no good single player quests for leveling? (No TTF etc?) And are Government quests also multi-mode only? How do I play ep4 solo? There's only a couple quests and they seem more like item-type quests (BPD) not really "play through the levels" quests. Enjoying the server, just trying to figure out how I can play my favorite parts! Thanks!
There's pretty much nothing to do in Episode IV solo mode. Sega was too lazy to make freeplay solo maps, so all you can do is load the few solo quests that exist for Episode IV. If you want to level quickly, you have to fight the more difficult multiplayer enemies.
which is typically higher on the list of equipment after automatic sorting, s-rank mechguns or s-rank needle?

is there any way to discern how same type sranks are sorted in the list ?-?
Best quest for CCA/Seaside boxes? Nothing is listed in the monster finding guide (which includes some boxes). Or am I better off just running to seaside, popping a few boxes and hoping to RNGesus.
Yep, best is to pop over to Seaside in free play and hope for the best. Probably not the answer you wanted but there you go.
PW1 is alright for boxes on Seaside but it takes a while to get there. It is faster to just restart freeplay but it's also a hell of a lot more boring.
I think it just goes by hex. Mechguns probably. Same S-ranks, it would go by...whatever hex differentiates them first, I guess? I haven't looked at that in a while so I can't give you a definitive, sorry.

Anyway, I auto-sort religiously, and I've never had problems here. But I am very close to the server.