Quick patch note 1.8.1

PSO is over 15 years old and version 4 (Blue Burst) has been officially shut down for at least 8 years. There are plenty of servers that have made major changes but there are none that have stuck to Sega's iteration of the game before its time ended. I assume a lot of players chose this server because it was the only one that kept the gameplay mechanics as close as possible to the original but I could be wrong.

Alot of the other servers had boosted EXP rates and drop rates, which made the game too easy.

I joined this server because it was actually one of the more balanced servers compared to things like scht and ultima. I know plenty of people who want to see changes to the game, but to keep the item drop rates. I've been on this server since two days after its release, so that was the general idea that I heard.
LOL no.

My HUmar already has enough trouble in ruins. Not being able to Rabarta the Delsabers would make it unplayable.

Haha don't worry, I didn't put too much thought into that, but adding some resistances to ice is a good idea (again, i do not have enough experience to say which monsters exactly, just design wise)
This already exists. Go rabarta a yowie. It has a very high chance of not working.
I meant to balance out EP 1, design wise, by adding MORE monsters to the list.

For example, vol opt being immune to RA/GI Zonde would be a good idea, right? O.o
To be fair, I joined because it was closest to what I used to play back on GC.

Changing major elements for the sake of it would be unthinkable.

Although..... If you were to program "Hard mode quests" as quests, it could be something that is included for that niche player base. Would stay the same for average joe (HELLO WORLD! :D) and would still satisfy the complexity wanted by some players.

I honestly have no idea how complicated it would be to "create" a new enemy, with the same sprite, animation, event etc, but with different stats and different resistances, but it would kinda fix all the problems. lol
No, because that would change the game. It would ruin TA records, turn niche useful items into trash (eg: high machine % fists like God Hand), and some classes would still be able to kill Vol Opt just as easily (eg: Rangers) while others would now have trouble with him for no reason.

There's no reason to change episode 1 and make it harder. The game is 15 years old. SEGA could have fixed it if they wanted to. They never did. It's not a "bug" at this point, it's a feature.

you mean people would actually have to break records again :O. Its not a record in PSO really means anything anyways, and the people it does mean something to wouldn't mind breaking them again for the most part.

if your argument is that the game is impossible to balance, you may have a point. However, like you said, there are many "niche" items, which should be looked at. The game will always be for casuals no matter what, but the idea of the game is to buff weaker items, and nerf stronger strats, so that a wider variety of combos are viable. This is why the term "balanced" is used.
To be fair, I joined because it was closest to what I used to play back on GC.

Changing major elements for the sake of it would be unthinkable.

Although..... If you were to program "Hard mode quests" as quests, it could be something that is included for that niche player base. Would stay the same for average joe (HELLO WORLD! :D) and would still satisfy the complexity wanted by some players.

I honestly have no idea how complicated it would be to "create" a new enemy, with the same sprite, animation, event etc, but with different stats and different resistances, but it would kinda fix all the problems. lol

yes, that would actually be a very cool idea, although you are right, it probably would not be viable. In the end, changing the game at all may not be viable, and we are better left to wait for a more balanced game to come out in the future.

I guess my complaint is that the way I experienced the game iin the past was very fun and wasn't about abusing OP starts, but because the game is so old, it feels like everyone who plays the game today knows how to abuse the hell out of it. It feels like everyone is duping items like back on the GC days. Of course they arent, but it feels like everyone has a super OP set up with minimal work involved (in reality, they just know how to get to the point where they can abuse things the fastest)
Changing a mechanic that was in the game since v1, lol.....
Isn't this server supposed to be faithful to Sega BB?

Reading some of these posts gave me cancer, sometimes I think half the community is trolling.
They are trying to ruin the server at all costs, but for what reason?

I just want to play vanilla PsoBB.

Go play on Ultima with changed enemy stats, and random "patches" if you want changes to the game.
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yes, that would actually be a very cool idea, although you are right, it probably would not be viable. In the end, changing the game at all may not be viable, and we are better left to wait for a more balanced game to come out in the future.

I guess my complaint is that the way I experienced the game iin the past was very fun and wasn't about abusing OP starts, but because the game is so old, it feels like everyone who plays the game today knows how to abuse the hell out of it. It feels like everyone is duping items like back on the GC days. Of course they arent, but it feels like everyone has a super OP set up with minimal work involved (in reality, they just know how to get to the point where they can abuse things the fastest)

PSO's 15 years old mate, the vast majority of the people still playing it are committed and know the game back to front. Their setups might seem 'super OP', but I guarantee you it's not minimal work.

The game absolutely is imbalanced in a lot of ways, but that's part of the charm as far as I'm concerned. I think most of us are playing here on the basis that the bulk of the changes made to the game here are quality of life changes (PSO2 drops, HBR etc) rather than mechanical ones (blizzard) - to redesign bigger parts of the game in the name of 'balance' kind of misses the point of why we're here, I think.
It sounds like you might want to find a new game.

League of Legends likes "balancing" and changing shit for no reason, and angering their playerbase every patch. Maybe try that one?

Well, I play both, when I have time. I also am a big fan of warcraft 2, competitive play. I think certain games justify changes more often (such as PSO and LOL) while others are more static (chess, warcraft 2, starcraft BW). Generally, if a game is static, it usually has a high skill ceding, and if there are constant changes, it is a game with a low skill celeing (such as LOL or PSO). This is because PSO and MOBAs are the types of games that test game knowledge skills, while games like chess, and RTS test mechanical skill (at a pro level, due to innate design).

Most people are excited for LOL balance changes, and the only ones who are not are usually low skilled teams or low skilled solo Qers. Same goes for people who are happy with starcraft 2, they tend to be gold level players who think the game is well designed.
I'm pretty sure a challenger Ahri player could beat you by maxing her skills in the wrong order
mfw this happened to me in a ulol tournament against UBC (he didn't build BF swords tho)

@Chaz I don't know how PSO fits in here really but imo you have the League balance situation reversed. The pro scene seems to scorn the constant unnecessary patch system. Just read the recent articles about riot removing lane-swapping in patch 6.15 right before worlds, effectively changing the game entirely and dare I say invalidating the seeding of teams.

Honestly everyone just hates Riot for everything at this point so *yeahhh*

offtopic meme sorry sodablip
mfw this happened to me in a ulol tournament against UBC (he didn't build BF swords tho)

@Chaz I don't know how PSO fits in here really but imo you have the League balance situation reversed. The pro scene seems to scorn the constant unnecessary patch system. Just read the recent articles about riot removing lane-swapping in patch 6.15 right before worlds, effectively changing the game entirely and dare I say invalidating the seeding of teams.

Honestly everyone just hates Riot for everything at this point so *yeahhh*

offtopic meme sorry sodablip

Pro's at that level just want to win, of course they will complain. People who play the game competitively without monetary incentive enjoy the changes (so amateurs). Anyways, I'm done arguing with plebs about this. I only meant to voice my opinion, and now that I have, I'm just gunna duck out of this convo.