Quick maintenance complete for October 25th, 2021 (サーバーメンテナンス完了のお知らせ 21/10/25)


Staff member
With this maintenance brings Ephinea v1305, which changes the command /slowburst and adds a new command /burstpref.

/slowburst can now be used at ANY time, including free roam games. It can also be toggled off at any time by using the same command. It STILL affects all party members and can only be used by the leader of the party.

A new command /burstpref was added which will save your own personal burst preference for games you create. If you set your preference to slow, all games you create will use the slow bursting preference. If you set your preference to fast, all games will use the fast bursting preference, which is the default.

Being able to use /slowburst at any time should hopefully help those who may have trouble joining a game and seeing the host sometimes. (Use /slowburst to toggle fast burst, let the person join, then /slowburst again to fast burst, if wished.)

Thank you for playing on Ephinea!

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
今回のメンテナンスでEphinea v1305がリリースされました。/slowburstコマンドの内容が変更され、新たに/burstprefコマンドが追加されます。


- スローバーストON 旧来の設定 読み込み処理・遅い
- スローバーストOFF 現在のデフォルト 読み込み処理・早い

※訳注 現在、「バースト設定:スロー」「バースト設定:ファースト」とダイアログが表示されますが、それとは関係なく/slowburstでトグルしたオン・オフが保存されます。


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Just a reminder; The info page for server commands will need updating to reflect the new changes. Cheers.

After this update, Computer detected "Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml".
and,can't login.(display !DLL ERROR!)

Help me !

After this update, Computer detected "Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml".
and,can't login.(display !DLL ERROR!)

Help me !
Windows Defender probably quarantined ephinea.dll. Add an exclusion for your EphineaPSO folder inside WIndows Defender and then rerun the launcher to download the dll.
Just a reminder; The info page for server commands will need updating to reflect the new changes. Cheers.
I've updated both the About Ephinea and Server Commands now. There was a small issue that was preventing me from doing it earlier, but it has been resolved now.
thank you! i've been having crashing problems with the fast bursting so this is wonderful =D