Quest download directory | クエストダウンロード一覧


Welcome ye all.

In a nutshell: there's a multi-language quest directory on a public wiki that anyone can access and contribute to. Ding!

The rest of the bowl of pistachios: I've been slowly building a public quest directory for all the Sega quests in Japanese and English, as they are the only two languages I have some files for, at the public wiki It seems a good thing to have all these quests held somewhere accessible for all, and not lost to the sands of time in people's personal collections or on any individual servers. It would be great if people find it a useful resource and perhaps help fill in the gaps since anyone is able to register and I certainly don't have everything.




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Note that you can't rely on filenames for the quest numbers. You have to use the internal number that QEdit tells you. Sega simply renamed the files for CDFS/Seat of the Heart/ET/WT to 26-29 for PSO+ to make them easy to slap into the quest list, but if you look at their internal numbers, CDFS is still 72, Seat is 477, ET is 284, and WT is 285. The filename doesn't have to match the quest number, which can mean quests logged from online mode are also numbered incorrectly (e.g. Endless Nightmare #2 on Ver.2 is logged as 263, but its internal number is still 63, just like the Ver.1 quest).
Good to know, although I suspect I'm not following 100%.

So there's no difference between the "Online" and "Offline" e.t.c. versions of quests then, just that they were indexed differently on the various versions of PSO?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by internal number if not the Properties > Settings dialogue box field, but checking my old test server I see that CDFS's quest file has an ID of 26. I've just used what the Teth files contained plus whatever the game said if I had to check.

I just arbitrarily chose renaming the files to match their ID as a convenience/way to distinguish between them all.
On the Japanese edition of PSO+, CDFS is called quest26_*.bin/dat, but if you open it in QEdit, the quest number in the properties dialogue is still 72. The offline versions also aren't the same as the online ones. ET/WT, for instance, will not allow you to access the Hopkins sidequest (for enabling Paganini's upgrade options) offline. You have to play the online editions. Your CDFS quest file has either been tampered with, or it's from the US edition of PSO+, where Sega may or may not have changed the quest number. (I don't have US+ files for verification.)
Well that's a shame but the file came from a default Teth installation. As long as the content is the same I don't much mind I suppose, though anyone is welcome to rejigger the quests' IDs on the page.
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Aleron Ives said:
On the Japanese edition of PSO+, CDFS is called quest26_*.bin/dat, but if you open it in QEdit, the quest number in the properties dialogue is still 72. The offline versions also aren't the same as the online ones. ET/WT, for instance, will not allow you to access the Hopkins sidequest (for enabling Paganini's upgrade options) offline. You have to play the online editions. Your CDFS quest file has either been tampered with, or it's from the US edition of PSO+, where Sega may or may not have changed the quest number. (I don't have US+ files for verification.)

The files are exactly the same for PSO+ US and the JP version (even for the latest JP version 1.5 which was the final version before BB!).
The last JP version is PSO+, and BB wasn't based on it. BB was based on the original Xbox version (non-plus), which is why you can still perform the untekked super special glitch on the USBB client. Sega added more fixes to the JPBB client afterwards that the USBB client never received.
Put in a sort-by-category section now too, and added the vast majority of quests I own. A couple are still outstanding like The Tinkerbells' Dog 2 since it potentially breaks things, and I'm not sure what the heck is going on with Singing/Laughing by the Beach, since there seem to be a zillion different versions.
Hi guys. I found a few quests and a few scripts and have a few quests to add, but seems it's not a public edit, so I'll just dump them here.
Also wanted to note that I had them incase there are people running their own servers who want to know they're here now!

  • MA1V2: E.
  • MA2V2: E.
  • East Tower (Offline): E, J.
  • West Tower (Offline): E, J.
  • Dream Messenger: E.
  • Pioneer Warehouse: E.
  • TTF: E.
  • RT: E.
  • Seat of the Heart (Online): E.
  • The Tinkerbell's Dog 2: E.
  • Valentine's Day: E.
  • White Day: E.

  • MA2V1, MA2V2, Dream Messenger, TTF, RT, Valentine's Day and White Day are the exact same Japanese versions of the quest already on, but with the official GC script inserted (with a few script edits, just some additions or removals of disp_add_msg for space).
  • Pioneer Warehouse, Seat of the Heart, The Tinkerbell's Dog 2 and the Towers are direct ports from GC (much like Blue Star Memories) with the guild lady fixed (she has no IDs for some reason on a direct port). They are all compatible, there are no issues playing them.

About the quests (for anyone wanting to use them):
  • V2 of MA1/2 are the latest versions of the MA quests on Blue Burst (and Gamecube). They are permanent quests (not event) that feature the Hearts and Masters sidequest for use in the quest "Beach Laughter". AOL Cup and Yahoo Cup are old versions. MA2 also has a Seabed and Tower extension.
  • The offline towers are identical to the online towers, just with Hopkins removed (although all the event data is still there, Hopkins just doesn't exist in his usual spot so you can't talk to him and start that chain of events).
  • The online version of Seat of the Heart is probably identical to the offline version, but there's so many different flags for this quest I don't really have time to find out...
  • Pioneer Warehouse has no use. It was used for downloading minigames to the GBA on GC, but on BB the huge GBA statue is removed, so while everything else is functional, the quest doesn't actually have any purpose on BB (maybe someone will want to repurpose it for their server, perhaps?).
  • The Tinkerbell's Dog 2 is a solo quest featuring the 3 main sonic characters that awards the Sonic Knuckle if the correct prerequisites are met.
  • Everything else is as you would expect.

I might be able to get the Japanese version of the online SotH from Izakaya, but I'm kind of lazy.

Addendum: While I was looking at the ISO for the US PSO+, I managed to find Lost Heat Sword on there. Anybody know about that? lol
And I also tried to convert Blue Star Memories but I don't think this was supposed to happen. Turns out that quest is already there anyway, just with a higher ID for some reason.
That's funny, I just did the edit for RT and Dream Messenger myself, manually, using the GC script like last weekend. :( Then you come and post your own versions a few days later, making my time wasted! Wahahaha...

Also, I stole MA1V2 and MA2V2 and put them on Ephinea, plus the offline versions of ET/WT :o
Now where is FoaM and LHP for Ephinea, I wonder. :0 I need my Bulclaw hunts for D-Parts!!

Also just to be pedantic, MA1/2V2 were VR quests on SEGA!
Oops, I'll be sure to move them, thanks for the heads up!

I have the Fragments of a Memory quest, but I thought that was a port and not a true BB quest. Also, LHP? Lost Hell Pallasch? That was a fan-made quest and I never asked for permission to use it.
Lost Hell Pallasch is the official SEGA JPBB Lost quest for Ruins! Havoc Vulcan is the one you are thinking of. :P

Also FoaM came out on JPBB as well I believe, same time as LHP.

EDIT: Seems I have both the JP/EN versions of the BB versions of FoaM. E, J. I looked at the file in the Teth installation and it does look like a port, yeah.
Ohhhhhhh... I love you.

Do you know where I can find the DL for LHP?
Japanese version on is located here. Not sure if there's anywhere public to get an English version unfortunately (I'm not even sure if it was ever released in the West, someone else would have to confirm/deny that).

EDIT: Well I do have an English version here, although it's probably a fan translation so I dunno if you want to use that.
Ah, okay, I thought I checked there. Oh okay, I see. I clicked on the English name which took me to a red page, didn't notice the Japanese page was actually filled in, though.

Matt said:
EDIT: Well I do have an English version here, although it's probably a fan translation so I dunno if you want to use that.
I wouldn't have permission, but I'd imagine the script is probably very similar to the other quests. I'll look at this translation and compare to the official ones. If it's like 95%+ the same, I may use it, otherwise I can just redo it. I don't think the "Lost xxxx" quests have very much dialog.
This translation is terrible.

Will be the last request<cr>from Hopkins? !retrive a<cr>a weapon from a monster!!!!
Client: Hopkins<cr>Quest: I lost my weapon<cr>from my own hand fighting<cr>with a monsters in Ruins.<cr>Reward: ??? Mesetas
This place...
What... what happen?
Are you ok?
After you past out<cr>in Ragol, we brought you here.

LOL, I'll just redo it since it isn't that many lines.

You recover it!
A huge monster come out<cr>from some place,
For April 1st you should make Engrish versions of all the quests just because it would be hilarious.
Haha, that would be good! I have another idea for April 1st already, but who knows? Maybe we'll mash several ideas together so it doesn't have to be just one joke... I mean, it only comes around once a year! Still, though, can't blow through them all in one year either. Hehe....