Psycho's deranged unsealing service


I'm offering instant unsealing for Limiter / Adepts as well as priority unsealing for weapons

Pricing - x1 Adept / POSS 10pd
x2 Adepts / POSS 19pd
x3 Adepts / POSS 28pd
x4 Adepts / POSS 37PD

Adepts - x4 in stock
POSS - x0 in stick

Lame unsealing - 5pd for lame unsealing within 48 hours

Express lame unsealing - 10pd for same day unsealing

TJS - 12pd within 48 hours

express TJS 18pd for same day unsealing

Post here for services of your items needed unsealing or after a service, message on forum or discord for updates and tacking of order
Hey. Are you still doing this?

Would you take 8 pcs to unseal a SJS?

Stats are 0/25/0/30
Lame unsealing - 5pd for lame unsealing within 48 hours
I have got 4/5 lames for you to unseal... (don't want to keep switching excal per character) it does not have to be ready in 48 hours, it is k if it takes a week. You still doing this?
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