PSO2 install help


Guildcard 2
Do any of you play PSO2? I played it last year but never reinstalled since I reinstalled Windows. I had it working last year but now I can't seem to get it to go.

I am using Arks-Layer.
I downloaded the game from the torrent that they seem to be recommending on their website, then I pointed arks-layer to that folder and let it start updating.
The update either fails mid way, or finishes then tries to run again (with the same amount of files "missing" as before).

I have been trying to install it for 3 days now haha. Pretty frustrating. I also did try deleting everything and letting Ark-Layer install the game for me but when that finally finished it started doing the same patch thing as above. Any help much appreciated!
I've played it before but I always lose interest. Anyway by Ark-Layer I'm sure you mean PSO2 Tweaker, click on the large orb in the top left corner and try searching for the option to 'check files' or 'search for missing files'. Something along those lines. I did that before and it worked but I don't currently have it installed.
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Open the game with pso2launcher.exe and let it patch that way. It will overwrite the English Patch, but you can just re-apply it (best way is to get it from the authors and do it yourself than using the Tweaker -- only use the Tweaker to launch the game, nothing else).

Personally I don't use the Tweaker anyway because AIDA is a con artist and I don't really need the English patch.
Thanks I will give that a try.

Yeah when I lose interest in a game its usually cause I have no one to play with. :p

@Matt Do the authors keep editing that post you linked with the newest English Patch?
Yep, they are the ones who make the English Patch, after all. :P Tweaker pulls from there.
I had trouble creating an account and just gave up.

Yeah that captcha was a a huge pain. I had to do it twice too, for me and my wife haha.

@Matt BTW I tried doing it the way you said and it worked perfectly. I'm finally back in. Thanks!