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We ALL do~! He prolly just doesn't like us getting all Sticky about it! X3! <3!i love you sodaboy
RED-Taichoooooou~! <3!I remember my mum buying me the ver.2 disc from eBay when I was like 10 years old for $5. Nothing can replicate the feelings I had playing this game when I was a kid. Nothing.
Kevdo-Taichooooouuu~! *Squeezies~!* Good to see you still haunting the forums luv! =3PSO has been a wild ride, haha. It's funny to remember how my cousin begged us all to play it with him on the Gamecube back in 2004, and how we all looked at it and scoffed because we thought it was just going to be some weeb game hahaha.
About 20 years later and we're still playing this damn thing. Crazy.
@Sodaboy You should be very proud of the work you've done to revive this game and give it the life it has man. I know that there are a lot of people that have played a role in giving this game the life it's had, and I'd like to say thank you to all of them, even the players. Such a passionate community has allowed this game to live far beyond what even Sega expected, I think. It's great to see it's still going strong, and I'll always treasure all the things the game has introduced me to.
^Amen^ nya~!Enjoyed reading everyone's reflections and memories about the game. Sodaboy, it was great to read about your journey through it all. I just wanted to say thank you (and to everyone involved) for your dedication in keeping the server, forum, and wiki going, for creating a place for fans of PSO to come and enjoy the game the way it was intended to be.
I also want to say thank you to Ninjy for posting a Wine wrapped version of the Ephinea PSOBB client. As a Mac user, you are my MVP! Without this client, I wouldn't have had a chance to revisit PSO, so I really appreciate it, and I hope the Mac users out there can continue to receive some support.
As for my journey with PSO, I'm a fan of the Dreamcast, but did not get a chance to play it on that console. My first experience with PSO was with Episode I & II on the GameCube. I was really excited for the game and had saved screenshots of gameplay out of a magazine. When the release finally rolled around, I was able to buy the game without a problem but had a tough time finding a Broadband Adapter for the GameCube. I ended up traveling about an hour by train from my parents' place to NY's Chinatown and getting a Japanese one at a small import shop. I also eventually purchased the controller/keyboard from an online import shop, so I could communicate with others better. I really enjoyed the game and went all out for it back then! I showed off the game to other neighborhood friends into the hobby, to try to rope them in. It was my first experience playing console games online and Sonic Team really made something special.
Back then, I played mostly as a Ranger, but unfortunately I got hit with the GC memory card corruption bug and my characters were wiped. For years, I wanted to revisit PSO, but with my GameCube hanging on by a thread and only having access to a Mac computer, I felt my setup just wasn't right. Thanks to the welcoming community at Ephinea, I've been able to enjoy PSO again. While I don't have the care free lifestyle I did when the game was released, I've still been able to find the time to experience the game in a manner that really takes me back. I never played as a Force class back then, so I'm giving it a shot now.
PSO is one of the best online games ever created, and I'm glad it's being treated as such by this community! Happy hunting to all!
SQUEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~! *GLOMPS and hugs with a sad fanged little smile~!* Yes, with the 'Aftermath' that is now a smoldering pile of Broken dreams and expectations that we once called Home...Many of us found it hard to 'Trust', "Commit", "Believe', again. When our tired and battered silhouettes shambled out from the dust and smoke that was SCHTHACK...we lost sight of comrades who were chatting right beside us just moments earlier! Some far across the oceans and continents we came to know as if they were a simple phone call away or shout across a fence! For mew it was Guam, Korea, and the UK. So experiencing hasing loved ones RIPPED from our gaming circles would naturally make us 'Want' to reach out to reconnect. Mew had emails from ARELEH, Miureth, and others while things were going to Hell in a Handbasket...only for things to go Silent after Ephinea had been established. Mew tried reaching out to them to try to get them to 'start over' here, too. Can totally see your "frustration"of missing friends or how staff there got the worst rep simply by them 'going with the flow' of what environment Crono and Grumpy-kins were promoting. Staff there were basically COPS being asked to 'go patrol' out in the middle of a CAT 4 Shitstorm Hurricane! Reallllly hard to keep track of anyone or a positive attitude after that kind of fiasco. But, you're HERE now and chances of bumping into old battle buddies is still a REAL thing, dammit~! Every Christmas or Summer event doubles the chances of a Se'ance succeeding and invoking lost souls to appear in Ephinea lobbies~! So even that 'void' has a chance to cough up something once thought lost to you?I don't remember when I started playing exactly, but it was many years ago, in Schthack. I got picked up by a team and those teammates quickly became friends, we were a competitive team too, so we would run quests like MA4C all the time back then competing among us and sometimes in community events. I also made a friend outside of the team that was from Serbia, crazy how much you can appreciate a person by playing almost daily with even though they live on the other side of the map.
I somehow was made a GM in that server, it was fun hunting down cheaters, although it was sometimes tricky. Being honest, I didn't get along super well with the staff, but I guess I was cordial enough for them to trust me with that role. Anyway, I have many fond memories of my time there, even with Crono's f up and Lee's strange humor, they gave me a place to meet many wonderful people, people that sadly I no longer talk to as life sort of drove me away from gaming for many many years, and I just really recently came back feeling frustrated I can no longer reach those people, it is sort of sad, like an empty void.
BUT, I did find this server, and to be honest, I am grateful for the staff here, that beyond the years have kept a game going without anyone forcing them. Thanks to that I can enjoy the game that I enjoyed as a teen and hopefully meet people similar to those back then. Anyway, thank you, Soda and the others.
If you'd like to share your own PSO or Ephinea reflection, feel free to share it in a reply to this post.
Oh man how often have I booted up this disc just to watch the clips?! Good old timesWhen I was a kid growing up, I had only heard about the game Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 and 2 through this trailer on my Master Quest bonus discMy family never bought it but I thought it looked so cool. Fast forward to US PSO2 release and I tried it out and kinda liked it but I was in college and it kept deleting itself off the microsoft store. ( I believe it was a common bug at the time?) So I said screw this I'm not trying out pso again. I did end up playing New Genesis quite a bit but then I quit that too for different reasons as I was also getting into psu then fully played psu for a while. Then a friend referred me to Ephinea and I decided to try it shortly before this recent Christmas Event and I gotta say everything about this game immediately got me hooked. The Story, the classes and weapons, the community, and just how darn nice everyone was with helping me throughout my journey of leveling and getting my gear. It was and is STILL so satisfying and enjoyable and I've found and made a lot of friends along the way. I'm so glad I found this game because it's my first experience with the orginal and it makes me feel like I'm a kid again and makes me genuinely happy. I also just got to level 180 just recently
Here's to many more years of Ephinea to come, and if you need a FOnewearl let me know![]()
YAAAAAAAAAS~! <3!Oh man how often have I booted up this disc just to watch the clips?! Good old times
*Keeps her kitty collar bell muffled while approaching and listens to you muttering to yourself about "Stupid Mines countdown...Stupid College schedule....Stupid private server posers coming and going when things were getting good...Stupid Durandal stealing power butto....(places tiny paw on shoulder)....."....*. Quite the cry for redemption and desire to resume the fight, dear! Players from the GC era have an easier time than Old Guard DCers because of the limited features and that damnable 'lose your swag when u die' BS! X'D! But hey, now you can actually 'relax' and actually 'enjoy' playing, again! Ep1....2....Aaaand 4! If you're wanting to try EP3?... You've been through Hell it seems...Welcome HOME~! ='3I first started playing PSO with the original DC release. The difficulty scaling and loot table was different back then because I got a Durandal to drop in the Normal Ruins and I went nuts. I had no idea what that red box was, but I wanted more of them. I also remember the day I stopped playing the original game because in that game when you died you dropped your equipped weapon and all of your meseta and you had to go back down to the planet to retrieve them. Well after one particularly frustrating death in the Normal Ruins, I instinctively reached over and turned off the console. It felt like slow motion because my heart immediately dropped into my stomach. I restarted the game and rushed to check my inventory and, of course, my Durandal was gone. That was the last time I played the original version of the game and I avoided Ver. 2.
When I saw the Gamecube release of Ep. 1 & 2 I immediately picked it up and brought it home. I played it for many many years with my brother and my friends. I remember leveling high enough to go to the Ultimate Forest and being amazed by the scenery change and the "new" enemies. I only played locally at the time and would invite friends over to play or go to their houses with my memory card. Sadly we never got strong enough to beat either episode on Ultimate difficulty. I remember going to the forms for my first year of college and bringing my Gamecube and the game, but never really getting around to playing it. I always said that I'd come back one day to beat Ep. 1 and 2 on Ultimate. It was the first and only entry on my gaming bucket list.
Around 2014, about four years after I graduated from college, I remember being told by a friend that some of the old gang found a private server that hosted PSO: BB. Funnily enough, it wasn't Ephinea. I don't actually remember what it was called, but I didn't enjoy it and felt lost and the guys were only messing around so I eventually uninstalled.
About five or six years ago I saw a video on YouTube that was all about Ephinea and I immediately looked in to it and downloaded. I made my same character from the GC days and messed around for a bit and loved everything about PSO all over again, plus all the new BB content. I played here and there for a while, but during the pandemic when I became a remote worker I decided that I wanted to play through all of the story missions. I played Ep.1 on Normal, Ep. 2 on Hard, and Ep. 4 on Very Hard. During that time I also made an intricate list of the all the items I wanted to have in the endgame and the MAG I wanted to end up with. Cut to 2022 and I had everything I wanted (with a couple items being traded for on Discord which was a whole new experience) and was working on Ep. 1 on Ultimate. I was in the 170's regarding my level, I'd play off and on during the year but really grind during the Anniversary event, but I kept getting stuck on the Mines mission where you have to escape before everything explodes. Since the "story" can't be done on One Person mode it was a marathon going through by myself. There were more than a few missions coming through the other difficulties that made me want to reconsider the whole thing.
I had a rough end to 2022 and didn't play much in 2023. This year I came to the realization that my original goal was never to beat all of the story missions on Ultimate, it was to beat the original "zones" on Ultimate. I started doing that on One Person mode and now I'm level 185 and the only area I have left from the GC era is the Ultimate Seabed. I do plan to beat Ep. 4 as well, but I feel so good about the decision to stop doing the story missions and getting back to my original goal. I love PSO and always will. I couldn't be more appreciative of everyone who made it possible. Some of my best friends played PSO with me and I will always have those memories.
RIIIIIIIGHT??? Mew STOPPED BREATHING the moment she first saw the title subject and the first few lines!! Like "Oh Gods NO....Not Again! We Just got over our 8th year!....o...Oh.....Okies~! <3!". X3!Oh man you nearly gave me a heart attack! When I started to read your post I was afraid that it was going to be a retirement speech. Really happy that it wasn't. PSO was a significant game to me back on the GCN and I still love it to this day. I've been playing on this server semi-frequently for years now, and I really can't express how grateful I am that it exists and how incredibly well you and your team have been managing it for all this time. I look forward to spending time in this amazing place for many more years to come!
Oh and also, Tales of Graces F is one of my favorite games of all time, so the name Ephinea could not be any more perfect haha![]()
It's really awesome to get a chance to say thank you to someone whos done so much for my life without even knowing. Before the servers like this one I had only ever gotten to experience PSO on the gamecube offline with local co op, and it's meant so much to me to be able to show my friends who live in different countries and continents my favorite game of all time, as well as having a place to play with dedicated support and a community. So thank you for being such a big part of making all of this possible as well as thank you to all the kind and helpful people in the community ive met over the years.Hello, Hunters of PSO!
I've been doing some reflecting and noticed that, wow, it's has been quite the journey with PSO for me.
I've been in the PSO scene for quite some time! Online AND offline, I've played every release of PSO so far... JP PSOv1, US PSOv1, JP PSOv2, US PSOv2, JP EP1&2 Trial, US EP1&2, US EP3, JP PSOBB, US PSOBB. I've even tried all the game's potential successors such as PSU, PS0, and PSO2. But none of the more modern titles ever captured the magic of the "OG" PSO.
I think we can all agree that PSO is truly a lifestyle. Once you dive into this Hunter life, it's truly hard to ever get out of it. Sure, you may take a break from time to time, but we all seem to find our way back to the planet of Ragol.
I also made my way around the various PSO communities... As a member and eventually admin of the classic PSO-world PSO fan site, as a member and eventually admin of the classic Schtserv, as a member and admin of the PSO community, and as a member and admin of the Ephinea PSOBB server.
I've met so many great people from so many places. I've made some great PSO and now real life friends throughout the years and I feel we'll always remain friends for life. I'm truly thankful for all of you!
I remember wanting to learn how the game works on a technical level and making friends with various programmers. People like Kohle (now known as fuzziqersoftware), Myria, and Schthack really helped me to understand this game more. With the knowledge learned, I developed a very popular PSOGC proxy that is still used to this day.
I also remember getting the phone call on the day after my 27th birthday in 2008... I got the call that my father had been murdered the day before.
I became pretty depressed at this time and, wanting to find a way to push through it, wanting to find a way to focus on something else, I started to develop the PSOBB server software Tethealla, which the majority of private PSOBB servers, including Ephinea, also still use to this day.
When a certain PSO server started to use my software to make money, I became upset, stopped working on Tethealla, and left the PSO community for some time. It was @tofuman who managed to pulled me back in some time later and get me working on Tethealla again. tofuman also joined the development team officially.
Shortly after I started working once more on Tethealla, I became passionate about PSO's development and, sometime shortly after that, the Ephinea PSOBB server was born!
I think, at that time, the PSO community really needed a GREAT PSOBB server since also at that time, another server had fell due to staff negligence.
I wanted to create a place where players could enjoy the game again. I wanted to create a place where players could feel safe and that their data was safe. I wanted to create a PSOBB server that was mostly, ahem, "vanilla", but I wanted to also improve the quality of life for Hunters who decided to play on the server. I just wanted to do things RIGHT.
At that time and for several years after, Ephinea did not take donations to keep things running, everything was financed from my own pocket. I did this because of how much of a negative impact money coming in had on both the popular PSOBB servers at the time.
The other servers let players buy items, gave them double experience, and other things, for cash, which effectively makes the game pay to win to line the server creators' pockets. And, even with that money coming in, a server still managed to not backup any of the user data and lost everything. It was truly a "Wow" moment.
One of the very first things I made sure to implement was a way players could download their character data so as to not totally rely on the server, even though we had multiple backup locations for Ephinea.
People began to play on Ephinea and I was lucky to find great staff members who wanted to help moderate the game and also provide input on ways we could improve the server experience for players as well. And, even though I may have not always heeded to the input given to do things my own way, I did actually appreciate the input.
I know sometimes, it can seem like I can get emotional or angry at some things sometimes. I want to apologize for those moments, but it's really because I do have passion about this game and it's development. I want to do things to improve the game, but I also don't like upsetting people. I can also get stressed about things not working.
Thanks to the birth of my son in December of 2022, I'm more busy with real life than ever, though I'm still around day-to-day. But, you can ask Ender, when he says "Hey, this isn't working" or "I need you to do this", he always follows up with "BUT YOU DON'T NEED TO DO IT RIGHT NOW", because he knows I always want to fix things right away and I can get stressed out.
Oh yeah! On that note, although I'm thankful for ALL of my staff, I'm so especially thankful for @Ender as well. He has definitely improved development here with his own ideas on things and implementing new features. Ender comes up with things I didn't think were possible... He even comes up with things I didn't even think about to develop myself. He's an actual genius. Ender is definitely the real MVP lately.
Ephinea has evolved so much over these years. We've put servers in multiple locations, implemented so many quality of life changes, and so much more to become what many see as the definitive PSOBB experience. It has truly been one wild ride.
I'm so thankful to everyone who has joined up to explore planet Ragol here on Ephinea. I'm so thankful to the people who, day to day, choose to make Ephinea their server of choice to level up their characters and find the rare items of their dreams.
I'm also very thankful to our Patreon and Ko-Fi supporters who, now that we've opened up donations (which don't give donators any benefit except a Discord role), help to keep Ephinea running for, hopefully, years to come.
I want you to know, I love you all, and I hope all you Hunters of PSO continue to rock with Ephinea as well.
If you'd like to share your own PSO or Ephinea reflection, feel free to share it in a reply to this post.
Thank you for playing on Ephinea!