PS4 Pro anyone?


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Picked this up today, probably won't see much usage until Gran Turismo Sport comes out. Inb4 Polyphony Digital delays GT for the PlayStation 5 looool.

I might actually get one of these once I have some income again, but I might wait for the next production line. A bunch of them are having issues with overheating parts or even melting plastic from the heat or some shit. I usually avoid first production units neway.
yes play overwatch with me and carry me pls!

i also have a few other games, mainly whatever has been given out from the playstation plus membership. I do have MGSV, and Battlefield 4 i think (i know i know i need to get BF1)
I don't get why they have to make the same console and make it better. I mean, I already have a PS4, so there is no point of me buying another PS4 with much better capabilities.
yooo like my ps4 broke like 2 days before the pro came out. still trying to see if i want the pro or not...
I like to think it's less a money-grab and more a result of technology always improving. I'm not denying there's a revenue aspect, but Moore's law and all that seems appropriate here. it also creates incentive for people to buy the system who maybe didn't buy one yet ("oh wao it can do cool things like 4k display!")
Alternatively people can just make more modular PCs that can be put in living rooms, or just stream the game to the TV over your LAN.

TBH the only things keeping non-portable consoles going are convenience (which is rapidly disappearing with every game wanting to do a 50GB install or whatever, even if you own the disk, and the potential return of mid-gen upgrades) and exclusive games (which is extremely artificial and anti-consumer anyway and shouldn't be supported.)
If people support this PS4Pro then Sony and the others will start pushing mid gen upgrades.
This is not what consoles are supposed to be, if I wanted to upgrade my gaming system I'd play on PC, which is great for upgrades.
People buy consoles because you don't have to worry about specs and shit, just put the disc and play.

I own an original 3DS and refused to buy N3DS for this same reason. It sets a terrible precedent.
Why bother buying a console when the same console with better specs will be released in two years? No reason to support the system. Also is this Pro the last upgrade we are gonna see for PS4 or will there be a PS4ProS or some shit like that?
These cellphone practices are shit, and I'm surprised people on certain circles are so happy with this mid gen upgrades.

I agree to a point. It is a cash grab but it's also Sony trying to keep up with people starting to switch to 4K displays. 4k will be the new standard eventually. If you've been a tech nerd for a while you'd realize we're in another small gap where a new generation of displays are starting to become the standard. Similar to how 1080p was starting to become the standard about 10 years ago (or VGA/DVI being phased out for HDMI/DisplayPort).
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Well damn, I wonder what this game will be like. MGS V was pretty great and it's a shame the Silent Hill title was cancelled.

Well damn, I wonder what this game will be like. MGS V was pretty great and it's a shame the Silent Hill title was cancelled.

It doesn't look super confusing after this trailer. Perhaps time travel back to WW2? Or some alternate reality where the Germans are in control. There's the whole Nazi-occult thing. Seems like babies are an important source of power for some reason. He used the live baby he had to connect to the dead one allowing him to see the squad of Nazis in the sewer.

Of course Silent Hill, Resident Evil and what not needs tentacles so the squad leader has them popping out of him. When the baby touches the Nazis leg he reverts back to human form so it's safe to say that's why they're hunting for them. Not to mention the baby might give the Nazi power as well since it looks like he found the location of the other guy. The game probably has to do with using stealth / puzzles to get around things. As Silent Hill was never really combat orientated, at least the first 2 weren't I dunno about the others.

It's going to be a mind fuck and probably never make any real sense since that's how Kojimas games tend to be. Not that it's a bad thing but I believe Kojima likes to leave his games open ended so fans can create theories. Never any true ending but rather several depending on your choices throughout the game.
I have a PS4 Pro! I like it so far when the games support it! Hoping for a FF15 patch soon!
Bought one for the 1 TB HD alone. The memory transfer from the old PS4 worked easily and I was able to trade it in for about half the value of the pro.
I guess now that Boost Mode has been implemented, I'll finally buy one... maybe this weekend. Got a $130 Amazon Gift card from a friend for nothing (they won it in a raffle and are too lazy to use it themselves), MIGHT AS WELL APPLY IT TO THE PS4 PRO and Craigslist my old PS4.
I guess now that Boost Mode has been implemented, I'll finally buy one... maybe this weekend. Got a $130 Amazon Gift card from a friend for nothing (they won it in a raffle and are too lazy to use it themselves), MIGHT AS WELL APPLY IT TO THE PS4 PRO and Craigslist my old PS4.

I like that they can finally use External drives for games but it doesn't really matter for the PS4 Pro since it has Sata 3 and you can just swap in an SSD instead of being stuck on Sata 2 with the Xbox One and PS4 amateur version. Though on XBO you could just use a USB3.0 external that's much better than the stock internal hdds (stock xbox) or SSHDs (elite xbox).