Proposed New Drop Charts


Staff member
Link to charts here.


Highlighted: Drop Change or Move (not everything highlighted is a buff, some stuff had to be moved)
Red Text: Rate has changed

So, we plan to get these out by the start of May, but we wanted to make sure people were okay with them. Note that the charts will be changing regardless, this is just to get general feedback on changes that have been done. (so "don't change anything, keep it as it is" at this point will be disregarded)

Here's a quick run-down (and things to note):
  • The following items have moved exclusively into Episode 2:
    • Rambling May
    • Vivienne
    • V501
    • V502
    • Tyrell's Parasol
    • Yunchang
  • A smattering of other items, both from Episode 1 and 4 are also available in Episode 2, but not exclusively.
  • There have been extra ubers added to the chart. These include Guld, Milla and Prophets of Motav to name a few. All extra hunts are designed to be unlikely extras rather than a new better hunt.
  • We've buffed the really dumb 1/100,000~ uber rates to something a little better. However, like the previous ubers, all of these are simply to make the unlikely more possible, and are not replacements for current uber hunts.
    • Shelved, uber rates are put back to regular rates for various reasons. Don't ask about this as it's already been discussed.
  • Some items have moved to the Episode 4 bosses to make hunting them more attractive, but they're not the only way to get any of the items from it (except Mag Cells).
  • Heaven Striker has been moved exclusively to Desert (this is staying, I'm just mentioning this).
The point of these charts is to encourage play variety. Some things (Episode 4, especially Crater) will have been slightly nerfed to reach this goal, as the plan isn't to make everything overpowered, but to make everything good.

Please give your opinions on your linked table, so we can change anything people feel very strongly about. Please be civil in your discussions as I don't really want a repeat of people arguing with each other for 5 pages, thanks!

If you notice anything that is clearly a mistake (e.g. a hunt people are currently interested in has been removed), please let us know as well.
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1. That's a lotta new obtainable ubers WOW. Is this good or bad?

2. Bluefull many uber items, possibly too many. Looks a little overpowered to me. (it was my favorite ID already and now it's a lot better so maybe I'm bias)

3. Yellowboze. You're telling me I can run LCC and hunt Zanba, Lame d'Argent, and PGF at the same time? This seems too good to be tru. In the old charts, Yellowboze is the 2nd best Episode 2 ID. I'm not sure it needs that much of a buff. Although, it's possible this evens out with buffs to other IDs. I'll spend more time looking :c
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These things I'm unsure about:

Whitill Dolmolm Spirit Garment removed (I think this was the better hunt for people who wanted this?). Flight Fan shows up in episode 1, so putting Spirit Garment back (and removing flight fan from episode 2) isn't a big deal.

Greenill, Redria, and Oran gorans are kinda gross. But I guess maybe that was the point? =x

Otherwise looks fine imo. Should be noted I looked at episode 2 for a really long time, but only skimmed episode 4 (so I might come back later and complain about ep4 - probably not tho). On this specifically though:

We've buffed the really dumb 1/100,000~ uber rates to something a little better. However, like the previous ubers, all of these are simply to make the unlikely more possible, and are not replacements for current uber hunts.

Some of these new rates might be too generous, but I'm not actually sure. I'll personally be abusing a couple of them while I hunt other things on the same ID, though, so I don't mind too much. (I'm just worried it might be like plat badge and deflate the value of ubers if more start dropping a lot). So basically: I like the change, but if I find a bunch of Psycho Wands and people only pay 100-200 PDs for them, then I don't like the change. lol.

2. Bluefull has a lot of really good uber hunts, possibly too many. Looks a little overpowered to me. (it was my fav ID already and now it's a lot better so maybe I'm bias)

You talking about prophets of motav and nei's claw? They're never gonna drop anyway :p. But like I said above, maybe they will (while hunting other things) =x. Who knows.
1. That's a lotta new obtainable ubers WOW. Is this good or bad?

2. Bluefull many uber items, possibly too many. Looks a little overpowered to me. (it was my favorite ID already and now it's a lot better so maybe I'm bias)

3. Yellowboze. You're telling me I can run LCC and hunt Zanba, Lame d'Argent, and PGF at the same time? This seems too good to be tru. In the old charts, Yellowboze is the 2nd best Episode 2 ID. I'm not sure it needs that much of a buff. Although, it's possible this evens out with buffs to other IDs. I'll spend more time looking :c

Blue looks okay with me.

Yellow now has lavis mkb pgf dob lame. One of these need to move
yeah to be quite honest, Skylar is actually right on this one. Giving those items another drop to give them some shine was our goal with that change. The entire reason for moving some items and giving them secondary drops is to give unused or simply outclassed items some recognition. I still don't agree with some of the rates myself but this is the conclusion we came to after a LOOOOOT of debate.

Also, yellowboze's strengths in later areas it to account for the fact that it still has relatively weak spaceship and temple aside 3084. Also you wont be seeing a 1/40000 drop very often so please consider the rates as well before criticizing. Most drops in ep2 that have ep4 counterparts are infact weaker hunts meant to be side hunts to most of your main ones. Fact in fact is that Excal already outclasses Zanba for outright damage so this isn't hurting anything in and of itself.
On Bluefull, PoM, Pwand, Nei's Claw, and Torr HS in Ep1 are all pretty good. Looking through again tho.. Blue is probably fine. I just like it a lot. 8)

I too am concerned about the "UBER EVERYWHERE" situation, but it's very hard to tell.
Purple looks alright. However, I still think Belra's Right Arm should be replaced with something more useful, like a Varista.

Question though, if I never used my last free ID change, will the next one be banked as a 2nd free one?
Purple looks alright. However, I still think Belra's Right Arm should be replaced with something more useful, like a Varista.

Question though, if I never used my last free ID change, will the next one be banked as a 2nd free one?
Nah, still only 1.
Twin Brand's 1/3150 from Recons is completely out of line with the rest of the Recon drop chances, especially with Stag Cutlery in there at 1/640.
So I have, I'll put it back, probably where it is right now.

Only one of the IDs pls. It's trash =x.

I would rather have a photon crystal 90% of the time.

EDIT: and keep muh oran SoF on yowie D:

EDIT 2: Or throw it onto skyly astark since Yasakani Magatama is also trash
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Purplenum seems to be a little on the weak side...

It has an okay guld/PGF hunt from LCC, but now that I look at it again.... Literally nothing else good drops, really (except Electro Frame which is meh).

@Matt maybe leave Tripolic Shield pinkal exclusive, and throw a Yunchang onto the purple morfos (replacing tripolic shield)?

EDIT: or if that's bad (ie: that guld isn't supposed to be "huntable" so encouraging it is bad), anyone have other suggestions?
If you notice anything that is clearly a mistake (e.g. a hunt people are currently interested in has been removed), please let us know as well.

Bluefull sand rappy Vjaya (the only ultimate mode monster drop for this item) got deleted. Was this intentional? It only drops from boxes if you do that (and from lower difficulties - but those would have garbage percents, yeah?)
Purplenum seems to be a little on the weak side...
Main reason for this will have been that its Episode 1 is great (FS, Psycho Wand, Parts of Baranz, Spread Needle, Guardianna, Yas 9K) along with a decent Episode 4 (Yas 9K, V801, Heaven Striker from boss, H/Arms, OS, etc) so buffing it a lot in Episode 2 would have felt like putting the ID really strong everywhere.

Of course we've done this with Yellowboze anyway so that should probably change. Skyly might be a little too good too.

Sand Rappy Vjaya was removed because we felt like it getting hit ones should stay in the Roulette only to promote Episode 2 a little more (PW).