I'm going to leave a final thought on the rates of ubers here as I'm simply done discussing it, and I'm posting it here for the chance for people to publicly reply to get thoughts on it. I'm going to be pretty direct here so hold onto your butts for DISSENTING OPINIONS. I know the chart isn't finalized yet but I want to get this out there.
The thing I fought for most in the chart changes, is the global fixing of ubers. As someone who has for the lack of a better term NOLIFE'D this game somewhere around 12-13 years online, I can safely say that the ridiculous and completely UNREASONABLE drop rates for things like the Sinow Zele pwand and HP, the yellowboze assassin HP, and the Del lily pwand are not fair drops. Now I know the counter to this is that they're not designed to be and that is completely fair. However, I feel that if these drops are not within reason we're wasting a slot as they simple DO NOT DROP over 1/100k, and the only time we see these drop is when broken quests like Xrd force enemies out the wazoo, or with modified RDR+DAR at event times like Xmas. The enemies they drop from are not common, (for some players) are hard to get to and defeat, and to have a drop (some that in my long stay with PSO I've never seen drop in 13 years, which is ludicrous considering my play time) that is simply unseen or unheard of compared to its better drops is simply a waste of time and potential item slot.
The suggested 1/50k rates were fine, break nothing, and UNLIKE SOME SUGGESTED would not have ubers falling out of peoples butts. The rates I fought to have, were for them to have a chance to happen, not to make them main focus hunts that wasn't my intent. 1/50k is still a miracle drop, it is that 1/lol chance, but unlike the other hard hunts it is a drop like this CAN HAPPEN. These also at the same time do not devalue, replace, replicate, or even slightly degrade the other drops like delbiter blueful pwand, or Torr HP as they're simply better like has been suggested.
The rates as they were changed simply allow for the potential for these items to appear, albeit a very very very low chance at 1/50k or so. I will admit due to del lily being very abundant that should be about 1/70k that's digressing a bit.
my tl;dr is Attacking the changed rates, and wanting a 1/never (I have to stress that word) rate is basically invalidating an item even being on its chart placement at all. I can tell you from playing this for years, and as someone who struggled with a 1/12k rate for 8+years alone that wanting a 1/300k rate because of fear of devaluing a item that hardly drops even with its better rates is simply irrational and has no basis. Yes I'm being butthurt, I'll go ice it now.