Yes, this is a separate thing from stackable grinders, but it's relevant because the Ephinea devs addressed a Sega design choice that everyone agrees was poor. I don't understand how a person can approve of stackable grinders, or even PSO2 style drops, and then turn around and say the harsh material usage system is "part of the game that shouldn't change." The vast majority of other RPGs have a respec system that is much less draconian than simply starting over or losing all of the materials you've already used.
It's this sort of arbitrariness that makes it hard to argue against anyone here.
"Oh, I like Ephinea's fix for problem X, but we shouldn't change Y because clearly Sega intended it to be that way."
Sometimes I feel like people on this server disagree with ideas simply because they didn't think of them. Also, although everyone is entitled to an opinion, individuals who rarely play but simply like to be contrarian should really ask themselves if they're showing true concern or if they simply get enjoyment from throwing gas on the fire. It's very vexing to see this.
Using today's standards (which is perfectly fine when you have a development team that can design by today's standards, so please refrain from arbitrarily objecting to this), the material system designed by Sega is objectively poor. If a major release RPG came out in this day and age without a respec system, or with a respec system that was extremely costly / devastating to use, it would lose major points for discouraging player creativity. Gamers have grown very aware of artificial difficulty and it irritates them.
If you actually think that someone at Sega plotted, "Yes, it would be good to have materials on the quick menu to punish someone for being careless," you're giving them way too much credit. They probably didn't even think about endgame building when they designed the game. The very existence of endgame HUcast and RAcast proves this further. And don't forget the lack of hit respite in Blue Burst 1P Ultimate that made certain monsters devastatingly powerful compared to their Multimode variants. Way to catch that one, Sega. At least Ephinea fixed that, too.
Sometimes I just want to throw my arms up in the air when people dig up the most asinine objections against common sense proposals. Why wouldn't anyone want this if it was doable? Because it would make people happier and not have to worry about losing a ton of time / wealth for pressing one wrong button? We have Hardcore mode for that already.
I must reiterate: I don't benefit from this at all. I won't be making new characters and my mat / mag plans are perfect for my existing characters. I have no dog in this fight, but I see a good idea getting torn to shreds by individuals who like to kill every single idea while fully enjoying the ones that have been implemented already. I wonder how many people objected to the Ep. 2 drop changes and now secretly enjoy them...? Hmm...
Also remember: I fully support the current "full mat reset" option. If you totally screw up your character and want to fix it, then you deserve to lose the mats. However, the solution proposed here is for an entirely different problem. If I have one blemish on my kitchen wall, I don't need to take a sledgehammer to the whole thing, for example.