Post-200 Grind (Level 250)

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At Lv. 225 you should get a lobby particle effect that gives your character an "aura field" whose color can be changed using a command. (They had lobby particle effects for highly ranked Ep. 3 players on GameCube.) I think this would be really cool.

Then, at Lv. 250, perhaps your name color should change to silver or dark blue (not to be confused with GMs' light blue).

These are just suggestions and if you can't do them, I don't care one bit. I just want the RDR and Lv. 250 mostly :D

Please do not allow NPC skins other than for GMs. I always felt like they were too novel.
In my opinion 25% is too large of a cap.

I think it should be 5%, with the added bonus of "max luck always," essentially making it a permanent 10% boost (And I guess 8% in one person mode, since luck is different there). This would keep it somewhat balanced so it wouldn't snowball really hard with HBR and event boosts.

25% just seems super broken, and it would break even more depending on what other boosts we have at the time. 10% (5% + luck) is enough to incentivize playing a character, but it's also not so much that you feel "forced" to play that character, and you'd feel less bad for example if you felt like playing your HUney one day, but your HUcast has the level 250 boost. It's the same with the current luck system - sometimes it incentivizes me to change characters, and other times I'm not in the mood to play the lucky character - and I don't feel like I'm missing out on a broken massive boost when I don't play them.

Note: I was one of the original people who wanted this lol. RIP old suggestion forum.
I have a few characters at level 200, so this would certainly be of interest to me.

It may not be liked by newer players, but then again many of us grinded to 200 so its doable.

Also it's quite a big change from vanilla/(vanilla+?) so i could see that frustrating some people. But a stop level function as mentioned above could be helpful in that instance.

If it doesn't alter any stats, that's a good thing. As the game is already easy enough at 200 for some characters, especially with the right gear and play style. Stat boosts aren't needed.

One thing though, I already have lots of exp beyond level 200 on some characters. (And i think the game logs that??) Would be cool if that exp could be counted, instead of starting fresh ;p
I don't want to see a bunch of lv250's running around just like I don't want to see everyone using the Tails skin in game.
I would want to see. And I guess I understand the desire not to. If a command or something like @Eistee suggested was implemented then you could choose to block out viewing post 200 for those that want that ''200 look'' and for those that wanted to see more could also. I think it's a good idea to implement.
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How about a system similar to Excubes in PSO2?

For those that haven't played it, when you gain a certain amount of EXP while at the level cap, you gain an Excube related to your main class, which you can trade in for either class skill points or turn into two non-class Excubes that you can spend in a shop to get special items, such as upgrade boosters.

Would collecting Excubes (as an account flag, so they can't be tradeable) and just buying perks be better? This keeps the level 200 cap, and opens you up to spending your gained experience on other characters as well. That way you can continue to play your HUcast past 200, stay level 200, and then if you go to make a RAcast you can let them hit the ground running with a drop rate boost or whatever.
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Would collecting Excubes (as an account flag, so they can't be tradeable) and just buying perks be better? This keeps the level 200 cap, and opens you up to spending your gained experience on other characters as well. That way you can continue to play your HUcast past 200, stay level 200, and then if you go to make a RAcast you can let them hit the ground running with a drop rate boost or whatever.

As long as the "perks" is just the one perk (drop rate boost) I think this in addition to a better "experience gained" leaderboard would be the best idea. In my opinion.

"A better leaderboard" might be tons of work though (ideally it would show and rank all level 200s on the server with no cutoff, and HC + normal mode would be on separate boards- also "ideally" it would be viewable in game too, but that's never gonna happen).
I feel like we're really getting out into the weeds here. Let's try to keep this focused on the post Lv. 200 grind and look at other stuff later, IMO.
I'm not at level 200 yet with any character (been taking a break to catch up on other stuff), but I kinda like the idea. Would give some incentive to those who want to keep using their capped characters, and the only benefit is a boost to RDR, so the cap boost won't really break the game over its knee (unless you think a +25% total bonus to RDR is broken even when you have a 0% bonus to your DAR). Besides, by level 200, characters are already powerful enough (and can cap/boost enough stats) to confidently fight Dark Falz and Olga Flow (I know there's the Ep4 boss, but the two I mentioned are, imo, more notable), so giving even MORE stats would be pretty redundant (to the point where bosses wouldn't even be challenging at all by 250, especially considering we don't have Ultima's increased Ultimate stats (thank god for that, though), nor a difficulty above Ultimate).

And I also have to say no to the prestige suggestion made earlier. Not that it's a bad idea, but it only really works when there's an actual reason to use it (ex. if I'm right, in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, you can reset your character's level to 1 (I think after reaching cap/a certain level), and in exchange you gain stat bonuses that make the additional difficulty mode easier/possible to clear (which can definitely help, considering the Phantasy Star Universe series has no way to increase stats outside of units, equipment, and leveling up characters/types afaik)). Not many people like the idea of resetting their progress (even by 20 or so levels) if there's no real benefit to it (true, Eden gives special equipment for prestige, but stat bonuses alone aren't enough if there isn't something more challenging to make those bonuses actually WORTH having (especially when said stat bonuses on the prestige equipment likely can't go over natural class stat caps. Correct me if I'm wrong on that, as I haven't played on Eden)), and Matt already decided against stat bonuses, so there's not much left that can be done with a prestige system to make it worth implementing over an increased level cap.
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i already continue playing on my lv200 because he's a hucast and hucasts are fun

i think it'd be really cool to have 250 as a new level cap and also to show that off ingame! but if people want to opt out of it being displayed that's fine too. they should still get the perks though, obviously!

as some people have said, +25% RDR with the (presumably) massive amount of XP you'd need to get it really isn't that huge of a deal imo... if any other perks are introduced though, i do think they should be exclusive to the character they were earned on!

and yeah since this is essentially cosmetic + RDR boost and no stats are changed it's really not that big of a deal compared to, say, PSO2 drops or HBR when it comes to being vanilla >_>
Any evolution of the normal game that doesnt change the actual metagame is a good step in the right direction.

I think the core of "vanilla" should be derived from the usual gathering of items that people strive for to begin with. Once you start changing whats the best and power creeping upon that, the integrity of the game falls through fast usually *cough ultima cough*. Adding or changing stats is something that will i'm 99% sure will never be fucked with. The only thing I would ever advocate to be altered is ep2 resistances (and i'm not even sure if i'd touch EDK at that point either) instead of doing a bandaid fix like schthack tech boosts.

People are just scared/annoyed/pissed off about change because they think its the same garbage path others have went down. Maybe thats an acceptable concern but if at the end of the day it gives you more options without changing what everyone wants to use and hunt, then you cant ask for much more positives.

I personally feel 25% at lv250 is very fair considering how fucking long thats gonna take and all it does is say "Hey fucker you've been playing this character for 700 hours already, you're definitely gonna get the BEETUS of you keep playing this much so heres a small boost to find shit quicker and not die on the couch with a mouth full of sour patch kids."

I also like the excube idea but I think you'd have to be fucking careful about not letting it disrupt the economy too much. I don't claim to know what rewards would be the best to select from.
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as some people have said, +25% RDR with the (presumably) massive amount of XP you'd need to get it really isn't that huge of a deal imo...
I personally feel 25% at lv250 is very fair considering how fucking long thats gonna take

Just because it takes a long time to achieve doesn't mean it's not broken once you get there.

I'm still gonna sit in the "25% is too much" camp. But it looks like I'm the minority.

(I guess I'll be power-leveling to 250 to abuse this boost on my RAmar.)
I personally feel 25% is too much also
@falkenjeff but I'm all for visual gain only.
25% is (almost) the difference between a HC and a normal game. And take it from me who plays in both, it's definitely more than enough.
I'm mostly against this, but if it did happen, 25% RDR is way too much. How much is "fair" is the real question of this thread, and it's also where it died last time. Nobody could agree on what amount was "fair" and Sodaboy kinda dropped the idea.
I'd be against any boost of that nature. Instead I'd propose a name change at 200 and possibly multiple section-id changes from 200-250.

Also 201-250 is ugly as hell pls no
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Paragon levels, if you're referring to Diablo 3, add base stats. Or at least they did pre-expansion. These do not. :p

25% is not too much. It's a gradual walk to that amount. It will take AT LEAST 250 million ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE to get this. That's more than 3 level 200s.

I wouldn't be opposed to some intensity. Ie. 200 to 201 is 5 million, 201 to 202 is 5,100,000, so it would be 10 million TNL at Lv. 249.

This game has some horrendous, very Eastern-style drop rates. Combating that with a 25% boost that will take most people AT LEAST a year to get is not broken.

Edit: Also, if you want to completely "finish" this game, we're talking a full loadout of S-ranks and fully sphered weapons, which takes THOUSANDS of PDs and several years for the average player to complete. This isn't going to be like Schtserv's "race to the finish" where 99% of the PDs were duped and everyone got there too fast. The overall progression of this server has been good, but there's a HUGE ceiling to climb to. Speeding that up by 25% after spending countless hours grinding is not going to make people get bored and quit, and it's to make them want to play MORE, which is good for the server.

Big picture thinking people, please.
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This game has some horrendous, very Eastern-style drop rates. Combating that with a 25% boost that will take most people AT LEAST a year to get is not broken.

This is how I feel about it. For the amount of time and effort you're going to be putting into this, I feel like this is a suitable reward for your effort. I'm personally all for this idea.

I've played this game for a long time and there are still drops that I've never seen. The game is over a decade old, so I don't see the harm in making it a little easier to find things. That's just my two cents though.
To echo Roo, I've played this game more than some people have played video games, period. There's plenty of things I've never seen drop. This isn't going to hurt anything at all.
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