Don't know VGC enough rip. I've really only played singles.
Also if anyone wants to farm some easy BP's, I think this team is pretty good:
Tapu koko
@Choice Specs
4 Atk/252 Sp. atk/252 Speed
Dazzling Gleam
Volt Switch
@Focus Sash
4 Atk/252 Sp. atk/252 Speed
Hi Jump Kick
Ice Beam
Bug Buzz
Quiver Dance
4 Hp/252 Atk/252 Speed
Dragon Claw
Basically Tapu Koko tries to get some fast kills in early because Choice Specs + Electric Terrain + STAB Thunderbolt is massive and 1hko's a lot of pokes. Salamence acts sort of as a pivot, mainly against ground types, and also helps that he can intimidate opponents too. Pheromosa is mainly mixed sweeper.
Tapu Koko has both U-turn and Volt switch in case you can't use volt switch because the opponent has a ground type. Then you can U-turn to a safer switch, usually salamence. There are plenty of moves you can switch around too, like Salamence's Crunch (I barely see the chance to use this) to something like flamethrower or Fireblast (though better to change the nature to Naive or Hasty). You can also replace Pheromosa's Quiver Dance with U-turn to get more momentum, but usually quiver dance + Beast boosts on Sp. Atk means game over.
I managed to get to 50 consecutive wins twice with this, though I usually just stop at 30 and then forfeit to get my daily Bottle Cap.