Plushie's Shop :)

meseta (500k:1pd)
PCs (2:1pd)
Gold Anniversary Badges (1:1pd)

Currently looking for:

Can DM me on discord Plushie69#6969 , DM here or reply to thread.

None-rare weapons (All 1 PD unless marked otherwise)
Demon's Ripper (0/0/0/0|95)
Hell Ripper +4 (0/0/0/0|40)
King's Gladius (0/0/100/40|50)
Gladius +1 (25/0/0/30|80) 500k
Devil's Gladius (40/0/0/50|60)
Tempest Calibur (0/45/0/0|55)
Tempest Calibur +3 (40/0/0/0|50)
Shadow Calibur +5 (0/0/0/40|50)
Drain Calibur +8 (0/0/0/45|50)
Hell Calibur +10 (0/0/0/0|50)
Chaos Calibur +8 (0/0/0/0|50)
Spirit Calibur +8 (0/0/0/40|50)
Hell Gungnir +7(0/40/0/0|50)
Charge Slicer (0/0/0/0|55)
Berserk Diska +10 (0/0/0/0|50)
Arrest Raygun +2 (35/20/0/0|45)
Charge Rayun +4 (0/30/0/0|45)
Gush Raygun (0/0/50/0|85)
Hell Raygun (35/0/0/0|50)
Charge Raygun +5 (0/0/0/0|45)
Hell Laser +5 (0/45/0/0|40)
Soul Laser +5 (0/0/25/0|55)
Charge Laser +5 (30/45/0|45)
Charge Laser +9 (0/0/40/0|60)
Charge Mechgun (0/0/0/0|55)
Berserk Vulcan +2 (0/0/0/40|50)
King's Vulcan +4 (0/0/50/55|55)
Arrest Spread (0/0/0/0|50)
Hell Arms +7 (0/0/0/0|50)
Spirit Club +6 (0/0/0/40|55)
Berserk Club +1 (40/0/0/30|50)
Devil's Club +6 (35/0/0/0|50)
Club +7 (0/0/0/10|70) 500k
Demon's Striker +4 (0/25/0/0|50)
King's Striker +11 (0/25/35/0)
Hell Striker +4 (50/0/0/40|65)

Melee Weapons (1 PD unless marker otherwise)
Vjaya (20/0/0/25|25)
Gae Bolg (0/15/0/0|-5)
Gae Bolg (0/35/30/0|20)
Lavis Cannon (0/25/0/0) 8 Pds
Zanba (0/0/20/0)
Flowen's Sword (3084) (0/0/0/0|20)
Dark Flow (0/0/0/35|60) 50pd
Valkyrie (0/15/0/0|20)
Brave Knuckle (0/0/20/20|25)
Zanba (0/0/15/0|30) 10pds
Daylight Scar (0/0/0/0)
S-Red's Blade (0/0/0/0)
Asuka (15/90/0/0)
Twin Brand (20/20/0/0|30)
Angry Fist (0/0/0/0|40)
Angry Fist +50 (20/10/0/0|20)
Agito (1980) (0/0/0/15)
Agito (1980) (0/0/0/30)
Agito (1980) (0/0/0/0)
Agito (1980) (40/0/0/0)
Yamigarasu (5/10/0/0
Red Saber (0/0/0/0|30)
Monkey King Bar (25/0/35/40)
Girasole (0/0/0/30)
Yunchang (15/0/0/0|15)
Imperial Pick (0/0/0/0|35)
Yamato (25/0/0/0|30)
Partisan of Lightning (0/0/20/30)
Vivenne (0/0/0/0)
Yunchang (0/0/0/0)
Yunchang (0/0/0/0)
Tyrell's Parasol (0/0/0/0)

Ranged Weapons
Diska of Braveman +9 (0/0/0/0|30)
Diska of Braveman +9 (0/0/15/15|30)
DIska of Braveman (0/0/20/25|35)
Diska of Braveman +9 (0/40/0/15|15)
Bravace (40/0/0/15|35)
Bravace (0/45/0/0|40)
Justy-23ST (0/0/0/0|55)
Rianov 303SNR-5 (0/15/0/0)
M&A60 Vise (0/0/15/0|30)
M&A60 Vise +9 (0/25/0/0|30)
M&A60 Vise (0/40/0/0|30)
L&K14 Comabt (0/25/30/0|55)
L&K14 Combat (20/0/0/0|55) 500k
Suppress Gun (0/0/0/0)
Flight Cutter (25/0/25/0|25)
Rambling May (25/0/0/0)
Bringer's Rifle (0/0/0/0|40) 20pds
Red Handgun (30/0/20/25)
Red Handgun (0/55/0/0)
Red Mechgun (5/5/15/0)
Red Mechgun (0/0/0/30|30)
Guilty Light +9 (0/30/20/0|40)
Guilty Light (0/45/0/30|55) 500k
Guilty Light (20/0/0/0|30)
Guilty Light (0/35/40/0|30)
Guilty Light (0/20/0/0|45)
Red Handgun (0/30/0/0|25)
Red Scorpio (0/20/0/20|25)
Red Scorpio (0/0/30/30|40)
Ruby Bullet (20/0/15/20)
Ruby Bullet (30/0/0/0|25)
Slicer of Fanatic (0/5/0/0|10)
Rage d'Ame (Geist) (0/0/15/0)
TypeSH/Shot (0/0/0/0|40) 5pds
Berserk TypeGU/Hand (0/0/0/0|40)
Berserk TypeGU/Mechgun (0/0/0/0|35)
Berserk TypeGU/Mechgun (0/0/0/0|35)
Charge TypeGU/Mechgun (0/0/0/0|35)
Charge TypeGU/Mechgun (0/0/0/0|35)

Tech Weapons (All 1 PD)
Glide Divine (35/0/0/0)
Caduceus (0/25/15/0)
Elysion (0/0/15/0|30)
Branch of Pakupaku (0/0/15/15)
Branch of Pakupaku (0/10/10/0)
Branch of Pakupaku (0/0/50/0)
Branch of Pakupaku (0/30/0/0)
Branch of Pakupaku (0/35/0/0|25)
Decalog (0/0/0/0) x6

Stink Frame [40/85] | [72/85] [0s]
Stink Frame [4/85] | [34/85] [1s]
Guard Wave [21/50] | [9/20] [0s]
Guard Wave [0/50] | [20/20] [2s]
Flame Garment [35/50] | [16/20] [1s]
Electro Frame [2/50] | [17/20] [0s]
Black Hound Cuirass [19/30] | [0/0] [1s]
Black Hound Cuirass [27/30] | [0/0] [0s]
Thirteen [6/8] | [4/8] [0s]
DB's Armor [7/10] | [4/10] [0s]
Red Coat [8/10] | [3/10] [0s]
Virus Armor: Lafuteria [16/50] | [20/20] 15pd
Smoking Plate [36/50] | [3/20] [0s]
Smoking Plate [38/50] | [7/20] [0s]
Black Odoshi Red Nimaidou [6/10] | [10/10] [1s]
Lieutenant Gear [5/18] | [15/16] [1s]

Regenerate Gear B.P. [4/7] | [3/7]
Rico's Glasses [0/0] | [0/0] x11
Rico's Earring [80/85] | [14/25] 2pd
Rico's Earring [41/85] | [0/25]
Rico's Earring [28/85] | [2/25]
Rico's Earring [56/85] | [14/25]
Rico's Earring [29/85] | [14/25]
Rico's Earring [48/85] | [19/25]
Blue Barrier [0/5] | [1/5]
GIbarta Merge [0/5] | [1/5]
Blue Merge [5/5] | [3/5]
Yellow Merge [2/5] | [0/5]
Yellow Barrier [2/5] | [3/5]
Yellow Barrier [1/5] | [1/5]
Striker Plus [5/10] | [5/5]
Genpei [0/0] | [0/0] 2pd

Shields used to make From the Depths (1PD Each)
Secret Gear [6/10] | [7/10]
Secret Gear [4/10] | [0/10]
Secret Gear [3/10] | [1/10]
Secret Gear [0/10] | [0/10]
Flowen's Shield [6/10] | [6/10]
Flowen's Shield [1/10] | [7/10]
Flowen's Shield [0/10] | [9/10]
Flowen's Shield [3/10] | [9/10]
Flowen's Shield [6/10] | [1/10]
Flowen's Shield [2/10] | [3/10]
De Rol Le Shield [0/75] | [0/75]
De Rol Le Shield [0/75] | [0/75]
De Rol Le Shield [4/75] | [23/75]

V801 8pds
V801 8pds
Smartlink 2pds
Smartlink 2pds

Heavenly/Battle x3
Heavenly/Power x4
Centurion/Ability 10pds
Yasakani Magatama x4 1pd each

Misc (1PD each unless marked otherwise)
S-beat's Arms
S-red's Arms
Parts of Baranz x3
Gal Gryphon's Wing x2

Star Amplifier x3
Magic Rock "Moola" x2
Parts of Egg Blaster x2
De Rol Le Shell x5
Parasitic Cell Type D 5pd

Amp. of Red
Amp. of Anti
Amp. of Shifta
Amp. of Foie
Amp. of Barta x8
Amp. of Zonde x3

Yellow Paint x2 2pd
White Paint x1 2pd
Black Paint x2 2pd

Mags / Mag Cells
Tellusis [5/135/60/0] [M|L|P] 8pds (can be used as a HUcaseal Max stat mag)
Gael Giel [5/158/37/0] [M|E|P] 20pds

D-Photon Core 15pds
Amitie's Memo 8pd

Pending/Completed Sales
Master Raven (0/0/0/0) 5pds G
Vjaya +15 (0/45/0/0|45) Phazon
Arrest Raygun +2 (0/0/0/40|45) Cred
Bringer's Arm Cred
Yellow Paint Kyu
L&K38 Combat (0/0/15/15) Krooklymyc
L&K38 Combat (0/0/25/15) krookly
Egg Blaster (0/45/0/0|80) 3pd krookly
Egg Blaster (0/0/25/0|75) 3pd krookly
Diwari [10/140/50/0] [M|F|P] [Green] 1pd Merazoma
Sato [5/68/48/79] [M|L|P] [Fuchsia] 2pd Merazoma
Lieutenant Mantle [21/21] | [6/18] [4s] 5pds Allmight
Charge TypeSH/Shot (0/0/0/0|40) Heero34
Berserk TypeGU/Hand (0/0/0/0|40) 500k Heero34
Last Swan (0/0/0/0) 5pds Maximum455
Flame Garment [40/50] | [6/20] [4s] 2pd Maximus455
Guard Wave [44/50] | [11/20] [4s] Maximus455
De Rol Le Shield [21/75] | [44/75] Maimus455
Flowen's Shield [5/10] | [10/10] MaDa
Kusanagi MaDa
Galatine MaDa
Dreamcast [5/137/0/0] 5pds MaDa
Gratia [20/20] | [0/15] 3pd Nemu
Amitie's Memo 8pd Allmight
DIska of Braveman (0/0/40/15|30) Nymphadora
Cure/Shock Aemil
Demolition Comet (0/20/25/0|25) Aemil
Smartlink 2pds Arvydas
Smartlink 2pds Arvydas
Flame Garment [35/50] | [16/20] [1s] Dennjo
Dark Flow (0/0/0/35|60) 50pd BenjaminSerenity
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Hello id like to buy the following items:
Monkey King Bar (25/0/35/40)
Girasole (0/0/0/30)

Discord Dr.Psycho#9392
Hey I would like to buy those two items =)
De Rol Le Shield [0/75] | [0/75]
Heya there. The Red Saber with 30Hit for the 1 PD smiles at me. That still available?
Red Saber (0/0/0/0|30)
Red Mechgun (0/0/0/30|30)
Flight Cutter (25/0/25/0|25)
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Tellusis [5/135/60/0] [M|L|P] 8pds (can be used as a HUcaseal Max stat mag)

I would like to buy this.
I won’t be home for another 9 hours though.

Sorry. I read those stats wrong. I’m needing a 5/130/65/0.
Sorry to ding you. Here’s a free bump though.
I’ve traded with Plushie before. He’s worth trading with.
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Would I be able to get:
Charge TypeSH/Shot (0/0/0/0|40)
Berserk TypeGU/Hand (0/0/0/0|40) 500k
Bringers right arm
Hello Fellow Hunter ^w^,
if your shop is still open, i want to buy Asuka (15/90/0/0) 500K Mesetas !