Please play Phantasy Star Online


Cave Dweller
Hello everyone. Good to see you all.

My name is Wyatt, but most of my friends call me Varista.

The topic of discussion for this thread is specifically Phantasy Star Online. You might be familiar with this game, it's very special to a lot of us, myself included. Fact is, PSO was supposed to die some time ago. I have a deep passion for this game and its survival as I know lots of others also have.

We all play PSO, this wonderful game has brought so many people together. Some of you have played more than others, but that hardly matters at this point. We all play, that's what matters the most—you might be wondering exactly why I say this? It's because I care about this game and the community within it.

Through thick and thin this game has continued to draw in more and more attention after the death of the officials. It's because of the dedication to excellence that this community strives to maintain that makes this game such an overwhelming success in the face of absolute destruction. Phantasy Star is special in this way almost exclusively. A vibrant community ready to embrace every new and old player ready to engage themselves with this masterpiece. This game is by no means perfect and neither is everybody within this community... but that's what makes it even more special that despite everything we can come together and continue to grow this game into something much more than I think even Sega and Sonic Team even had the creative capacity for.

Between the incredibly talented developers that continue to develop new and innovating content for each and every server that still stands to this day—to the work that the admins of these servers do to maintaining an environment that allows players like myself to continue playing with the friends I make—all the way to the people that dedicate themselves and their time to assisting in the publication of the game we spend hours and hours playing each night—this game thrives off the hard work and continued dedication of every single player that plays.

I don't mean just this community, the individual server community that this thread might exist within, or the external chat service this message might reach out to. I am speaking to the PSO community. Despite dividing ourselves among several different platforms and servers, we all stand together under this one singular game as one single entity. You might even say that we are all the Stars in Phantasy Star. Each and every one of us. Not all of us may get along, as to be expected, not all of us play on the same platforms, or even really play on the same server, but we all play this game and we should unite our efforts together. Despite the differences, despite the setbacks, despite the grudges. We can and should drop the past, drop the issues and in-fighting and just settle things together. We should be fighting for this game and the people we love to be together with. I'm a Gamecube player, my friends are almost all Gamecube players. But I don't simply limit myself or restrict myself to such a platform, or the server in which I derive from. Settle your differences, settle your scores, and reset.

I ask this of you, in addition to asking you to continue making this game amazing. If you're an artist that likes to make art of the game, continue to make art for it—if you're a video producer like myself that likes to spend hours and hours editing footage for this game, continue to record and edit—if you're a streamer that wants nothing more than to turn on your stream and see players come and hang out with you in the chat room to enjoy PSO together, continue streaming—if you're a developer that loves to create new and interesting ways for your fellow players to interact with the game, continue developing—if you're an admin that wants nothing more than to provide a place for your friends and fellow players to play on, continue to provide, and I will continue to play—if you're a fellow player that wishes to keep logging in every day and play with their friends and family that you enjoy this game so much with... keep logging on and playing. Please. Please keep doing what you are doing.

There will always be competitiveness among different servers, but please try to keep it positive competitiveness. Please attempt to try to keep every aspect and point of view in mind when you remember this game and the people who play it. At the end of the day, we're all PSO players, we all love and cherish this game together. Keep things positive, don't burn bridges between different servers and admins. You may never know who will be around to help you in the future, you may never know what might happen.

All I want for this game is to continue. That's my hope and dream. I will continue to do my part in getting players interested in this game that we have continued to keep alive through thick and thin over the many years. The death of the officials, didn't stop us, so nothing else should either. I appreciate everything each and every one of you do. This is my address to the PSO community. To the most faithful community to a game that was supposed to completely die so many years ago.

Please keep playing Phantasy Star Online.

Thank you for reading.

Hello everyone. Good to see you all.

My name is Wyatt, but most of my friends call me Varista.

The topic of discussion for this thread is specifically Phantasy Star Online. You might be familiar with this game, it's very special to a lot of us, myself included. Fact is, PSO was supposed to die some time ago. I have a deep passion for this game and its survival as I know lots of others also have.

We all play PSO, this wonderful game has brought so many people together. Some of you have played more than others, but that hardly matters at this point. We all play, that's what matters the most—you might be wondering exactly why I say this? It's because I care about this game and the community within it.

Through thick and thin this game has continued to draw in more and more attention after the death of the officials. It's because of the dedication to excellence that this community strives to maintain that makes this game such an overwhelming success in the face of absolute destruction. Phantasy Star is special in this way almost exclusively. A vibrant community ready to embrace every new and old player ready to engage themselves with this masterpiece. This game is by no means perfect and neither is everybody within this community... but that's what makes it even more special that despite everything we can come together and continue to grow this game into something much more than I think even Sega and Sonic Team even had the creative capacity for.

Between the incredibly talented developers that continue to develop new and innovating content for each and every server that still stands to this day—to the work that the admins of these servers do to maintaining an environment that allows players like myself to continue playing with the friends I make—all the way to the people that dedicate themselves and their time to assisting in the publication of the game we spend hours and hours playing each night—this game thrives off the hard work and continued dedication of every single player that plays.

I don't mean just this community, the individual server community that this thread might exist within, or the external chat service this message might reach out to. I am speaking to the PSO community. Despite dividing ourselves among several different platforms and servers, we all stand together under this one singular game as one single entity. You might even say that we are all the Stars in Phantasy Star. Each and every one of us. Not all of us may get along, as to be expected, not all of us play on the same platforms, or even really play on the same server, but we all play this game and we should unite our efforts together. Despite the differences, despite the setbacks, despite the grudges. We can and should drop the past, drop the issues and in-fighting and just settle things together. We should be fighting for this game and the people we love to be together with. I'm a Gamecube player, my friends are almost all Gamecube players. But I don't simply limit myself or restrict myself to such a platform, or the server in which I derive from. Settle your differences, settle your scores, and reset.

I ask this of you, in addition to asking you to continue making this game amazing. If you're an artist that likes to make art of the game, continue to make art for it—if you're a video producer like myself that likes to spend hours and hours editing footage for this game, continue to record and edit—if you're a streamer that wants nothing more than to turn on your stream and see players come and hang out with you in the chat room to enjoy PSO together, continue streaming—if you're a developer that loves to create new and interesting ways for your fellow players to interact with the game, continue developing—if you're an admin that wants nothing more than to provide a place for your friends and fellow players to play on, continue to provide, and I will continue to play—if you're a fellow player that wishes to keep logging in every day and play with their friends and family that you enjoy this game so much with... keep logging on and playing. Please. Please keep doing what you are doing.

There will always be competitiveness among different servers, but please try to keep it positive competitiveness. Please attempt to try to keep every aspect and point of view in mind when you remember this game and the people who play it. At the end of the day, we're all PSO players, we all love and cherish this game together. Keep things positive, don't burn bridges between different servers and admins. You may never know who will be around to help you in the future, you may never know what might happen.

All I want for this game is to continue. That's my hope and dream. I will continue to do my part in getting players interested in this game that we have continued to keep alive through thick and thin over the many years. The death of the officials, didn't stop us, so nothing else should either. I appreciate everything each and every one of you do. This is my address to the PSO community. To the most faithful community to a game that was supposed to completely die so many years ago.

Please keep playing Phantasy Star Online.

Thank you for reading.

Well said, Warrior~! *More Paw Applauds* =3
Hello everyone. Good to see you all.

My name is Wyatt, but most of my friends call me Varista.

The topic of discussion for this thread is specifically Phantasy Star Online. You might be familiar with this game, it's very special to a lot of us, myself included. Fact is, PSO was supposed to die some time ago. I have a deep passion for this game and its survival as I know lots of others also have.

We all play PSO, this wonderful game has brought so many people together. Some of you have played more than others, but that hardly matters at this point. We all play, that's what matters the most—you might be wondering exactly why I say this? It's because I care about this game and the community within it.

Through thick and thin this game has continued to draw in more and more attention after the death of the officials. It's because of the dedication to excellence that this community strives to maintain that makes this game such an overwhelming success in the face of absolute destruction. Phantasy Star is special in this way almost exclusively. A vibrant community ready to embrace every new and old player ready to engage themselves with this masterpiece. This game is by no means perfect and neither is everybody within this community... but that's what makes it even more special that despite everything we can come together and continue to grow this game into something much more than I think even Sega and Sonic Team even had the creative capacity for.

Between the incredibly talented developers that continue to develop new and innovating content for each and every server that still stands to this day—to the work that the admins of these servers do to maintaining an environment that allows players like myself to continue playing with the friends I make—all the way to the people that dedicate themselves and their time to assisting in the publication of the game we spend hours and hours playing each night—this game thrives off the hard work and continued dedication of every single player that plays.

I don't mean just this community, the individual server community that this thread might exist within, or the external chat service this message might reach out to. I am speaking to the PSO community. Despite dividing ourselves among several different platforms and servers, we all stand together under this one singular game as one single entity. You might even say that we are all the Stars in Phantasy Star. Each and every one of us. Not all of us may get along, as to be expected, not all of us play on the same platforms, or even really play on the same server, but we all play this game and we should unite our efforts together. Despite the differences, despite the setbacks, despite the grudges. We can and should drop the past, drop the issues and in-fighting and just settle things together. We should be fighting for this game and the people we love to be together with. I'm a Gamecube player, my friends are almost all Gamecube players. But I don't simply limit myself or restrict myself to such a platform, or the server in which I derive from. Settle your differences, settle your scores, and reset.

I ask this of you, in addition to asking you to continue making this game amazing. If you're an artist that likes to make art of the game, continue to make art for it—if you're a video producer like myself that likes to spend hours and hours editing footage for this game, continue to record and edit—if you're a streamer that wants nothing more than to turn on your stream and see players come and hang out with you in the chat room to enjoy PSO together, continue streaming—if you're a developer that loves to create new and interesting ways for your fellow players to interact with the game, continue developing—if you're an admin that wants nothing more than to provide a place for your friends and fellow players to play on, continue to provide, and I will continue to play—if you're a fellow player that wishes to keep logging in every day and play with their friends and family that you enjoy this game so much with... keep logging on and playing. Please. Please keep doing what you are doing.

There will always be competitiveness among different servers, but please try to keep it positive competitiveness. Please attempt to try to keep every aspect and point of view in mind when you remember this game and the people who play it. At the end of the day, we're all PSO players, we all love and cherish this game together. Keep things positive, don't burn bridges between different servers and admins. You may never know who will be around to help you in the future, you may never know what might happen.

All I want for this game is to continue. That's my hope and dream. I will continue to do my part in getting players interested in this game that we have continued to keep alive through thick and thin over the many years. The death of the officials, didn't stop us, so nothing else should either. I appreciate everything each and every one of you do. This is my address to the PSO community. To the most faithful community to a game that was supposed to completely die so many years ago.

Please keep playing Phantasy Star Online.

Thank you for reading.

Dude, reading your post was like first time i played pso on dreamcast, long time ago, when i started to read Rico Red Ring's feelings, inside her messages, like a soul's puzzle.
Pso will never die, don't worry. Today, i played with someone who didn't know dreamcast. She just knew ps gaming by psu on ps2, when She was 8 or 9...Don't care, i just helped her to enter in our space, to explore her inside cosmo, finding that she's a new star in this wonderful universe.