Player Commands

Sodaboy said:
He doesn't have a point.

My point was that lvl 20 seems like an odd choice for a cutoff. I could see lvl 50 or 90 because you start to get into more endgame stuff and I could see why you would want to restrict people from switching at that point to take advantage of it. That's why I was asking.
You know, what might be a good idea is having a little welcome window that greets players logging in with newly created characters/accounts and gives them the dirt on this. Having the game with as little reliance as possible on a forum/site for full functionality or knowledge thereof strikes me now at least as a worthwhile thing.

Having such key and unique server features clearly advertised from the beginning in a way such that if someone were to say "but I didn't know" then your retort could be "What, you didn't pay attention to literally the first thing you saw once you logged in?"
I could code a scrolling banner or something that shows up on lobby appearance for characters under level 20, I guess. Or, I could actually make a command that lists commands, like /help. I will look into it.
You can enable the Beginners Help window that was only available to trial accounts on the Japanese servers and modify the PNG files in the data folder to teach the players about the features of the server.
Sodaboy said:
I could actually make a command that lists commands, like /help.

Just to clarify:

I too was thinking of the /help thing, but for a total newcomer even /help might not be known, thus having it appear once automatically may well be beneficial in this case.
A banner seems like the best option... just to reminder to "search" in the forums or with a specific forum topic title.
One of those windows would just be dismissed without reading... happens all the time :)
Well, the way I just coded it enables a scrolling banner that appears when your character is low level upon joining the lobby. It lets the user know that the server has custom commands and to type /help to know more. Also lets them know to go to the home page to look at drop charts.
If BB supports it, you could also add the "Information" option to the main login menu so that if you select it instead of selecting a ship, you get a secondary menu with options to see all the commands and stuff. If you select any of those options, you get the big message window with a scroll bar listing all of the stuff you can do. That way it's available for everyone to see, regardless of your level and without having to remember any commands.
Type the command into your speech bubble (starting with the slash) with nothing else in the bubble, and you'll issue the command instead of speaking.
New command:

/ping - Checks your ping to the currently connected ship. (Result tends to be inaccurate if you're moving around. So stand still and use this command.)
Ping is the time it takes for your connection to make a roundtrip to a server and back (I missed out a bunch of important terms here that I can't remember for the life of me).

Basically, low ping = faster server response, so you have less overall lag, while more ping = slower server response, so things take longer to happen if it's controlled by the server.
falkenjeff said:
Can we get a /time command?
This command has been implemented, but doesn't show up on the help menu, sorry. (I'll add it in later, I just forgot to add it before I put the ships back up.)

Also, /time doesn't show the time zone of the ship. Just the ship's local time.

For reference, Fodra is UTC-6, Auldrant is UTC-8, and Lumireis is just UTC.

When I do server stuff, I usually go by UTC-8 since it's my local time zone.