Phantasy Star Universe

I played PSU on 360 with a bunch of Xbox Live friends that were really into it. I still liked PSOEp1&2 for Gamecube better but PSU had some really cool player housing. I remember my friend had a room themed like a diner that everyone would just hang out in, and he had this furniture item that was a parrot and it would repeat chat lines back sometimes.
This single-handedly made me want to get Clementine, but I'll wait on that.
I think I might need more RAM and I have the tendency to go on a hiatus when I lose data, so right now, I guess I won't be joining the server yet. Rip me.
I joined PSU a few years after it'd been released. The first person I met told me the server was dying. It carried on going for 3 or so years. It remains my most played, or rather overplayed game. When the EU PC servers went down I went straight to the JP servers.

I hope Clementine is completed. Seeing progress on each new open Alpha gives me some hope. But progress is rather slow and I don't know if it'll truly become a reality. Even if it did I think PSOBB private servers would outlive it.

I bought a copy of PSU Vanillia and a guide book from Ebay since I 'm collecting many of the Phantasy Star stuff. I'm going to try and stream PSU offline as well. Kinda excited to play it haha

Never really played PSU but I played PSP1/2
Is there any way to even play the original PSU PC offline anymore, or are you forced to play the PS/XB2 versions? All of the remaining GG bypasses seem to be for PSUv2 only.
I know. I'm talking about the original PSU. You can't play offline mode anymore because GameGuard fails to update when you start the game, but the GG bypasses for the original PSU (before AOTI) are gone now.
I played it a few weeks ago actually. You can find it over at psumods on the bottom of one of the threads for AotI.
I don't remember liking PSU much but I thought the beast people were kinda cool. I just wish you could of played as whatever race you wanted for the single player story mode.
I don't remember liking PSU much but I thought the beast people were kinda cool. I just wish you could of played as whatever race you wanted for the single player story mode.

10 days late, but technically it is/was possible (depending on whether or not you're willing to use mods to play offline and in English) to play as your own character in the JP PC version's offline mode. But not for Episode 1 offline. Episode II offline for PSU:AotI lets you do it, but as far as I've heard, it's the same as doing the Episode II story quests online save for a few quest rewards being different, and some differences in what partner cards are available and how you get them. Ep 3 isn't playable at all, but someone's been working on a mod for that.

If you're talking about the console version though, then yeah. Not possible afaik.
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