Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to the west!


Staff member
Yes, yes, I know this isn't Ephinea related news, but it IS Phantasy Star Online related and I felt it should be reported on every site that is related to PSO!

Phantasy Star Online 2 has been announced for the west, again! This time, though, we've got an approximate release date, Spring 2020, and it will be coming out for both the Xbox One and PC platforms. (Update: It will come to the PS4 and Switch as well!

If you are a true fan of Phantasy Star Online, make sure that when it does come out, if you have a platform that the game appears on, you do your best to sign up, play and support it!

You can watch the announcement trailer below:

Official website at
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Well, I guess that's what Sega's survey was all about afterall!

That said, I'll believe it when it's actually in my hands or on the XBL storefront. :P
I'll give it a shot if you actually download and install the game... because the reveal says it's powered by Azure, which is Microsoft's cloud platform. Streaming games isn't my thing, even if it is PSO.
I'll give it a shot if you actually download and install the game... because the reveal says it's powered by Azure, which is Microsoft's cloud platform. Streaming games isn't my thing, even if it is PSO.
It might not be streamed. It could just have the servers being hosted on the Azure platform, not the actual game.

If they're streaming the actual game, I might have to pass as well. :( (Depends on the lag to/from the server.)
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Cool, I'll give PSO2 another go when/if this comes out. Playing with lower ping than what I had to deal with on the JP servers will be a nice new experience for me.
SQUEEeeee!!!!! With all this Hype...we can only wait again with bated breath til it happens...PSO2 is GORGEOUS and all, but EVERYONE Who's played it All came running back saying the 'Same thing!'..."It just doesn't have the same CHARM as the Original!" And of course it has the TWO of mew's most fave things things PSO original has been lacking... BOUNCING BOOBIES! XD! Ok, well mew'll now quietly take her place among the rest of the skeptical devoutees and twiddle our paws waiting patiently....expectantly.....nervously......Anxiously...... ...... ... GAAAAAAAH!!!!
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Super late but at least it’s not in Half Life 3 status anymore. I didn’t have much interest in PSO2 before but now that we’re actually getting it I’m debating downloading the Japanese version with Tweaker and playing it now because I don’t wanna wait a year for it.
If by "free to play" they mean pay to win, and not just that they'll be excluding the hunter's license bs, then no.
If it's a $50-70, all inclusive game with no buy-able addon's (like State of Decay 2), then maybe.
Ephinea Forever.
PSO2 is no longer an endless dungeon crawler unfortunately.

It's a fun game for what it is, but I wouldn't say it's really like PSO1.
Wonder if the western servers receive all content before they release pso3 in jp..... Which is to be expected around 2022 iirc... Way to late....