Phantasy Star General (PSG) [Dissolved]

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*Is suddenly torn between preparing for DAMAGE CONTROL....or setting up a Torches and Pitchforks Angry Mob shop!* PSG's demise was as much a suprise and Shock to mew as anyone. NDW said he was gonna make a "draft" to what to say for himself...
Before I took my long break, PSG was thriving as a team. I set out conditions and tried to establish an atmosphere where people felt connected.

Members would always make it a priority to talk to each other, try to play with each other, try to help each other out, and to have fun with each other. There was a good sense of cohesion.

PSG used to be a team filled with members who interacted with everyone on nearly a daily basis. Members would be social towards each other and play games to level up, hunt rares, participate in events, and grow stronger together.

After I came back after my long break and saw how much the team had split off and where any remaining members didn't care that much to talk to other members they met or try to include all members of the team into an activity where people would be doing stuff together and having fun, I felt that PSG lost the good reputation it had as a team and turned into a mess in how it operated.

Probably the most important thing that made PSG successful back when I first made it was communication. After I was gone for a while, upon my return I had found out from members who first joined but left after I left was that there was little to no communication from the team leaders I had assigned leadership to. It all just fell apart.

The latest Team Leaders never bothered to utilize the Discord platform I had chosen to be used as a line of communication in order to make communicating easier and more accessible to get in touch with everyone.

Because of these events, I feel that PSG should no longer exist as a team. The old PSG can never be experienced again and the current PSG is something I'm not particularly pleased with. There is virtually no possibility of salvaging it back to how it was before.

To those who joined relatively recent hoping to be a part of a team that was interactive but found out that it wasn't what you had hoped for or expected, I apologize.

I'm sorry that this turn of events came out of nowhere, but I think it's finally time that PSG be laid to rest as a team. However, PSG will now live on as an online community based upon the discussion of all online Phantasy Star games and being able to interact with others in the Discord server.
Dont you think you could have dished out some team points tho? My Team sure could have used some, i would have been happy to give out pds for Team Point Tokens.
Dont you think you could have dished out some team points tho? My Team sure could have used some, i would have been happy to give out pds for Team Point Tokens.
Being concerned with other teams who could use team points is none of my business. Let those teams register team points and handle the matter themselves. I'm sure any team who works together to register their own team points appreciates the privileges they receive after redeeming said points a lot more than being able to get them via a cheap handout, in my opinion.

Besides, team points aren't really something that can be sold and distributed evenly within the entirety of the team (unless the team is extremely small) with Photon Drops as a currency. People have always been skimpy with trying to buy team points, especially in today's market.
Wow bro, chill out, you making it seem like I was looking for a Handout cause im lazy, i was simply asking a question. I think would i dish out some points if my team had 80,000+ and i was going to dissolve the team, or at least hand back points to the ppl who have donated the most to your team so they can go start their own team. I'm generous tho, but most people aren't as i can tell... I had to kick a player from my team, and i handed back his team points along with 20pds, something I did not have to do, but i did anyway.
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From what mew was told...NDW was upset that his team had become too commoner friendly and had accepted just about mew's defense, yes she can be quite the Borg and after playing with people would find them worthy of our family and add their distictiveness to our own seeing they would be active assets halping the community. Yes, mew Screwed up by bloating our ranks with decent ppl and even made the mistake of accidently booting loved ones thinking they were inactive or were using names mew hadn't seen in ages. COMMUNICATION was KEY...So if PSG had fallen into the shambles of commoners and non-Elitists upon NDW's return, That was MEW's fault! On a side note she IS happy and proud she was at least able to secretly sponsor a few fledgling, now prominent teams that make Ephinea what it is today and a joyful surprise to players returning after Years of being away. <3. And mew even encouraged anyone who Wasn't happy with PSG to start their Own teams and even halped them start out....flags...dressing rooms etc.
Anyway, As much as mew WANTS or was expected to turn this to a well deserved BLOODBATH of paw pointing and Elitistist Dick move accusations of NDW did 'This' wrong or 'That' wrong, could've done Should've done Yadda Yadda Yadda .... All she can do is wish him well and apologize to the masses who will return (prolly for Easter event) finding their home inexplicably Gone. Well...Onto other horizons...Right? <3! NULLIUS PAVET OCCURSUM! Nya!
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