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CHB - 1000 PDs - Arsuru- Winner.
48 Hour resets
AUCTION ENDS 12/02/21 10:10 AM central time.
Up for auction, the ultimate Mag Business Starter Kit! I stopped selling mags around May of last year and I have been sitting on these mags since then! I've contemplated for quite some time about wanting to get back into the mag business but I've made the decision not to at this time.
I really really enjoyed making and selling mags but I burnt my self out from producing and selling hundreds of mags a month for a steady 3 years! If I had more time and more stability in my life, I would probably still be making mags today but unfortunately I'm just not in the position to produce and sale mags right now. Maybe if Ephinea is still around in 5 years or so, maybe ill make a comeback?
Up for auction is my complete inventory that I had when I stopped making mags. I will have them listed in a downloadable PDF and Notepad file attached below. I cannot upload an Excel File so you will need to copy and paste from PDF to Excel to get mag count for your self. If you prefer I can maybe send you the Excel File through Discord?
I will also have 5 sample pictures from the Excel file but for the full list please download the PDF or Notepad Files.
Some Random S**t!
Satos are by far the best selling mags on the server even though they are not the best mag (stat wise) compared to quite a few others, im pretty sure everyone already knew that though.
ALL MAGS WILL COME WITH TWINS, The other two PBs will vary between certain mags but most are Estilla and Pilla.
Valentine ,Summer and Xmas event were by far the best months for mag sales, I could average an easy 25 to 50+ PDs per day for the entire month! it was nothing to see 800 to 1500+ pds in a month if you could keep up with demand which was harder than it seems. You had to be prepared WAAY before the events started so I would start mass producing mags 24/7 around the clock, 2 months before summer event and I would still run out of mags!
on off months that are not event months, you could still average about 200-600 pds a month easy depending on demand, types of mags you have on inventory and the price that you sale them at.
Does this mean YOU can sale that many mags in a month?? Who knows, but this can be a great investment depending on what price the Auction ends at. Over the long term, you can expect to get your PDs back and then some. It will take a while to push all these mags because of the limited amount of people who play on the server at one time, Non event months, your reputation, the type of mags that are in demand and the price you decide to sale them at etc.
At the height of my mag production, I could make these 1000 mags in about 3-4 months with what I had to work with.
These mags were being produced for the 2020 Summer event, but I quit before it came about.
A hand full of mags might not have a full 120 sync to start with, these were mags that people traded back in and I never got back around to boosting the sync stat. BUT rest assured 99% of these mags are new and have full 200 IQ and 120 Sync to start.
All the level one characters you see on the Meseta spent at Shop leader board were my mag raising accounts. TM2, re and Rang. I had quite a few more that have fallen off over time because I stopped using them, but this gives an estimate of the amount of meseta I used overtime
To make this trade as easy as possible, I'll be making a separate PSO account while the auction is on going, I'll be moving these mags over from my main account to that account over the next few days. I simply dont have the time to trade all 1000 mags, 30 at a time in one sitting, so I would rather do it now over the next few days as the time allows me.
So when the auction is finalized I can just give you Login and PW info and be done with it.
So ill be transferring over a couple hundred at a time when i have breaks in my day to do so. Once the Auction is complete and the PDs are paid, I'll promptly send over the Login and password to this mag holding account. You can rest assured I wont be doing anything shady with this account once the trade is complete, You can use the account as is or what I would recommend is that you make another account and move them over when you have the time to do so. Even though I dont play PSO anymore , I still take my reputation very seriously on the off chance that ill be back one of these days in the future if this server is still around.

48 Hour resets
AUCTION ENDS 12/02/21 10:10 AM central time.
Up for auction, the ultimate Mag Business Starter Kit! I stopped selling mags around May of last year and I have been sitting on these mags since then! I've contemplated for quite some time about wanting to get back into the mag business but I've made the decision not to at this time.
I really really enjoyed making and selling mags but I burnt my self out from producing and selling hundreds of mags a month for a steady 3 years! If I had more time and more stability in my life, I would probably still be making mags today but unfortunately I'm just not in the position to produce and sale mags right now. Maybe if Ephinea is still around in 5 years or so, maybe ill make a comeback?

Up for auction is my complete inventory that I had when I stopped making mags. I will have them listed in a downloadable PDF and Notepad file attached below. I cannot upload an Excel File so you will need to copy and paste from PDF to Excel to get mag count for your self. If you prefer I can maybe send you the Excel File through Discord?
I will also have 5 sample pictures from the Excel file but for the full list please download the PDF or Notepad Files.
Some Random S**t!
Satos are by far the best selling mags on the server even though they are not the best mag (stat wise) compared to quite a few others, im pretty sure everyone already knew that though.
ALL MAGS WILL COME WITH TWINS, The other two PBs will vary between certain mags but most are Estilla and Pilla.
Valentine ,Summer and Xmas event were by far the best months for mag sales, I could average an easy 25 to 50+ PDs per day for the entire month! it was nothing to see 800 to 1500+ pds in a month if you could keep up with demand which was harder than it seems. You had to be prepared WAAY before the events started so I would start mass producing mags 24/7 around the clock, 2 months before summer event and I would still run out of mags!
on off months that are not event months, you could still average about 200-600 pds a month easy depending on demand, types of mags you have on inventory and the price that you sale them at.
Does this mean YOU can sale that many mags in a month?? Who knows, but this can be a great investment depending on what price the Auction ends at. Over the long term, you can expect to get your PDs back and then some. It will take a while to push all these mags because of the limited amount of people who play on the server at one time, Non event months, your reputation, the type of mags that are in demand and the price you decide to sale them at etc.
At the height of my mag production, I could make these 1000 mags in about 3-4 months with what I had to work with.
These mags were being produced for the 2020 Summer event, but I quit before it came about.
A hand full of mags might not have a full 120 sync to start with, these were mags that people traded back in and I never got back around to boosting the sync stat. BUT rest assured 99% of these mags are new and have full 200 IQ and 120 Sync to start.
All the level one characters you see on the Meseta spent at Shop leader board were my mag raising accounts. TM2, re and Rang. I had quite a few more that have fallen off over time because I stopped using them, but this gives an estimate of the amount of meseta I used overtime
To make this trade as easy as possible, I'll be making a separate PSO account while the auction is on going, I'll be moving these mags over from my main account to that account over the next few days. I simply dont have the time to trade all 1000 mags, 30 at a time in one sitting, so I would rather do it now over the next few days as the time allows me.
So when the auction is finalized I can just give you Login and PW info and be done with it.
So ill be transferring over a couple hundred at a time when i have breaks in my day to do so. Once the Auction is complete and the PDs are paid, I'll promptly send over the Login and password to this mag holding account. You can rest assured I wont be doing anything shady with this account once the trade is complete, You can use the account as is or what I would recommend is that you make another account and move them over when you have the time to do so. Even though I dont play PSO anymore , I still take my reputation very seriously on the off chance that ill be back one of these days in the future if this server is still around.

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