.Kuja Member Gender Male Guildcard 42013420 Jun 26, 2017 #3 2 stacks? Edit. Nvm yunchang with similar stats is valued at 60~PD atm, what's up with partisan values lol? Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
2 stacks? Edit. Nvm yunchang with similar stats is valued at 60~PD atm, what's up with partisan values lol?
Melirei Retired Game Mechanic Novelist Guildcard 42000898 Guildcard 2 42001377 Jun 27, 2017 #4 Quite possibly more than 1 stack? Hard to say...
Dab pso winner Gender Male Guildcard 42000107 Jun 27, 2017 #5 This is one of those items where you need to auction to find out the value, because it really depends on the buyer(s).
This is one of those items where you need to auction to find out the value, because it really depends on the buyer(s).
VENOM Eternal lenny Gender Male Guildcard 42008419 Jun 27, 2017 #6 Yes auction it I could see it going for over a stack if 2 parties+ interested.
Bagarozy Brechstange DEluxe Guildcard 341 Guildcard 2 976 Jun 27, 2017 #7 Only if people dropped their silly "50H+" needs =)