Archivebit fourwordsalluppercase Gender Female Guildcard 42007460 Sep 25, 2016 #4 i agree, 45pd is probably about right.
Dab pso winner Gender Male Guildcard 42000107 Sep 26, 2016 #5 Seems like most weps are 1pd per hit %.
Ayria Member Sep 26, 2016 #6 45 is getting close to an arrest needle - arguably better than a hit spread as most enemies you need to paralyze have low evasion to begin with. These work really well on casts vs anything with low ESP, but finding someone who wants and is willing to pay for that might be tough. Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
45 is getting close to an arrest needle - arguably better than a hit spread as most enemies you need to paralyze have low evasion to begin with. These work really well on casts vs anything with low ESP, but finding someone who wants and is willing to pay for that might be tough.
GuardianGirth Member Gender Male Sep 26, 2016 #7 For casts, once you hit 35hit on an SN, your activation rate is actually better because ata becomes the only factor. If anything a 45hit Needle Should be 60-70.
For casts, once you hit 35hit on an SN, your activation rate is actually better because ata becomes the only factor. If anything a 45hit Needle Should be 60-70.
Ayria Member Sep 26, 2016 #8 GuardianGirth said: ata becomes the only factor Click to expand... Wouldn't it also depend on the ESP of whatever you're shooting at..? Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
GuardianGirth said: ata becomes the only factor Click to expand... Wouldn't it also depend on the ESP of whatever you're shooting at..?