Wannabe hs? Sure most zerk guns are, but not this one oh no. In the hands of a Hucast this thing is better than a "common" HS when used by the 2 other droids that can use HS (and not so bad in the hands of a Humar as well really he is just right under Racaseal using HS with s-reds but whatever).
A Hucast with red ring and this gun has 1869 power
A Racast using red ring and HS has 2070 power
If Hucast slaps on s-red blades he beats Racast and Racaseal in their HS power (Racaseal has 1895 power)
Now none of this matters as much power wise much if HS is sphered in dark of course.
However, of course accuracy wise this gun is packing, in order for a Ramar to beat it in accuracy he needs a 15 hit hs, a Racast needs a big old uber 40 hit hs.
In fact here are some hit rates:
Deldepth if frozen, Hucast is wearing red ring using a hard, special, special combo
Hit 1: 79% (79.1%)
Hit 2: 62% (62.3%)
Hit 3: 100% (128.45%)
Dark Falz form 3, Hucast wearing RR using specials only:
Hit 1: 71% (70.5%)
Hit 2: 100% (120.8%)
Hit 3: 100% (186.95%)
Hucast smacking Falz's ass without red ring using specials only:
Hit 1: 61% (60.5%)
Hit 2: 100% (107.8%)
Hit 3: 100% (169.95%)
Fomar with no red ring on deldepth if frozen using hard, special, special:
Hit 1: 46% (45.5%)
Hit 2: 31% (31.1%) (hard hits no matter what though)
Hit 3: 88% (87.65%)
Fomar, no red ring vs Falz 3 using hard, special, special:
Hit 1: 100% (104%)
Hit 2: 90% (89.6%)
Hit 3: 100% (146.15%)
My friend, what you have here is a mini uber. No one wants to pay what it is worth yet everyone I bet would want it. Like level 30 grants or so.
Its the sort of thing that would be used to trade in part for some super uber.
As in the thing that only a guy who has everything already would really buy. Its a shame it isn't charge though cause that would just boost its value.
If someone wanted to give me a stack of pds or something though, I'd totally take the pds and run!
Oh and I hate you for having it and not me