PC> Non 0 RAmar Spread Needle



More than price checking i would like to know how much hit is good enough for Spread Needle on RAmar.

Following on that, i would start looking for one with, let's say 20/0/0/20/20 or 20/20/0/0/20.
How much would one of those cost me?
RAmar/RAmarl should use S-Rank Needles with Arrest special, because Spread Needle's activation rate is not high enough for them. Android classes were able to use Spread Needle with hit effectively only because they have an innate boost to paralysis specials, and has lesser ATA to begin with.
Anything below 40 would seem to go for the fairly standard 1pd/hit.

I've never valued them much unless you're lucky enough to find one, but they offer a stopgap before an arrest needle and at least some people like the chance to paralyze 1S instead of waiting or cancelling till the 2/3rd with an s-rank.

Not a great choice for fleshies for reasons mentioned above though.
I forgot to thank you both for your answers. I decided to wait for the S-ranks, currently leveling my RAmar with HS, Exca and FS xD.