PC>Girasole 0/0/0/0|65


PC a 65hit girasole, not necessarily selling it yet, just would like to know for the future what to start an auction at.
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200, possibly more if someone will pay it.
If I were to auction I'd put the reserve at 150.
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not personally a fan of this wep but i'd still call it about 150, probably more. venom's right
Definately a lot. People that wanted this generally wanted specific %. The fact its 0'd may actually be useful so they can do what they want with it...
Fomar packs 298 ata with this. It gets to match my 75 hit rainbow baton which is pretty sweet but besides that.

-with 100% dark a Fomar with max atp and shifta 30 and zalure 30 can kill a delbiter in 2 full hhh combos, if the delbiter is frozen he can hhh with almost no chance of missing as well (if it is not frozen fomar has to go nhh still)

weapon range with 100% in an attribute 1000-1100
1050 average attack of weapon
368 n hit
696 h hit
3520 (nhh)
4176 (hhh)

Delbiter has 8318 hp.

Lets compare a 50 hit 100% dark guardianna
436-596 weapon range
516 average attack of weapon
272 n hit
515 h hit
904 s hit
3499 (nhs)
3888 (nss)
4131 (hss)

Delbiter is left with 56 hp if nothing hurt it before hand. In truth its actually quite a very dead dog usually cause I'm not really factoring in shifta's damage being added to the max attack stat in this or girasole (oh and a few crits would do it in as well).

So yeah this girasole's combo can potentially do the damage of a guardianna's face nuke combo. Though yeah it needs that 100 dark added to do that.

500-550 Girasole 0.
1760 (nhh)
2088 (hhh)

650-715 Girasole 30.
2888 (nhh)
3426 (hhh)

218-298 Guardianna 0.
2903 (nhs)
3226 (nss)
3427 (hss)

284-387 Guardianna 30.
3080 (nhs)
3423 (nss)
3637 (hss)

So while it has been fun to compare a Guardianna to a Girasole I do have to point out that Guardianna is a projectile and is about 300x safer to use than Girasole even up close. Oh and the base damage of a 0% element to Guardianna is still crazy cause of the face nuke. A Fomar with a 0 dark Guardianna can with a full hss combo does 3427 damage to a delbiter with almost no risk. A Ramarl with a 100 dark heaven striker using hss on delbiter does 3746 damage to compare (if for some reason you would do that).

Though I should also say that Girasole's higher base attack does make it better on high defense foes like Epsilon. 100 machine lets you do 3196 or so to it with hhh where as Guardianna does a little over 2100 (granted 0 machine here). Granted, demons cards have about a 10% chance of working on s2 and 33%x3 chance of working on s3 so take it as you will there.
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Fomar packs 298 ata with this. It gets to match my 75 hit rainbow baton which is pretty sweet but besides that.

-with 100% dark a Fomar with max atp and shifta 30 and zalure 30 can kill a delbiter in 2 full hhh combos, if the delbiter is frozen he can hhh with almost no chance of missing as well (if it is not frozen fomar has to go nhh still)

weapon range with 100% in an attribute 1000-1100
1050 average attack of weapon
368 n hit
696 h hit
3520 (nhh)
4176 (hhh)

Delbiter has 8318 hp.

Lets compare a 50 hit 100% dark guardianna
436-596 weapon range
516 average attack of weapon
272 n hit
515 h hit
904 s hit
3499 (nhs)
3888 (nss)
4131 (hss)

Delbiter is left with 56 hp if nothing hurt it before hand. In truth its actually quite a very dead dog usually cause I'm not really factoring in shifta's damage being added to the max attack stat in this or girasole (oh and a few crits would do it in as well).

So yeah this girasole's combo can potentially do the damage of a guardianna's face nuke combo. Though yeah it needs that 100 dark added to do that.

500-550 Girasole 0.
1760 (nhh)
2088 (hhh)

650-715 Girasole 30.
2888 (nhh)
3426 (hhh)

218-298 Guardianna 0.
2903 (nhs)
3226 (nss)
3427 (hss)

284-387 Guardianna 30.
3080 (nhs)
3423 (nss)
3637 (hss)

So while it has been fun to compare a Guardianna to a Girasole I do have to point out that Guardianna is a projectile and is about 300x safer to use than Girasole even up close. Oh and the base damage of a 0% element to Guardianna is still crazy cause of the face nuke. A Fomar with a 0 dark Guardianna can with a full hss combo does 3427 damage to a delbiter with almost no risk. A Ramarl with a 100 dark heaven striker using hss on delbiter does 3746 damage to compare (if for some reason you would do that).

Though I should also say that Girasole's higher base attack does make it better on high defense foes like Epsilon. 100 machine lets you do 3196 or so to it with hhh where as Guardianna does a little over 2100 (granted 0 machine here). Granted, demons cards have about a 10% chance of working on s2 and 33%x3 chance of working on s3 so take it as you will there.
I'm really tempted to sphere it dark now >_< But think I'll just hold off since there may be ppl as you said that would prefer machine or native. I personally use hucast/racast/hunewearl, maybe fomar in the future but low chances that I do unless I maxed out the previous 3. Right now I just use it with my hucast as its better than my 25hit mkb.
337pds for native only and you can save another 27 by buying spheres from players so 310 after all discounts, very worth. yomap has a 100n red saber lol hes ready
337pds for native only and you can save another 27 by buying spheres from players so 310 after all discounts, very worth. yomap has a 100n red saber lol hes ready

traded that red saber about a month ago for hella cheap.
Ive got a 100N 50Hit Girasole now...though that 65Hit is nice :D
A Ramarl with a 100 dark heaven striker using hss on delbiter does 3746 damage to compare (if for some reason you would do that).
My addiction to dying via zerking with HS will never get satisfied. :)
rare item with a niche market that mostly only consists of fomars and people that think the weapon is cool

can get a lot from the right buyer but there's a realistic chance that an auction may be disappointing due to a lack of audience
rare item with a niche market that mostly only consists of fomars and people that think the weapon is cool

can get a lot from the right buyer but there's a realistic chance that an auction may be disappointing due to a lack of audience
Yeah, I've started using it and started realizing I like this wep a lot. It's arguably the best twin saber as any class can use it, best in ata, 3rd best in atp, so it's as versatile as cvulcs, and it gives the most ata compared to other twin sabers before hit% is considered. Only thing better would be double cannon with 70hit then itd be the same ata but w/ more power, or bkb w/ 70hit but then ud be losing 2ata for more power but both of these, only hunters can use. The PC seems rather low 150-200, after using it I feel like its worth around 300-500. This might be wishful thinking but for this reason I'll probably just keep it. In the meanwhile I'll probably just sphere it dark and use it, in the future if I decide to sell/auction it ill keep that mac/native option available for whomever. But I don't want to get anyone's hopes up either, this is a 1/1 item so selling it for pds just seems silly, it'd have to be another wep/weps of that degree. It's not as hype as a sjs/pwand/hp but at 65h its rarer than those unless sjs had hit%. It's probably pretty niche I'd agree, I didn't know what this thing was when I found it, just the twin saber that ppl use to cut their hp for DF. It wasn't in western psobb either so hadn't seen it much personally.

Thanks again everyone for the info, I didn't know much about this item at first, but with your posts, I know much more about it. I do feel kind of bad if I got anyone's hopes up.
But I don't want to get anyone's hopes up either, this is a 1/1 item so selling it for pds just seems silly, it'd have to be another wep/weps of that degree.

It's actually a 1/2 item ;) A 65h 0ed girasole dropped for someone at the beginning of the event last month.
Girasole is not quite as good as you think, the Hunters can use BKB or DC, the Rangers generally don't need double sabers (they even get Daylight Scar!) and the female classes get Vivienne which is straight up stronger than Girasole.

So it's basically FOmar and FOnewm only.
I'd still rather use a uber guardianna and excal for my Fomar and Fonewn than Girasole. Sneaking behind a single lizard is pretty easy to do for one.

Yeah guardianna needs special accuracy and excal won't kill a single lizard faster than girasole will kill but yeah male fo have boosted gifoie and excal is safer around lizards as well cause of cutting 3 of them if you want to go melee (and even a 0 hit excal can hit frozen lizards very well and kill em fast).

Guardianna is at least also useful on stuff besides the lizards. Zu for example hate the card. For more than stopping their charge attacks. A full hss face nuke combo even with 0% native can kill a desert zu if you get 2 crits in the 5 hits and a 50% hit guardianna can hss zu very easily (hell if you feel checky you can sss them with 50 hit, granted the 1st hit only has about 50% accuracy on it). Outdoor zu aren't much better, sss is easier on them and you only need 1 crit with 0% native for the face nuke.

My post in general was really just to point out that you need to spend 300+ pds or so to make this sucker be better than a guardianna and even after the 300+ pds you only are a bit better than a 0% guardianna with the only exception being stuff like a certain machine mini boss who is open to demons anyway and fomar/fonewn can demons card or in the case of fonwen demons mech it (even though I'm in the boat of saying that demon cards are far better on fonewn than mechs even on the targets you can freeze).