Snow Hawk Member Gender Male Guildcard 42012951 Feb 23, 2017 #1 Last Swan Electro Frame Vivienne 0hit
Archivebit fourwordsalluppercase Gender Female Guildcard 42007460 Feb 23, 2017 #2 LS 4-8PD, they are scarce atm, so id say 7-8 Electro frame changes on def and slots. but 0 slot low def prolly 2pd, going up to 4 slot high def being 10-12. vivine 0h is 1-2pd
LS 4-8PD, they are scarce atm, so id say 7-8 Electro frame changes on def and slots. but 0 slot low def prolly 2pd, going up to 4 slot high def being 10-12. vivine 0h is 1-2pd