PC> 25h Mille Marteaux

25h definitely decreases the value a little; most folks would try to go for 40+ hit as far as I know. Still, a Marteaux is a Marteaux.
Tbh, I have one without hit. You don't need hit on mm and it is like a 35 hit vulcan anyway.
‘need’ is an interesting word to use here- if you’re looking to use mm for what’s it’s best at, which is looking and sounding a certain way, it functions equally well at -5h as 100h.

if you want to use it as a beatstick than any amount of increased hit is valuable all the way to 100 in terms of a secure H1.
"need" is an interesting word to use here; if you’re looking to use MM for what it’s best at, which is looking and sounding a certain way, it functions equally as well at -5h as 100h.

If you want to use it as a beatstick then any amount of increased hit is valuable all the way to 100 in terms of a secure H1.
(when the boredom of a snow-day at work kicks in and your inner "grammer tiger" gets out of the cage)
I know how to spell grammar, I was typing fast while helping customers. I honestly don't know how that incredibly obvious one slipped past me.
Good job though.
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