[OSRS]Old School RuneScape


post your names

My Main: Nic Nasty

Ultimate Ironman: Nasty Nic
oh man! that's awesome. unfortuantely now its not worth much :o( whats your user name? i usually have private chat set on friends lol
Haven't been on OSRS in a bit, I kinda wanna play again but I'm playing other MMOs so it's kinda ehhh.

I personally play Ironman because I got bored of main idk. Playing for GP and skipping everything was getting boring.
I should return to OSRS, and get 99 Slayer.
Also need to get Infernal cape as well.


((((Life Skills))))
oh man! that's awesome. unfortuantely now its not worth much :eek:( whats your user name? i usually have private chat set on friends lol
My name is "4D Gnomeball" if you can't tell from the pic. I just logged on to do the Christmas event and ended up killing a few fire giants. I don't really play that much, I guess. Last time I played my plan was to get range/mage/def to 99 and try to get into pvp but I have a long way to go. Also I still have 7 level 1 skills and haven't done about half of the f2p quests.

This was my main before I stopped, nothing special. Iirc I was working on my RC and trying to complete/get the reqs for as many hard diaries as I could, then Deadman mode came out. Played the first deadman season and then paypalled the gold near the end and stopped playing.

I've occasionally thought about starting up an Ironman, the regular game got pretty boring.

farming is best and most fun skill


This is probably my luckiest drop in OSRS, got Spectrolled twice before getting the good one.
This was a 3 man split when Elysion Sigil was around 730m.

I did raids quite a bit, but I never got anything better than the Rigour prayer scroll.
When I return I'll have to give Raids another proper shot as well.
wow guys! alot of people on here play osrs. i shall return to pso soon, ive actually been busy scaping. I only play my Nic Nasty account now. working on all skills lv80 and diaries up to hard :/ 22 more quests to do lol
I've been making progress, slowly... I got my range to 99 a little over a month ago, defense is at 90 (99 combat atm). Need to do a bunch of quests (not really my thing lol) and get rigour and vengeance.
I haven't been on OSRS recently, I got the 12-month Premier Club back in Jan but I've logged on like... twice since.

I'm waiting for OSRS Mobile though because it would be the best platform for OSRS imo. Probably will play a lot more once that happens.
nice, those prayers cost me alot :/ here is my current stats. and yeah osrs mobile release is when alot of my buddies from middleschool are down to play again.Nic Nasty.jpg
I got a main account nothing special to talk about at the moment still building it up(slowly). My current goal on it is to get barrows unlocked and get 75 slayer for gargoyles.

Been playing the DMM season too. Trying to see if I can level up enough to qualify only staying in Lumbridge and Varrock. We'll see how that goes.
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I played a bit when I was a kid but kinda stopped when I realized they reallllly wanted me to pay for premium to access some of the cool areas. Same with Adventure Quest back in the day.