for lack of a better term, you're a casual. you play pso casually. people in this thread are talking about efficient/competitive play.falkenjeff said:I main HUmar and I'm fine with vanilla.
you prefer to take your time in quests like picking up items in ma4b until you're full, pipe to pioneer then drop them and come back to help.
with that playstyle you can finish the entire game with vulcan+9 30~h no special.
I'm not trying to come off as a dick or diss you or anything. it's just 2 different playstyles and you're trying to butt into something you know nothing about.
as for darkrangeresp and his resta trolling. you do realize in this situation you're the rude one? just because that person killed one enemy before you could attack it doesn't mean he's an elitist.
and for aleron ives' idea. not a very good solution my friend.
unlocking df doesnt mean every single person on this server will use it and suddenly become a TA god and clear quests instantly. actually being able to use df means you must memorize spawns and know how to use it properly. it requires some form of skill and it makes the game much more fun. as of right now you cant even drop a sinow with unlocked df because of how low the ata of the first hit is. I miss like 50% or more of my waves on dark falz form 1 too.
people are associating unlocked dark flow with elitism but that isn't true. you can be elitist racast too. i have no idea what you people are scared of unlocking df it makes no sense lol