Old PSO veteran returning. Getting the family involved this time!


Hi PSO Ephinea community!

*inhales for deep breath intro* Firstly I'd like to say hi to everyone and express my gratitude to all those involved who are still keeping the PSO spirit and community alive. The guys running the servers here on Ephinea look like they do a great job. It's both amazing and humbling to be able to relive some amazing nostalgic experiences playing this game thanks to everyone who makes this happen.

PSO was my first encounter with an online multiplayer game way back on the Dreamcast in the early 2000's. I have the best memories as a kid playing this game with my buddies in real life, racking up huge phone bills on a 56k modem connection and being part of a community that pioneered online gaming and experiences with PSO are some of the best memories I'll ever have. My forum avatar picture is of my RAmar and is a piece of artwork I did way back in 2005!

I've played PSO in various formats over the years Dreamcast, Game Cube (I didn't own a GC but bought a memory card so I could play on my friend's one via split screen at weekends!) then eventually made the jump to PSO Blue Burst. Over the years I joined the Scthack servers, times were good there until the great server wipe and I couldn't face starting over. I briefly joined the Ultima server, and whilst that was good the option to by items there kind of put me off and took away from the true adventuring spirit at PSO's core.

I've played PSO2 over the years both the JP and EU/US versions and whilst I enjoyed it initially, it never felt the same as PSO. I think in a way it lost it's charm and became too muddled as a franchise.

I've always played RAmar, and always under the name Axel Gear, always as a Ranger - It would feel weird to play as anything else!

Fast forward over 20 years and I'm now a husband and a dad of one 7year old daughter whose into her games like me! My passion for PSO has been reignited since discovering this wonderful server and tonight we jumped on PSO Ephinea for the first time, we've made my daughter a character (a Force!) which she absolutely loved doing. I'm hoping that this weekend I can get my second pc up and running and we can go and explore Ragol together and make some new awesome memories.

Between our adventures I'll be looking to play a bit more hardcore and party up with people and hope to see and meet some of you wonderful players online! I'll be attempting to raise some mags for both myself and my daughter and hopefully some to trade as no doubt we'll be in need of some items and gear! Gotta get that meseta first... XD

Thanks for reading my ramble!
Welcome Home! Make sure you join Ephinea Discord, https://discord.gg/pso, to experience the game in its true glory. you can buy, sell, trade and connect with people to team up. Also the ephinea wiki, https://wiki.pioneer2.net/w/Main_Page, has correct info for the server where pso world and gamefaqs are outdated.

If you would like a few 4 slot frames and starter units for your family i can give you some. i play with my kids too and the starter stuff really helps. You can message me in discord if your interested.

I hope you guys have fun!
Welcome Home! Make sure you join Ephinea Discord, https://discord.gg/pso, to experience the game in its true glory. you can buy, sell, trade and connect with people to team up. Also the ephinea wiki, https://wiki.pioneer2.net/w/Main_Page, has correct info for the server where pso world and gamefaqs are outdated.

If you would like a few 4 slot frames and starter units for your family i can give you some. i play with my kids too and the starter stuff really helps. You can message me in discord if your interested.

I hope you guys have fun!
Hey Derfy,

Thanks so much for the welcome and reaching out. Great to be part of an active, helpful community and nice to see another gamer dad! I've just this minute signed up to the discord servers so will jump on and say hello there.

See you in game sometime!
Hi PSO Ephinea community!

*inhales for deep breath intro* Firstly I'd like to say hi to everyone and express my gratitude to all those involved who are still keeping the PSO spirit and community alive. The guys running the servers here on Ephinea look like they do a great job. It's both amazing and humbling to be able to relive some amazing nostalgic experiences playing this game thanks to everyone who makes this happen.

PSO was my first encounter with an online multiplayer game way back on the Dreamcast in the early 2000's. I have the best memories as a kid playing this game with my buddies in real life, racking up huge phone bills on a 56k modem connection and being part of a community that pioneered online gaming and experiences with PSO are some of the best memories I'll ever have. My forum avatar picture is of my RAmar and is a piece of artwork I did way back in 2005!

I've played PSO in various formats over the years Dreamcast, Game Cube (I didn't own a GC but bought a memory card so I could play on my friend's one via split screen at weekends!) then eventually made the jump to PSO Blue Burst. Over the years I joined the Scthack servers, times were good there until the great server wipe and I couldn't face starting over. I briefly joined the Ultima server, and whilst that was good the option to by items there kind of put me off and took away from the true adventuring spirit at PSO's core.

I've played PSO2 over the years both the JP and EU/US versions and whilst I enjoyed it initially, it never felt the same as PSO. I think in a way it lost it's charm and became too muddled as a franchise.

I've always played RAmar, and always under the name Axel Gear, always as a Ranger - It would feel weird to play as anything else!

Fast forward over 20 years and I'm now a husband and a dad of one 7year old daughter whose into her games like me! My passion for PSO has been reignited since discovering this wonderful server and tonight we jumped on PSO Ephinea for the first time, we've made my daughter a character (a Force!) which she absolutely loved doing. I'm hoping that this weekend I can get my second pc up and running and we can go and explore Ragol together and make some new awesome memories.

Between our adventures I'll be looking to play a bit more hardcore and party up with people and hope to see and meet some of you wonderful players online! I'll be attempting to raise some mags for both myself and my daughter and hopefully some to trade as no doubt we'll be in need of some items and gear! Gotta get that meseta first... XD

Thanks for reading my ramble!
SQUEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *POUNCES and examines Axle-san moar carefully than others~!* Aaaaand Yet another Old Guard Dreamcaster has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! You sir, has a familiar scent~! Prettyyyy sure mew has 'pounced' you before! Prolly from SCHTHACK. >=3! MOST if not All of us here are also SCHT Refugee/Survivors, after the BETRAYAL. Yaaaas! Preach it, Dad! Everyone who's played PSO2 has come running back saying the SAME thing! "It just doesn't have the same CHARM as the original!". We've also been adopting a Lot of unhappy NGS warriors, lately.
Mew has had the Joy and Honor of Playing PSO wiff teenagers back in early 2001....now she plays PSO wiff THEIR Kids~! And if you don't mind the Aid or gesture....mew would be very happy to halp you recover any of your lost 'Mojo' and empower your little FOney to fight by your side~! Just let her know when u usually pop online! Needless to say, we are Blessed to count passionate players as yourself among Family now! Shoulder to Shoulder! Welcome HOME!
Oh, 'Ramble All you want, dear! Your story reflects on ALL of us too~! Nya~! <3
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SQUEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *POUNCES and examines Axle-san moar carefully than others~!* Aaaaand Yet another Old Guard Dreamcaster has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! You sir, has a familiar scent~! Prettyyyy sure mew has 'pounced' you before! Prolly from SCHTHACK. >=3! MOST if not All of us here are also SCHT Refugee/Survivors, after the BETRAYAL. Yaaaas! Preach it, Dad! Everyone who's played PSO2 has come running back saying the SAME thing! "It just doesn't have the same CHARM as the original!". We've been adopting a Lot of unhappy NGS warriors, lately.
Mew has had the Joy and Honor of Playing PSO wiff teenagers back in early 2001....now she plays PSO wiff THEIR Kids~! And if you don't mind the Aid or gesture....mew would be very happy to halp you recover any of your lost 'Mojo' and empower your little FOney to fight by your side~! Just let her know when u usually pop online! Needless to say, we are Blessed to count passionate players as yourself among Family now! Shoulder to Shoulder! Welcome HOME!
Oh, 'Ramble All you want, dear! Your story reflects on ALL of us too~! Nya~! <3

Hey Mew! Wow what a welcome, thank you so much for that. It's great to be here, back in familiar territory but with the added bonus of a brilliant community, there's no game quite like PSO in my life that's for sure. Hoping to inspire my little one whose already wanting to get back on after school :)

I'm fairly certain I recognise you from the lobbies back on SCHT! Us old vets still have the passion for PSO I see! It's great to see some familiar faces here too.
I'm from the UK, so our timezones may differ a little, but currently I'm usually about most evenings, and just scrounging some FO bits for my kid during the day (I have a job, honest!). It'd be good to catch up with you sometime sure!
Hey Mew! Wow what a welcome, thank you so much for that. It's great to be here, back in familiar territory but with the added bonus of a brilliant community, there's no game quite like PSO in my life that's for sure. Hoping to inspire my little one whose already wanting to get back on after school :)

I'm fairly certain I recognise you from the lobbies back on SCHT! Us old vets still have the passion for PSO I see! It's great to see some familiar faces here too.
I'm from the UK, so our timezones may differ a little, but currently I'm usually about most evenings, and just scrounging some FO bits for my kid during the day (I have a job, honest!). It'd be good to catch up with you sometime sure!
Cheers, luv~! =3!
Hi PSO Ephinea community!

*inhales for deep breath intro* Firstly I'd like to say hi to everyone and express my gratitude to all those involved who are still keeping the PSO spirit and community alive. The guys running the servers here on Ephinea look like they do a great job. It's both amazing and humbling to be able to relive some amazing nostalgic experiences playing this game thanks to everyone who makes this happen.

PSO was my first encounter with an online multiplayer game way back on the Dreamcast in the early 2000's. I have the best memories as a kid playing this game with my buddies in real life, racking up huge phone bills on a 56k modem connection and being part of a community that pioneered online gaming and experiences with PSO are some of the best memories I'll ever have. My forum avatar picture is of my RAmar and is a piece of artwork I did way back in 2005!

I've played PSO in various formats over the years Dreamcast, Game Cube (I didn't own a GC but bought a memory card so I could play on my friend's one via split screen at weekends!) then eventually made the jump to PSO Blue Burst. Over the years I joined the Scthack servers, times were good there until the great server wipe and I couldn't face starting over. I briefly joined the Ultima server, and whilst that was good the option to by items there kind of put me off and took away from the true adventuring spirit at PSO's core.

I've played PSO2 over the years both the JP and EU/US versions and whilst I enjoyed it initially, it never felt the same as PSO. I think in a way it lost it's charm and became too muddled as a franchise.

I've always played RAmar, and always under the name Axel Gear, always as a Ranger - It would feel weird to play as anything else!

Fast forward over 20 years and I'm now a husband and a dad of one 7year old daughter whose into her games like me! My passion for PSO has been reignited since discovering this wonderful server and tonight we jumped on PSO Ephinea for the first time, we've made my daughter a character (a Force!) which she absolutely loved doing. I'm hoping that this weekend I can get my second pc up and running and we can go and explore Ragol together and make some new awesome memories.

Between our adventures I'll be looking to play a bit more hardcore and party up with people and hope to see and meet some of you wonderful players online! I'll be attempting to raise some mags for both myself and my daughter and hopefully some to trade as no doubt we'll be in need of some items and gear! Gotta get that meseta first... XD

Thanks for reading my ramble!
Probably the cutest thing I’ve ever read. My kids aren’t quite old enough but that’s pretty much my dream right there
Hey Mew! Wow what a welcome, thank you so much for that. It's great to be here, back in familiar territory but with the added bonus of a brilliant community, there's no game quite like PSO in my life that's for sure. Hoping to inspire my little one whose already wanting to get back on after school :)

I'm fairly certain I recognise you from the lobbies back on SCHT! Us old vets still have the passion for PSO I see! It's great to see some familiar faces here too.
I'm from the UK, so our timezones may differ a little, but currently I'm usually about most evenings, and just scrounging some FO bits for my kid during the day (I have a job, honest!). It'd be good to catch up with you sometime sure!
What was your name on scthack? I may have ran into you there as well
SQUEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *POUNCES and examines Axle-san moar carefully than others~!* Aaaaand Yet another Old Guard Dreamcaster has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! You sir, has a familiar scent~! Prettyyyy sure mew has 'pounced' you before! Prolly from SCHTHACK. >=3! MOST if not All of us here are also SCHT Refugee/Survivors, after the BETRAYAL. Yaaaas! Preach it, Dad! Everyone who's played PSO2 has come running back saying the SAME thing! "It just doesn't have the same CHARM as the original!". We've also been adopting a Lot of unhappy NGS warriors, lately.
Mew has had the Joy and Honor of Playing PSO wiff teenagers back in early 2001....now she plays PSO wiff THEIR Kids~! And if you don't mind the Aid or gesture....mew would be very happy to halp you recover any of your lost 'Mojo' and empower your little FOney to fight by your side~! Just let her know when u usually pop online! Needless to say, we are Blessed to count passionate players as yourself among Family now! Shoulder to Shoulder! Welcome HOME!
Oh, 'Ramble All you want, dear! Your story reflects on ALL of us too~! Nya~! <3
Oops earlier question meant for you not him
I’m almost positive I’ve seen that name, I had a Hucast named robutt, played on scthack for years until they wiped, then had the itch for a long time. Finally after escaping EA Ultima I came here to finally get the items I Always wanted when I started
Mew was told she was the "Server Mascot" for SCHTHACK, so that could prolly explain why her name is taunting your memory~! Mew also has a special "word" for you ULTIMA players we get here......"....RESCUES~! <3!". =3
I swear I remember an Axel from the old days. Did you have an account on the Sega foruns or ragol.co.uk? I went by A.S.

In any case—welcome aboard!
Hi PSO Ephinea community!

*inhales for deep breath intro* Firstly I'd like to say hi to everyone and express my gratitude to all those involved who are still keeping the PSO spirit and community alive. The guys running the servers here on Ephinea look like they do a great job. It's both amazing and humbling to be able to relive some amazing nostalgic experiences playing this game thanks to everyone who makes this happen.

PSO was my first encounter with an online multiplayer game way back on the Dreamcast in the early 2000's. I have the best memories as a kid playing this game with my buddies in real life, racking up huge phone bills on a 56k modem connection and being part of a community that pioneered online gaming and experiences with PSO are some of the best memories I'll ever have. My forum avatar picture is of my RAmar and is a piece of artwork I did way back in 2005!

I've played PSO in various formats over the years Dreamcast, Game Cube (I didn't own a GC but bought a memory card so I could play on my friend's one via split screen at weekends!) then eventually made the jump to PSO Blue Burst. Over the years I joined the Scthack servers, times were good there until the great server wipe and I couldn't face starting over. I briefly joined the Ultima server, and whilst that was good the option to by items there kind of put me off and took away from the true adventuring spirit at PSO's core.

I've played PSO2 over the years both the JP and EU/US versions and whilst I enjoyed it initially, it never felt the same as PSO. I think in a way it lost it's charm and became too muddled as a franchise.

I've always played RAmar, and always under the name Axel Gear, always as a Ranger - It would feel weird to play as anything else!

Fast forward over 20 years and I'm now a husband and a dad of one 7year old daughter whose into her games like me! My passion for PSO has been reignited since discovering this wonderful server and tonight we jumped on PSO Ephinea for the first time, we've made my daughter a character (a Force!) which she absolutely loved doing. I'm hoping that this weekend I can get my second pc up and running and we can go and explore Ragol together and make some new awesome memories.

Between our adventures I'll be looking to play a bit more hardcore and party up with people and hope to see and meet some of you wonderful players online! I'll be attempting to raise some mags for both myself and my daughter and hopefully some to trade as no doubt we'll be in need of some items and gear! Gotta get that meseta first... XD

Thanks for reading my ramble!

Hello Axel Gear and welcome.

I have no doubt that you will come to love this place. I discovered Ephinea a few months back and had so many wonderful experiences since, it is almost like back in the day on Dreamcast. Some aspects are even elevated on this server. Be sure to know the different boons you have when playing on this server. There is a "shared bank" system. You can change the bank with "/bank" in the game. But there are some good Beginner Guides on the Ephinea Homepage, be sure to read them through.

I am in awe to hear, that your daughter joined your adventure. My ten year old son joined up too. His in game name is Saden. But of course he does not play that regulary. School comes first and too much TV time is not possible aswell.

There are even two more sons slowly becoming old enough to participate. They are currenty 7 and 5 years old.

How does your daughter manage? The aiming must be hard for her. My son found it the easiest to play as a ranged char.
Seeing folks involving their kids really makes me curious to get my daughter to stop pestering me and just set her up on the laptop or something now that I have an extra controller lol. She seems to like RAcaseals, so maybe we'll see.

I'm very glad to see this server being family friendly, and willing to moderate one another to keep it PG-13 max. The more I see this, the more I feel safer letting my kids in on it (almost 8 and almost 17).

Who knows? I'm totally down with 2 parent/2 kid parties. Sounds harmless enough. Heck, I'll use that opportunity to play/learn a Force. I've ALWAYS played HUcast and RAcast. So jumping straight to any FO pretty much makes me as green as the kids. Levels the playing field.

At least it'll keep the younger one from bugging me for a drum set. I'm not opposed, just don't have the money at the moment lol. Don't worry, they'll happen, we're a family of musicians (I'm bass, the wife sings, teenager is guitar) and drums are very welcome...when we can afford a set.

I just might set her up Christmas morning. Gifts aren't always physical. She'd be thrilled xD
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Seeing folks involving their kids really makes me curious to get my daughter to stop pestering me and just set her up on the laptop or something now that I have an extra controller lol. She seems to like RAcaseals, so maybe we'll see.

I'm very glad to see this server being family friendly, and willing to moderate one another to keep it PG-13 max. The more I see this, the more I feel safer letting my kids in on it (almost 8 and almost 17).

Who knows? I'm totally down with 2 parent/2 kid parties. Sounds harmless enough. Heck, I'll use that opportunity to play/learn a Force. I've ALWAYS played HUcast and RAcast. So jumping straight to any FO pretty much makes me as green as the kids. Levels the playing field.

At least it'll keep the younger one from bugging me for a drum set. I'm not opposed, just don't have the money at the moment lol. Don't worry, they'll happen, we're a family of musicians (I'm bass, the wife sings, teenager is guitar) and drums are very welcome...when we can afford a set.

I just might set her up Christmas morning. Gifts aren't always physical. She'd be thrilled xD
Yyyyyyeah, about that.....Though SEGA had first started off PSO wiff auto censoring speech features..... we would try typing stuff like S@#% and F%#@......Fast forward to today and the censorship is LONG gone.... So, while our community is relatively chipper and nurturing...we DO and will Always has those less considerate of others and less restrained to be Vulgar and boisterous in lobbies and private rooms. IE Symbol chats and talk of getting 'High' or drunk....yadda yadda. Soooo, yeah....ARE WE PG-13?..... ONLY if someone is WATCHING! lol. Hope this halps in dis-swaying you in leaving your litter in the wilds of PSO. If let in a room wiff mew or one of her loved ones alone while say You go out for a smoke or bathroom break, they'll be safe and no trauma will incur! nya~! <3!
OH! And Yes! The Family that PLAYS together.....Stays together~! <3!
Conditionally, maybe? Swear words out, but you can still say "shoes", "Frozen Shooter", "Saturday", etc.
I was thinking of just a setting in the launcher and/or a ship command toggle.

We could just have a custom swear word file that people could edit themselves and have the client filter via the words they set to be filtered.

Default file would just be a copy of the original smutdata that the game came with.