Now you can have the power of your very own Skankenham at your fingertips!

In Fire Pro Wrestling World....

He punches, he kicks, he slams, he does death-defying stunts off the top ropes, he wipes the mat clean using your opponent's face!
Available at
for the low, low price of 0 Meseta.
Yes, you heard me! Zero Meseta!
Not a photon drop, or even a bronze badge!
(However, the game costs $19.99, but it is the best wrestling game, EVER.)

And a special bonus... If you've seen this video and are totally appalled at PSO2's total bastardization of Phantasy Star's story and setting, crossing over into current Earth with someone being sucked into her monitor's screen, and even visiting such locations as Las Vegas (which would offend even Hannibal Lector's sensibilities)....
Starting at 9:13 (skip to using the address )
It just so happens someone has uploaded two PSO2 characters for you to beat up!
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Video of 8 wrestler Battle Royal featuring some crazy moves.

I thought 6 player Fire Prowrestling S: 6men Scamble for Japanese Saturn was a riot but damn! I tested this one 4 player so far but it goes up to 8 if you can connect that many controllers. The PS4 version (not out yet) may only be 4 player though.
Video of 8 wrestler Battle Royal featuring some crazy moves.

I thought 6 player Fire Prowrestling S: 6men Scamble for Japanese Saturn was a riot but damn! I tested this one 4 player so far but it goes up to 8 if you can connect that many controllers. The PS4 version (not out yet) may only be 4 player though.
Is that...Hitler wrestling in the ring? lol
Yes, people have also made Stalin, Lenin, Kim Jong Un, various presidents, Putin, and probably more.
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Ha! I have that old cart. RAW is a four player version of it with an altered roster where they have a bit more variety than just having single different signature moves. The 32-bit CD versions of "WWF Wrestlemania the arcade game" are still good for really whacky 2D fighting. I made sure I downloaded people's wrestlers to recreate itheir rosters as well as the other SNES/Genesis/32X carts and Wrestlefest arcade game. Rather than mashing to win a grapple, Fire Pro is timing based where you press a button, with or without a direction, the moment to you slap in the grasp of the grapple. And some complicated moves require you to win the timing of additional grapples to pull them off. There's plenty of opportunities for reversals. I was blown away discovering the 6 player Saturn one which gives you 137 wrestlers right off the bat before enabling or creating more. You have to rename them to their real names (which there's FAQs on). All the way back then it also had "Gruesome Fighting" mode for MMA in UFC style octagon, though you could take anyone into it besides the well known MMA guys and the Gracies the game includes. They've since made it 10 or 12 sided to avoid lawsuits. There's also an electrified steel cage. Now in FPW World you have crazy barbwire and landmine matches too.

Looking at Gamefaqs the series apparently started on Japanese PC-Engine (TurboGrafX16), had several on SNES(Super Famicom), and then the Saturn, then Dreamcast. Finally two GBA ones came out in the US. The second one being really butchered for its US release. There's been a few since: a neutered 3D attempt on Xbox (360?) people pretend doesn't exist, a couple PS2 ones with Fire Pro W Returns finally coming out here again, and now finally this new one. Recently people were still uploading mods of collections of wrestlers for Returns. I wasn't aware of the series until the Saturn. I might have picked it up when Game Stop or EB suddenly starting just selling Japanese Saturn games, since idiot SoA was blocking US versions of all kinds of great games. I skipped the newer DC version since it was only 4 player. I've only played the Saturn, first GBA, and the new FPWW. Being nuts I've downloaded close to 800 wrestlers for it (some duplicates cause I like what different people did). Some have downloaded over 1000.

I've only see RAW once recently in the last 20 years and never seen Smackdown, but my arrangement of promotions and stables under promotions looks like this:

-=Promotion: M.U.S.C.L.E.=-
Kinnikuman (and closest allies)
Reformed (villains that became allies)
300 Pointers
-=Promotion SWA=-
Zero Escape (characters of another Spike Chunsoft series)
SWA Good Girls (moved from SWA Babyface)
SWA Face (came with game)
SWA Heel (came with game)
-=Promotion Women=-
Mae Young Classic (herself and competitors)
NXT girls
WWE girls
WWF woman (from earlier times)
Jpn Women
More Women
Even more
(Will probably take female Luchadors out of the undefined mixes for their own stable)
Capcom girls
SNK girls
MK women
MMA Women
-=Promotion WWE=-
WWF 80's/Classic
WWF 90's
Folk Heroes (Mil Mascaras, Blue Demon Jr., El Santo)
Other (Japanese and others. Need more of old Fire Pro Rosters)
E-Fed (may make a promotion with various stables as people's different promotions)
8-bit NES
Capcom (grapplers and Darkstalkers only, no other strikers such as Ryu etc)
Technos (an 8-man Battle Royal of these was almost nothing but strikes though)
Other games
Cobra (GI Joe's enemies)
Monsters (neutral, because some good, some evil, and some just misunderstood)
(Might make Animals separate from monsters, and put the Elephant Man here just to be a jerk if someone makes him)
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